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Average Jatt Sikh Male Height 5' 7"


Apr 3, 2005

Body measurements and somatotypes of young adult Jat-Sikh men of Punjab, India.

Singh SP, Sidhu LS, Malhotra P.

Department of Human Biology, Punjabi University, Patiala, India.

During 1972 body measurements including height, weight, limb circumferences, skeletal diameters and skinfolds were taken on 100 unrelated and healthy Jat-Sikh men of 17 to 25 years of age, belonging to different areas of Punjab, India. The average height and weight of Jat-Sikhs is 170.4 cm and 54.5 kg, respectively. The mean Heath-Carter somatotype is 3.22-3.40-4.11. The majority of somatotypes is concentrated in endo-ectomorph and meso-ectomorph sectors of the somatochart. Comparisons with recently described data on females of the same area and population show significant sex differences in various body measurements except for the bicristal diameter. The females possess significantly more subcutaneous fat. For the rest of the measurements, the males have higher values. The Jat-Sikh males are comparable in height and weight to the contemporary pooled Punjabi, but are distinctly taller than the neighbouring populations of Himachal Pradesh and pooled all India samples. However, they are comparatively smaller and lighter as compared to European and American populations.
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

LOL. Sounds just like my husband's business partners. To the last bicristal!Only problem. They are Khatris...Guess that puts them in the all Punjabi pool.


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

LOL. Sounds just like my husband's business partners. To the last bicristal!Only problem. They are Khatris...Guess that puts them in the all Punjabi pool.

To be honest this study surprised me too.I used to Think That an average jatt is about 5-10 or 5-11


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

Don't forget there is a range and a standard deviation. I too think of Jaats as tall. There are Jaat males that exceed the average. If we know more about the distribution of this sample - the one examined by the researchers - we could even estimate the percentage that are above the average height. If the distribution is normal, bell-shaped, with basically even numbers above and below the average height or mean, then the estimation of the percentages within different height ranges will be easy.


May 8, 2010
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

To be honest this study surprised me too.I used to Think That an average jatt is about 5-10 or 5-11

Nah thats just Jatts brain washing you and especially Jatt World talking crap.....

Its a long story but I have grown up with Jatts and they actually think I am a Jatt because I am big and strong and have fair skin, not bad looking...... oh yeah the story.... basically Jatts think that any SIkh guy who is strong is a Jatt, so they mistake Chamars and God knows who else by thinking he must be Jatt..... also they think that all tough people are Jatts and talk wildly about how Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Hari Nalwa etc etc a the greatest Jatts ever.... I am sure that this kind of stuff is not prevalent amongst all Jatts but for some reason they have brain washed themselves into thinking like this..... I kind of just give up now - I dont care any more because this ignorance is just not going to change is is fueled even more by places like Jatt World....

Lastly celebrating Jattism as a race is great I dont care but when it goes beyond that into a supiority level then thats when it gets out of hand..... its total pie in the sky stuff

This Greek god type of Jatt just simply does not exist!

However on a postive note, I wish all my Jatt brothers all the best and if they do have such big pride in being a Jatt that they put it into good use (as they have done in previous wars) because we might have some testing times comming up ahead that tests the Sikh people as a whole and we need to support each other.... I am going to a second Sikh to Bangladeshi wedding next week.... oh well!

Good luck!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

I can't get to the original study. So no statistics available for me to look at. The percentages of who is taller than the mean would depend on the statistics that describe this sample. If I could find that out, then we would know whether the typical Jaat is taller than 5-7. It is statistically possible. I don't doubt the average number. but...The average height can be a misleading number for several reasons, and only works if height is normally distributed. Leave it at that for now.


May 8, 2010
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

I can't get to the original study. So no statistics available for me to look at. The percentages of who is taller than the mean would depend on the statistics that describe this sample. If I could find that out, then we would know whether the typical Jaat is taller than 5-7. It is statistically possible. I don't doubt the average number. but...The average height can be a misleading number for several reasons, and only works if height is normally distributed. Leave it at that for now.



Apr 3, 2005
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

I am really sorry but it is childish study as he is putting arora sikhs,Gujrati hindu and haryanavi in same height bracket .In India every one knows that haryanavi are almost equal to jatt sikhs while Gujrati and bengali,bihari are quite short.Accorsing to wikipedia Indian average male is between 5-3 and 5-5 While according his study average height of No Indian male is 5-7


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

jbadshah ji

Thanks but in addition to knowing the average height of the Punjabi Jaat male, I need to know the standard deviation for the sample, the confidence interval for the average given, the mode or most frequent height recorded, and the value for the skewness of the measured heights (whether or not there is an even distribution of heights on either side of the mean). Without that it is impossible to know whether the mean or average height is misleading. My guess is that it is misleading but I can't prove it. I think the first author would share that information. The first author's resume is on the net. He can be reached.


