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30 Day Amrit Vela - Introducing A New Member Blog


Feb 20, 2012
Satnaam Satsangat Ji,

Whilst i agree that 'counting' our efforts in our path to Waheguru is not the right way to do things...sometimes i feel some initial targets within the Sangat can help readers get out of some bad habits, to make that extra effort, for us each to uplift each other when the mind tells us to 'do it another day'. I'm one who suffers from these thoughts.

Would any of the Sangat be willing to do a 30 day amrit vel 'a' thon, as i like to call it? a Break from a world of opinions into a world of sikhs networked in the early hours immersed in the eternal amrit of Waheguru :)
Whether you are a newbie who has been thinking of starting Amrit Vela, or a seasoned pro :)

This is just a thread started to get some initial thoughts.

God Bless All


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
chazSingh ji

How exactly would this work in the specifics? Especially across all the different time zones? Or for members who work a night shift, for example nurses, doctors, employees in IT 24/7 positions. Perhaps these questions would not be critical, but I am still interested on behalf of members who want more details.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
There have ALWAYS been such THORNS....Babas began 111 Akhand Paath athons..then graduated to 51..101..501..1001..and so on..then theres the Kaulaan guys japja jaaps..1 hr..3 hr..4 hr,....essentially all these THORNS are just OPIATE for the Masses...first one needs just a dab of opium..then 10 grams..then it increases as the addiction spreads...and so the deras have 1001 SGGS lined up in neat rows with guys seated behind with WRAPPED MOUTHS...mumbling away...and still one has to WAITING PERIOD of days to YEARS for one such paath...AP Thorns in the "***"...Leading the Masses into the PIT and away from SGGS.


Feb 20, 2012
chazSingh ji

How exactly would this work in the specifics? Especially across all the different time zones? Or for members who work a night shift, for example nurses, doctors, employees in IT 24/7 positions. Perhaps these questions would not be critical, but I am still interested on behalf of members who want more details.

I guess it's just to get into a daily routine of doing Simran. I would like for opinions to be kept to a mimimum on specifics like 'when is amrit vela' or 'what if i can;t do those times'.

Anytime would be great...for people that do night shift etc...maybe when they get home...or before they leave for work...or whenever they go to bed.

Simran for how long?
over a year ago i started doing simran whilst lying in bed before sleep, until i fell asleep...and also on the way home from work at the local gurdwara, when it was quite...i could close my eyes and meditate on shabad....time ranged from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Present Day: With Guru Ji's blessings i find i have sat for Simran for 2-3 hours on some days in one sitting (i don;t count) - it becomes enjoyable, and time just flies :)

Questions arise as to what is exactly amrit vela
Anytime is amrit vela when our consciousness is attuned to Waheguru.
But there is something special about the hours of the early morning. For me waking between 2am and 6am felt completely different in terms of concentration, a quieter mind, and the energy felt. But this is just my personal experience...for all other readers, for newbies, just do it, try it with love and i;m sure it will be great anytime.

What to do during Amrit Vela?
I say whatever you can :)
I sometimes listen or read Japji Sahib followed by Simran quietly, eyes closed and just trying to shut out the external world for a short while and just 'being', just breathing and letting go, hearing your heart beat, saying 'waheguru' 'satnaam' and just smiling and saying "here i am waheguru ji..just me and you now" :)
other times i listen to kirtan and then do simran.


Feb 20, 2012
There have ALWAYS been such THORNS....Babas began 111 Akhand Paath athons..then graduated to 51..101..501..1001..and so on..then theres the Kaulaan guys japja jaaps..1 hr..3 hr..4 hr,....essentially all these THORNS are just OPIATE for the Masses...first one needs just a dab of opium..then 10 grams..then it increases as the addiction spreads...and so the deras have 1001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji lined up in neat rows with guys seated behind with WRAPPED MOUTHS...mumbling away...and still one has to WAITING PERIOD of days to YEARS for one such paath...AP Thorns in the "***"...Leading the Masses into the PIT and away from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Satnaam Giani Ji,

Counting is 'i agree' un-called for when it comes to spirituality.

But the mind has created so many bad habits throughout life. maybe the Sangat doing something to try and break a few bad habits isn't such a bad thing.

