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300 Sau Saal Sikhi Sroop De Naal- BEWARE !

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Guru Piayario Jios.

Recently there has been a flurry of slogans full of JOSH rather than HOSH... Elsewhere we have discussed the 300 sall of Waheguru writing in Ginntee minntees...mantras on paper instead of PRACTICAL LIVING.

One of the Latest is this one...300 saal sikhi sroop de naal..

On the surface this looks so holy, full of shrdha and as per gurmatt. Spread by the same people who coined the other 300 saal slogans to celebrate the Shatbadees ocurring in conncection with certian importnat anniverseries in Sikh History. These have been giving out Prizes and also encouraging SIKHI SROOP with inducements, etc etc which is GOOD...

BUT the BASIC FOUNDATION of this SLOGAN...300 saal SIKHI SROOP de Naal CUTS at the very ROOTS of what GURU Nanak Ji preached and Guru Granth sahib preaches...

The Slogan aspires to put forward the TOTALLY WRONG and MISLEADING VIEW that the SIKHI SROOP/KESH andKakaars is ONLY 300 years old and begins at KESHGARH on Vasakhi day 1699....when the TRUTH is that all this BEGAN in NANKANA SAHIB on 1st vasakh 1469...MORE than 520 YEARS AGO.
Gurbani delcares..ਜੋਤਿ ਓਹਾ ਜੁਗਤਿ ਸਾਇ ਸਹਿ ਕਾਇਆ ਫੇਰਿ ਪਲਟੀਐ” Jot Oha JUGT sai seh kar..KAIYA fer paltiyah..the JYOT is the SAME from One to the Other..The JYOT of Guru nanak ji to Guru Angad Ji to Guru Amardass Ji to GURU GOBIND SINGH is the SAME JYOT..SAME teachings..SAME PHILOSOPHY.
Whereas this slogan seeks to flasify and mislead this ONE JYOT Principle by saying that GURU GOBIND SINGH JI is the one who begins this new "Sikhi Sroop" when Guru nanak ji and all the rest were in SIKHI SROOP. SIKHI SROOP began 530 years ago and Guru nanak ji is the Founder.
Gyani Shivteg Singh Ji of Bangla sahib explained this in His daily Morning Katha recently. Appreciate his exposure of this.
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Jun 30, 2009
Thanks gyani ji. I now think even the slogan 300 saal guru de naal was Totally WRONG !!! What about Sikhs before Guru Gobind Singh????? Were they NOT with Guru????? What about Bhai Mati Das, Sati Das, Dayala???? OMG
May 24, 2008
Gyani Ji ,
Your point is absolutely correct but I cannot help admiring Guriqbal Singh Ji for this initiative . It has created a new awareness amongst Sikhs in Punjab that Sikhi Saroop is very important ( Mandatory ) for a Sikh . It is virtually taken wind out of those MODERN CLEAN SHAVEN SIKHS who keep harping on the importance of MANN DI SIKHI only . A new awakening is sweeping across Punjab hope it translates into something bright . Regarding this mistake I like to give Guriqbal Ji the benifit of doubt whether it was delibrate or a mistake by hindsight

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Dalbirk Ji,
I would be the first in line to deeply appreciate Bhai shaib jis initiative..and efforts..BUT in such matters the People responsible have to think everything out. Today Gurmatt is under attack form all sides and in all forms..each facet of Gurmatt..Gurbani, Guru SGGS, sikhi sroop, kakaars, our langauge, our culture, all are under attack. We have to eb careful that we oursleves dont help these enemies in any way. Thank you all Jios for the support.:happysingh:
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