Apr 24, 2006
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

Was this study not done in 1970?? That's quite a while back, Jatts (and others) may well be taller now because of better nutrition and healthcare.

However, they are comparatively smaller and lighter as compared to European and American populations.
... because Westerners had better nutrition and healthcare.


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

Was this study not done in 1970?? That's quite a while back, Jatts (and others) may well be taller now because of better nutrition and healthcare.

... because Westerners had better nutrition and healthcare.

In Indian cities the nutrition got better and what was 5-6 in 70s is now 5-9
But in Rural India nutrition has gone worse as lot of milk is now sold at higher rate to cities and towns.So may be today height is one inch taller or shorter


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

Its a long story but I have grown up with Jatts and they actually think I am a Jatt because I am big and strong and have fair skin, not bad looking...... oh yeah the story.... basically Jatts think that any SIkh guy who is strong is a Jatt, so they mistake Chamars and God knows who else by thinking he must be Jatt..... also they think that all tough people are Jatts and talk wildly about how Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Hari Nalwa etc etc a the greatest Jatts ever.... I am sure that this kind of stuff is not prevalent amongst all Jatts but for some reason they have brain washed themselves into thinking like this..... I kind of just give up now - I dont care any more because this ignorance is just not going to change is is fueled even more by places like Jatt World....

Jatts as fair skinned people is One of the biggest misconception.Brahmin,Khatri and arora are fairest people.among sikhs it is khatri's and arora's .No doubt jatts have big physique
and more masculine feature's .Infact if you look at film industry of India you will find priyanka chopra and kareena kapoor among top and they both are fair skinned hindu khatri's
Oct 16, 2009
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

physical features are gift of nature you can never judge a particular community about any thing be it height,skin colour or any other thing.
Jatts no doubt are blessed by the Guru and have sharp features
i really doubt the accuracy of this survey back in time to be a soldier in the sikh regiment it was complursary for you to be jatt sikh, sikhs belonging to ioc(other indian castes) were recruited in sikh li(light infantry) regiments and the minimum height eligible for sikh regiment was 6 ft which is still the same and almost all the families had a son in army which is only possible when the average jatt sikh male was taller.

rest it all depends from place to place like jatts of northern punjab(area above lahore) are fairer to jatts of southern punjab(multan and other areas)

i belong to a jatt sikh family and i have not seen anyone even in our distant relations who is as short as 5"7
Oct 16, 2009
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

Jatts as fair skinned people is One of the biggest misconception.Brahmin,Khatri and arora are fairest people.among sikhs it is khatri's and arora's .No doubt jatts have big physique
and more masculine feature's .Infact if you look at film industry of India you will find priyanka chopra and kareena kapoor among top and they both are fair skinned hindu khatri's

veer ji i know a lot of arora and khatri girls who are beautiful winkingmunda
but that does not guarantee that all arora and khatri girls are fair skinned or even beautiful.

that depends from person to person like our punjabi lady gaga miss pooja is a good looking girl and in fact she is a dalit girl does that mean all dalit girls are good looking?


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

veer ji i know a lot of arora and khatri girls who are beautiful winkingmunda
but that does not guarantee that all arora and khatri girls are fair skinned or even beautiful.

that depends from person to person like our punjabi lady gaga miss pooja is a good looking girl and in fact she is a dalit girl does that mean all dalit girls are good looking?

I haven't said that all arora or Khatri Girls are beautiful or fair skinned .


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

I hate to be the one to point out, but using the word khatri, jatt ... in a sikh forum is a bit odd. We are all sikh, are not we?

H saluja ji

This thread neither is not boasting about jatts neither here there is any bashing here .It just simply points to scientific study.I don't think anything is wrong in pointing scientific studies regarding ethnicities.For example would you find it odd if someone puts a study that average weight of White American sikh is 70 kg?


May 8, 2010
Re: Average Jatt sikh male - 5-7

veer ji i know a lot of arora and khatri girls who are beautiful winkingmunda
but that does not guarantee that all arora and khatri girls are fair skinned or even beautiful.

that depends from person to person like our punjabi lady gaga miss pooja is a good looking girl and in fact she is a dalit girl does that mean all dalit girls are good looking?

I have only met like one or two Khatri girls in my life, I think they only make up 2% of SIkihsm and the rest are in Hinduism. I got no idea what percentage make up the Hindu Khatro population though....?
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