Remove the '30' Day out of the subject if that pleases people.

sometimes people need to visualize a goal, a finish line, especially when the mind is so strong. A mind needs a finish line sometimes :) but i believe once simran becomes daily or at least a regular occurance that the number 'DROPS' off and the love, the enjoyment, the amrit takes hold and we become intoxicated with it.

some positivity please!!! :)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I am always interested in the practical aspects of projects like this so that we know what we are actually signing onto or rejecting based on more not little information.

Aside from the practical aspects there is a different issue for me. Many other faiths have programs of worship that involve large groups engaged in multiple hour-long, day-long, week-long, repetitive observance. For example, novenas in the Roman Church. Over let's say 10 Saturdays a group convenes to say the the rosary to seek the intercession of a particular saint for the good of participant souls. These are often organized by a priest or member of a religious order. The practice often gains popularity and momentum and becomes part of a larger, more wide-spread congregational tradition. Speakers may also offer special prayers and sermons to encourage the faithful. The feeling of the doing of it becomes the important thing.

With Sikhi, I wonder...

With any kind of ' 'a-thon' are we packaging our spiritual practice? As Gyani ji points out, the doing of it, as a regimen, stands to substitute for the individual reflection on it. Gyan is not the fundamental reason for it. Perhaps leading to the sense ... now that I have done it! Now I have this under my belt! The actions become the outcomes. The 'a-thon' becomes a rote experience. Everyone leaves feeling good because the doing of it is the end in itself. The focus on the "IT" changes things for me.
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Feb 20, 2012
I am always interested in the practical aspects of projects like this so that we know what we are actually signing onto or rejecting based on more not little information.

Aside from the practical aspects there is a different issue for me. Many other faiths have programs of worship that involve large groups engaged in multiple hour-long, day-long, week-long, repetitive observance. For example, novenas in the Roman Church. Over let's say 10 Saturdays a group convenes to say the the rosary to seek the intercession of a particular saint for the good of participant souls. These are often organized by a priest or member of a religious order. The practice often gains popularity and momentum and becomes part of a larger, more wide-spread congregational tradition. Speakers may also offer special prayers and sermons to encourage the faithful. The feeling of the doing of it becomes the important thing.

With Sikhi, I wonder...

With any kind of ' 'a-thon' are we packaging our spiritual practice? As Gyani ji points out, the doing of it, as a regimen, stands to substitute for the individual reflection on it. Gyan is not the fundamental reason for it. Perhaps leading to the sense ... now that I have done it! Now I have this under my belt! The actions become the outcomes. The 'a-thon' becomes a rote experience. Everyone leaves feeling good because the doing of it is the end in itself. The focus on the "IT" changes things for me.

initially everything starts off with goals, something to work towards, a finish line of some sorts...

there are many people out there that want to try doing amrit vela, or daily simran...a longing inside to try and connect to Waheguru in a way that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji describes, and sometimes sangat doing it together for a period of time (or even remove the words 30 day or amrit vel 'a' thon...doesnt matter) ... but doing it together is important...speaking to each other regularly about obstacles that occur, difficulties, the joys ... this inspires...this gets us going...this is how it got me going, got me moving, and now i don;t look back.

Maybe just maybe there is one reader out there that gets inspired.

Maybe i'm going about it in the wrong way....if you think of a more productive way, please put some ideas forward. otherwise all we're left again with is more opinion opinion opinions...when all that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says is:

faer k agai rakheeai jith dhisai dharabaar ||
So what offering can we place before Him, by which we might see the Darbaar of His Court?

muha k bolan boleeai jith sun dhharae piaar ||
What words can we speak to evoke His Love?

a(n)mrith vaelaa sach naao vaddiaaee veechaar ||
In the Amrit Vaylaa, the ambrosial hours before dawn, chant the True Name, and contemplate His Glorious Greatness.

karamee aavai kaparraa nadharee mokh dhuaar ||
By the karma of past actions, the robe of this physical body is obtained. By His Grace, the Gate of Liberation is found.

naanak eaevai jaaneeai sabh aapae sachiaar ||4||
O Nanak, know this well: the True One Himself is All. ||4||


Feb 20, 2012
Imagine a Sangat where people post

"Hey, i tried to get up for amrit vela last night, but my mind was so strong, telling me to forget it today, start tomorow instead, and i just listened and fell asleep"

"Hey, i got up for amrit vela...felt a bit tired..tea helped a little, but i managed to read japji sahib with no disturbance, but when i closed my eyes and did quiet simran, all i thought about was how i can get that payrise"

"Hey, its ok, money plays on all our minds, don;t worry...at least you can see how you mind is working...the things that are bothering you...upsetting you...mind doesn't want you thinking of God...keep at it...don't let these wayward thoughts stop you."

