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General Amusing Occurrences


Jan 11, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Hi all,

I'm definitely not one to give too much thought to superstition (and I know that doing so is decidedly un-Sikh). I am however researching Sikhism with all my heart and giving it the full benefit of doubt in all areas, and the events of yesterday and today, well.. amused me.

Last night before sleep, I chanted waheguru under my breath, just for a few minutes. I hoped to have a Sikhism-related dream, perhaps one where I went to a Gurdwara, to encourage me that I should go.

I fall asleep eventually, having a few dreams (whose content was random and I can't remember), but then what dream should I have last before waking? I visit a Gurdwara (well actually, I got to the outside of one, watched kids playing and going back and forth, before a man came and greeted me).

Another oddity with that dream was that I distinctly recall someone referring to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, by that name. That may not seem odd to you, but it was to me—I hadn't made any effort to memorise that that *was* the Book's name! While I'm sure I've seen it written like that, if you asked me last night what the Sikh Holy Book was called, I would've only known it was called "Guru Granth". You can imagine my surprise when I woke up and thought "it was called Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.. is that how you properly spell it?"—and it is.

Lastly, I was thinking about Gurdwara again as I packed up and left work today, and as I opened the door and turned to go to where I'd parked, a man walking on the opposite side of the street (quite a wide street—a highway, sort of) caught my eye in just the corner. Normally I'd ignore it, but I just had to turn back to see ... he was wearing a turban. This isn't that odd—there's a Gurdwara perhaps 2 or 3km up the road—but then the very fact that there's a Gurdwara so close makes me believe that he must've been a Sikh.

So some amusing occurrences have happened to me as I embark on this journey.. :) I fully plan on going to the Gurdwara tomorrow morning!



Jan 11, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Oh, there was one more thing! In my wife's dream (we related them to each other when we woke up), I had long hair (kesh?!). I had it cut recently (before I started investigating Sikhi matters.. :). So that was interesting!


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Arlen ji,
Looks like your subconscious is coming into play! Things that are on your mind often come out in dreams!

The Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is more than a book. It is our Guru - our support, teacher, guide! It is treated with as much respect as a living Guru because of the knowledge contained. Physical body is not so important as the Shabd contained inside. It is the shabad (the wisdom) inside that is the Guru. A Sikh's life revolves around the teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib ji.

It's always good when your spouse is supportive :happykaur:


Jan 11, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Arlen ji,
Looks like your subconscious is coming into play! Things that are on your mind often come out in dreams!

So I've become aware! :thumbsupp: I'm just not used to it being quite so much like clockwork. Last night I had another dream about going to gurdwara, which really cemented it for me!

The Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is more than a book. It is our Guru - our support, teacher, guide! It is treated with as much respect as a living Guru because of the knowledge contained. Physical body is not so important as the Shabd contained inside. It is the shabad (the wisdom) inside that is the Guru. A Sikh's life revolves around the teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib ji.

Thank you for further explaining the role it plays in Sikh life! It's something like that which almost serves to reinforce just how .. hmm. How well balanced the Sikh way of thinking is. (i.e. that it's the wisdom which is key, and not physical form or otherwise)

It's always good when your spouse is supportive :happykaur:

She has been quite accepting. :) My looking into Sikhism is actually because I recently met one of her friends from high school, and that friend is actually a Kaur! So, I started researching from there. :blueturban:


May 9, 2006
Greetings from SA, Celtic ji!

I think that's called 'synchronisity', when things start happening and standing out, coincidences and the like.

I love it when I have Sikh dreams. I often dream of matha teking before Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and being surrounded by friendly, helpful sangat and being a member of the team!

It's great that you've come to SPN. :)

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