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Actual Sequence of Events Immediately before and on 26 January

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Actual Sequence of Events Immediately before and on 26 January

23 January: An agent caught by the farmers who accepted on Video that he was sent along with 10 0thers to kill 4 Kisan leaders and to create mayhem in Kisan Andolan.
24 Jan: A new brand car with no number plate was traced in the farmer's camp. It was traced to Delhi Police who had come with a purpose. Delhi Policemen who came to reclaimed remained mute about the purpose of their visit. Farmers raised slogan against Delhi Police.
25 Jan: As claimed by Rajewal, Delhi police party visited the campsite of Pandher and Deep Sidhu who were not a part of farmers agitation and were purposely placed in front of Kishan Morcha by the Delhi Police. Police visited the campsite at about 10 PM and held late-night discussions with Pandher, Deep Sidhu and others.
25 Jan: Deep Sidhu and his companion captured the farmer's stage late night and announced their intention of leading the agitation to Red Fort.
26 Jan: Union led by Pandher left the campsite at Singhu at about 7.30 AM before the actual time of departure time of 11 AM. Deep Sidhu was seen and photographed in front of Red Fort.
26 Jan: The farmer's Unions at Tikri borders were incited probably by RSS teams (as appeared in the press) at 9 AM saying that they should be allowed to go since farmers at Singhu borders have already left. The barriers were broken and shells were fired at them. Thereafter the clash occurred at Tikri border.
26 Jan The farmers from Gazipur were waylaid by police to ITO Bridge where one of the farmers was fired at his eye as reported by Sardessai of India Today resulting in the crash of his tractor and his ultimate death. This enraged the following farmers; one of them getting berserk driving his tractor around the police. Media did not show the firing at the farmer but time and again showed the crash of the tractor and the berserk farmer as mentioned in a viral video.
26 Jan: Meanwhile, Deep Sidhu guided the men to the red fort under the directions of the police. Police had asked five people to go and unfurl the flag but the crowd followed and raised the flags of Nishan Sahib and Sanyukta Kisan Morcha and sang the national anthem Jan gan man. The crowd did not remove any national flag and these two flags were well below the national flag. Sidhu escaped on his motorcycle.

26 Jan: The farmer's Unions at Tikri borders were incited probably by RSS teams (as appeared in the press) at 9 AM saying that they should be allowed to go since farmers at Singhu borders have already left. The barriers were broken and shells were fired at them. Thereafter the clash occurred at Tikri border.

26 Jan: The farmer's leaders started their march at the appointed time (two hours or more later than Pandher's team) but were being forced by the police to go to Red Fort which they refused as they wanted to go on the planned route. Ultimately police gave in and the farmers completed their peaceful march on the agreed routed from Singhu and from Tikri border.
26 Jan: Since Deep Sidhu escaped a police party came up after about an hour and arrested about 100 demonstrators which remain in police custody till date.
26 Jan: FIR were lodged by police against all the union leaders, but no action was taken against Deep Sidhu or Lakha Sadhana as was seen in the first FIRs
27 Jan: Due to public outrage on the gameplan of BJP in using Deep Sidhu to discredit farmers, the arrest warrant against Deep Sidhu and Lakha Sadhana for inciting the youth and leading them to Red Fort.
27 Jan: Police ordered 144 at Gazipur and ordered the agitators to vacate by 11 PM. Meanwhile, a BJP MLA who has been near Gazipur campsite was heard inciting his people. Rakesh Tikait gave a very powerful sentimental speech which made the retreating farmers stay. Gazipur was not vacated. Notice issued to Rajewal and other leaders to appear before the Delhi Police.
28 Jan: An RSS/BJP inciting group attacked campsite at Singhu border accompaniment of police shouting slogans to vacate the camp. The local people claimed that they were all outsiders.