"did you find japping gurmanter helped, or saying it quietly in mind..."

This would be immense...practical talk whilst walking the path forward...trying things, pulling each other up....no rights, no wrongs..

rather than always "your right, you're wrong" "you aint sikh" "you're spot on, this is the way not what the other person said"


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
chazSingh ji

I am left with only more questions. When people post their experiences, and others reply, are we not then reading "opinions, opinions" and more opinions? Which brings me to the next question. Are we seeking support from outside instead of from within? Whenever I read threads on spiritual practice here and on other forums it all seems like an advice column, which at times evolves into a rebuke column about who has the "right" attitude and who has the "wrong approach."

I just need more understanding of how our members see benefit from an "a-thon" in Sikhi. The 1 million Japji's, or hours of group recitation of Waheguru, or non-stop Sukhmani Sahib are all experiments in this direction. When sangat participates in this way, does "gyan" result? Or are we parroting together? Or does the satisfaction come from saying, "I did it." "Are you going to do it?" "We did it." The focus, I repeat myself on the "it."

Just thinking outloud.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
The true Amrit Vela and Simran are in the Works, in the Deeds, not in parroting something mindlessly.

Let's start with one good deed a day to a stranger and start multiplying that according to our own desire and quest. This is the true Amrit Vela and Simran according to Sikhi.

Sikhi prohibits 30 day, 40 day (chiliea) or any kind of numerical mechanical ritual which brings nothing but inflates our own ego and is full of Me-ism. Sikhi calls it Pakhand, a show off.

Lastly, Sikhi is a journey of the individual hence it demands from each of us to do our utmost to become better people than delving into some useless parroting rituals.

Let's make a Better- thon our second nature.

Tejwant Singh


Feb 20, 2012
I am left with only more questions. When people post their experiences, and others reply, are we not then reading "opinions, opinions" and more opinions?
just trying to create a shift from "in my opinion" to "i tried this and ... "
Changing discussion from "i believe\think this is the correct way" to "for me this seemed to work..try it if you want to"

of course there will still be people giving opinions....but a thread of suggestions based on actual pratical experience is sometimes needed...

i see a big difference in opinions to positive suggestions and inspiration.

Which brings me to the next question. Are we seeking support from outside instead of from within?
I would hope both...uplifting sangat in a practical sense focussing on positives and no judging...and the inner aspect which guru ji says will blossom also.

Whenever I read threads on spiritual practice here and on other forums it all seems like an advice column, which at times evolves into a rebuke column about who has the "right" attitude and who has the "wrong approach."
Doesn't matter does it...nothing gets done in life looking at how it worked for others...God works in the Sat Sangat...people who are genuinely making effort...hints, tips, encouragement rolls off the tongues of the mouths of people in the Sat Sangat, when genuine seeking is taking place both intellectually and on a practical sense. God is there :)

I just need more understanding of how our members see benefit from an "a-thon" in Sikhi. The 1 million Japji's, or hours of group recitation of Waheguru, or non-stop Sukhmani Sahib are all experiments in this direction. When sangat participates in this way, does "gyan" result? Or are we parroting together? Or does the satisfaction come from saying, "I did it." "Are you going to do it?" "We did it." The focus, I repeat myself on the "it."
Just thinking outloud
It was just an idea to start getting some readers (if only for a single thread) including myself to switch to lets do attitude and lets uplift each other for something that has been given utmost importance by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Forum of opinions/beliefs will continue as still has many merits...just thought something different was required...

making a conscious effort to do Amrit Vela in this way (many months ago) helped me, inspired some family members and friends and thankfully we still continue today...maybe others can be inspired in the same way

to move from the "i might try this one day" to a sudden spontaneous "hey, if you're starting, i'll start with you..." "lets start today, why wait"


Feb 20, 2012
The true Amrit Vela and Simran are in the Works, in the Deeds, not in parroting something mindlessly.

Is this a judgement that everyone is parroting something mindlessly? unless you live through everyones being, how can you make such a judgement?

