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Ashamed To Be Sikh

Ashamed To Be Sikh: What do you think about this post?

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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
When I was younger, I watched my mother 'regurgitate' all the time, I'm not quite sure she understood all the words, but I think she did her best to squeeze every last piece of knowledge out of what she could, and to my memory, it made her very happy and content, that sometimes she would cry with emotion at the meaning of the words. I am sure we all know people like this, and if others find even one word a day that touches them in the daily prayers, surely this is better than sitting around trying to dissect what millions know to be true, and pointing at what others do. Read the GGS, absorb what you can, as in the Koran, get a translation, till you have done this, you have no authority to make such a post, in my view

Harry ji

I am fighting tears myself reading this. I think given a choice it would at least for me be better to sit by the side of your mom than "dissect what millions know to be true." What a moving image. I thank you.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I am PROUD to be a SIKH...because I have READ thoroughly the SGGS..from cover to cover many many many times...over the past 60 years..

I have also READ THOROUGHLY..the Koran, the Bible, The Mahabharta, The ramayana, Vedas etc etc...and found them WANTING -

I Only beleive in the AUTHENTIC WRITINGS of my GURU- SGGS. I Dont beleive in rituals, sakhis, fake tall tales pilgrimages, teeraths, paaps punns karmas reincarnations, good vs evil etc etc..

I Totally beleive in the FACTUAL BATTLES of the GURUS..Eimnabad, Guru Angad ji, Guru Amardass Ji, Guru Arjun ji, Guru hargobind Ji, Guru teg bahadur Ji, Guru Gobind Singh ji, Baba Banda Singh ji up till 1984 and BEYOND. The WORLD is witness...SARAGHARREE is One of the EPIC Battles recognized by UNESCO...and that was 21 VS 10,000 ++++ 1984..how many SIKHS vs the Entire might of the Modern Indian Armed Forces including Air Force and artillery ?? SIKHS came out of NOWHERE and DEFEATED the MIGHTY MUGHAL EMPIRE more than 1000 years in the making..in just a few DECADES after 1708 and established the mighty Khalsa Empire that the British were loath to face..The Anglo-Sikh Battles of Chellianwallah etc etc.. are recorded by BRITISH HISTORIANS..not "biased sikhs"...and SHAH MUHAMMED who wrote the VAAR of Sham Singh Ataree at Chellianwallah is a MUSLIM !!

IF One DOES NOT READ the SGGS...but claims he has read Koran bible etc etc..then he is 100% RIGHT to be ASHAMED of being called a "Sikh"..he is clearly NOT a SIKH. He is just like a donkey in lions clothing..as Guru Gobind Singh ji demonstarted in Anandpur long long ago...

READ the SGGS...PICK out SHABADS..and quote them and say what you are ASHAMED OF...Compare them to the Koran, the Bible..and then say what makes you so "PROUD" of those and ashamed of the SGGS ??

Imho..ONLY ONE or two at the most picked out the undeniable FACT..that the original poster has not read a single TUK form the SGGS...all he saw his whole life was people regurgitating...and he drew his conclusions that regurgitating is "ashaming act".. I totally AGREE...REGURGITATING is acceptable in INFANTS because of their under developed digestive system...but never in ADULTS...and all i found was more :kudifacepalm:regurgitating...


Oct 14, 2012
Surrey, Canada
a. Most other religions, do not teach their religious history as "fact," but rather "this is what we believe." This is fundamental difference that must be addressed. When ever I try to question a key fact in Sikhism, it is as if i were questioning the word the god. In fact, all Gurdwara and Sikh treat their religious stories as "fact" and do not even entertain the notion that there can be misrepresentations or logical / historical inconsistency.

b. In all other major regions, there is stories that do not match with with historical account. However, to a large degree, these religions have a vast literature and intellectual inquiries in their houses or worships about these abnormality. I was takn a back the first time I went to the mosque and there were 4 Muslims discussing the supposed site of Muhammad's first house. I have also gone to Churches where there is open dialogue between the congregation where they openly question their religion and the inconsistency. However, I do not find this in the Sikh temples. Regardless of this, how is it possible that these religions still have documented evidence and open dialog about the lack of about such things from Noha's Arch, shroud of turin, to what is in the kabah.

I come from a non-baptized athiest family that nonetheless celebrates Christian holidays mostly (and a few Jewish ones to a lesser extent). I would disagree with this point. Despite being non baptized, I did attend a United Christian church on a semi-regular basis when I was younger, partly to sing in the choir, and I know many people who are Christian and I disagree that the religions are not taught as "fact". I think that Christian religion (and actually any religion) definitely DOES teach people as if their stories are factual and the only possibility out there of truthfulness.

Just my humble thoughts on this.

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA

I am not ashamed to be a Sikh. I am not proud to be a Sikh. Both shame and pride of this sort are not appropriate in my thinking. I am grateful to be a Sikh. To be taught and to study the beautiful shabads of Gurbani is a privilege not to be taken lightly. To attempt to put these teachings into action in my daily life is a happy challenge.

True, I am often appalled at some of the antics of my fellow Sikhs, whether they involve pulling kirpans on each other or corruption in the ranks or practicing female foeticide or castism. I cannot overlook the fact that I usually don't live up to being what a Sikh should be. But I cannot lose sight of the fact that each of these are contrary to the teachings of our Guru Sahiban and the Bhagats. The fault lies with us; not with Sikhi.