Let's start with one good deed a day to a stranger and start multiplying that according to our own desire and quest. This is the true Amrit Vela and Simran according to Sikhi.

Yesss, this is beautiful :)

Sikhi prohibits 30 day, 40 day (chiliea) or any kind of numerical mechanical ritual which brings nothing but inflates our own ego and is full of Me-ism. Sikhi calls it Pakhand, a show off.

Take my '30 Day' subject line out...Does sikhi prohibit uplifting others in a practical sense...helping another sangat member, walking forward together without judging another own experience?

regarding the ego comment, i don't think you can make comments on why people do things...they can be out of love...and not ego inflating :)

Lastly, Sikhi is a journey of the individual hence it demands from each of us to do our utmost to become better people than delving into some useless parroting rituals.

I agree ji, no one has said otherwise...you are just flowing on assumptions which i don't know how you have come to??

Let people make their own minds about what is useless by 'TRYING' and experiencing the journey...rather than telling them what is useless and what isn't.....inspire :)


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
fine, I have tried just about every method of getting high in my misspent youth, so lets me and you do it tommorow, it will be a useful excercise, if I can read Palaingthaji's book, I am sure I can get up at silly o clock so I can see what all the fuss is about .

What time do I have to get up, and what do I have to do
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Feb 20, 2012
fine, I have tried just about every method of getting high in my misspent youth, so lets me and you do it tommorow, it will be a useful excercise, if I can read Palaingthaji's book, I am sure I can get up at silly o clock so I can see what all the fuss is about .

What time do I have to get up, and what do I have to do

now that's the spirit!! :)

didn't realise a simple thread to try and get some (not all - as not everyone agrees - but anyone that wants to try at least- using a method they see fit for themselves) - and the negativity and "What's right" views that come :)

God bless you Harry Ji .... you've made me smile!

try it...even just the battle to fight the mind that says "oh sod this, i'm staying in bed" is the battle with the mind thta guru ji talk about :)

right so that's 2 of us.... Not enough yet to form the 'A' Team (Amrit Vela Team) ...

bad joke...i know.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I have an idea that might satisfy all points of view.

chazSingh ji

First my comments, in combination with those of Gyani ji and Tejwant Singh ji, cover a wide range of concerns about "a-thons" in Sikhi. I might add that "thons" are usually associated with fund-raisers or with working up mass enthusiasm for a cause. Amrit vela is about neither. The other aspect of this is in the title, "who's in?" That part reminds me of how we invite people to a "pick up" game of football, or even a sports pool.

On the other hand -- some members may be motivated in their spiritual discipline if they are part of a group and can share experiences.

I recommend that SPN members who wish to participate contact you by private message. You can start an amrit vela blog in our Member Blogs section. When members contact you then you can direct them to the blog link where they would want to go. The blog would operate like a private group of like-minded participants. It would allow you to keep conversations on topic the way you envision the experience should be. As long as Terms of Service are not violated moderation is minimal.

I strongly urge this be the direction you take.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I am already thinking sod this I want to stay in bed, and I am not doing it for God, I am doing it for you, just give me dates and times, and even if it is the two of us, lets give it a bash


Feb 20, 2012
fine, I have tried just about every method of getting high in my misspent youth, so lets me and you do it tommorow, it will be a useful excercise, if I can read Palaingthaji's book, I am sure I can get up at silly o clock so I can see what all the fuss is about .

What time do I have to get up, and what do I have to do

woops missed your questions at the bottom.


Ji, what time, and what you want to do is up to you...
do some before bed... maybe 3-4 hours into the night...before sunrise...first thing in morning perhaps..

for me the hours between 2 and 6 have always been 'different'...the atmosphere in the air

have a cup of tea...wake up a little...wash your face...
put on some soothing kirtan...maybe some snatam kaur on your mp3...listen to japji

spend some time, eyes closed, maybe "waheguru" in mind as you breathe...

aknowledge the god within you (if you really do feel He is there) ... just say "it's just me and you...lets have some chilled time together"... contemplate

if the mind starts chattering about money, sex, family problems..just smile...let the thought pass, then continue.

This is just how i sometimes start amrit vela...it's up to you to be honest.
no rights, no wrongs...just try a method that maybe someone else has mentioned or you've read about.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I was not making a passing observation. My recommendation to start this in the Member Blogs was in earnest. Otherwise, heavy moderation will be part of the amrit vela experience in a public thread.
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