I am a Sikh. I love being a Sikh. It has given me "something to live for, great enough to die for." I would challenge any Sikh - or anyone else who is interested - to try reading Siri Guru Granth Sahib ji, as I do. Start immediately after Japji Sahib and, every day read a shabad or two, or however much you feel you want to read, but not enough to overload yourself. I will be most amazed (and dismayed) if after a few days or weeks, you do not see the incredible beauty and depth in what you are reading. If you make this practice a habit, you will eventually have read Guru ji in its entirety with some understanding of it. It will take several years, but so what? You will have had the experience of Gurbani. When you have done this, you will know for certain whether you have cause to be ashamed of being a Sikh.


If that is too much of a commitment for you, that is okay, too. Just try it for a few days or weeks. It's totally up to you.

I suggest you start reading after the Japji Sahib because I assume you read that every day anyway. If you don't, feel free to start at the very beginning.

BTW, once you finish, you start over again. It will be a new experience because you will have moved on with your life and Guru ji speaks to you where you are.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
"You BETTER BELIEVE IT.." is the Final Bottom Line argument the Bible/Koran followers have..just in case anyone feels like questioning the "fantastic FACTS" presented in the Holy texts..like Moses Opening wide the RED SEA..or Noah's ARK supposedly having a COUPLE for EACH LIFE FORM on EARTH !!! Childhood illustrations almost always showed a few of the reasonable ones a pair of lions, tigers, elephants, cows, sheep, chickens, goats, camels etc...and we are supposed to beleive the flesh eating LION and TIGER can SURVIVE next to a cow couple..or sheep couple..its then that the "YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT MATEY..its the WORD OF GOD !! argument si supposed to SHUT you UP. Another is.."Your man Brain is too FEEBLE ti understand GOD's ideas..like Noahs Ark..opening oceans etc etc..or even STOPPING THE SUN FROM SETTING !!!



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
its then that the "YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT MATEY..its the WORD OF GOD !! argument si supposed to SHUT you UP. Another is.."Your man Brain is too FEEBLE ti understand GOD's ideas..like Noahs Ark..opening oceans etc etc..or even STOPPING THE SUN FROM SETTING !!!

NO SUCH arguments in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. NONE WHATSOEVER.

This is the level of thinking that stands behind efforts to convert Sikhs, in particular, via the da'wah method of preaching. A "QUIZ MASTER" puts out questions -- he already has the answers -- because instead of thinking things through he accepts the "truth" of his scriptures. The objective is to convince the idiot-who-should-and-would-be-convert that his brains are weak and he requires the quiz-master to bring him to this realization. Sad to say, the would-be/should-be convert may not realize that "not knowing" is a good thing. It stimulates bibek into seeking a deeper meaning -- which is a gift to keep us from being enslaved by imposters and rank fools.


Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
1. Historical Inconsistency and Unverifiable History

Agree partly

There are a lot of nonsensical stories purporting miracles in Sikhism. None of tehse occured. The biggest miracle was in that peasants were turned into Saint Soldiers.

There are 3rd Party sources. Sikh History from Persian Sources is a good book. There are many others. I suggest you do some more in depth research.

If anything out of all teh major religions the Sikh faith is probably the most verifiable. - Grewal , Kharak Singh , Mcleod etc

2. Lack of Knowledge and Desired Knowledge / Religious Text

Bani is pretty straight forward. there are metaphors. The problem is the vast majority are just more concerned with carrying Bani on their head tahn reading it. It's teh 11th Guru for a reason. It should be studied like a book rather than memorised like in a madrasa.

3. Hypocrisy in Sikhism
I would argue that it is hypocrasy amongst Punjabi's rather than Sikhism.
wftw;136081[B said:
] 4. Attacks on Islam / Lack of Understanding / Denial of Similarity [/B]
It could be argued Sikhism is similar to Christianity - they have Baptism, so do we. Or maybe Hinduism? Also Islam. The relaity is there maybe some common aspects, but Sikhism is not any of these.

I don't recall reading anywhere in the Sikh texts direct attacks on Islam. Attacks on hypocrasy but not Islam.

There definitely is a lack of understandding of the Sikh texts and its message.

wftw;136081[B said:
wftw;136081[B said:
5. Sikh Theory vs. Reality

All faiths suffer with this. The problem with Sikhi is the narrow minded and conservative Punjabi culture.


Jun 17, 2014
Just to the poster, you say people were being narrow minded but you had no problem in proclaiming yourself more learned, which is a manifestation of "ego."

"Regardless, my point for pointing out my well versed religious knowledge is to point out that, I as a Sikh, consider my self to be well versed in History and Religion. I do not want to sound condescending or an elitist, but I would consider my self more versed than 90% of the public when it comes to matters of region and history." This is what you said.

And you went on to say that you graduated from a reputed university and are now in Law School. Good for you ji, but that does not give you authority to then proclaim yourself a knower of Sikhi or other religions for that matter.

You came off as aggressive sister, I too have gone to Church and studied other religious philosophy in depth and came to Sikhi after years, but still I am not smarter than "90%" of people and still have so much to learn. Cause Gurbani is nirankaar. I am sorry but this seemed to get off on the wrong foot in the beginning.

It seemed to say "I am ashamed of being Sikh here is why, I am super smart, in Law School, all read in religions and know more than 90 % of people" (which doesn't leave a lot of us behind does it.) And then later it was as if you said I just came to engage in critique, you did not come to engage but merely criticize. That is NOT Sikhi either, as you were quick to point out behaviour of others as non-sikhi.