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Oct 21, 2009
Zafarnama means the "Declaration of Victory" and is the name given to the letter sent by the tenth in 1705 to the Emperor Aurengjeb.. Guru Ji reminds the emperor how he and his henchmen had broken their oaths taken on the holy Koran.
The second letter called "Zafarnama" - the Epistle of Victory, written in verse was sent from Dina in 1705 through two Sikhs, and was intentionally not entrusted to the Emperor's messengers because of the nature of its contents and because Guru Ji wanted to know the Emperors immediate reaction on reading it, from his Sikhs

Some Extracts of the Memorandum to Aurangzeb

I have no faith in thy oaths,
Even if thou bringest in God as thy witness. (13)

I haven’t even an iota of trust in thee,
For, all thy ministers and thy courtiers are liars. (14)

He who puts faith in thy oath on the Koran,
He in the end, comes to ruin. (15)


Aurengjeb’s Reaction

The Emperors peace of mind had been shaken, he wrote another letter to his sons in which he states "I do not know who I am, where I am, where I am to go and what will happen to a sinful person like me. Many like me have passed away wasting their lives. Allah was in my heart but my blind eyes failed to see him. I do not know how I will be received in Allah's court. I do not have any hope for my future, I have committed many sins and do not know what punishments will be awarded to me in return".
The Zafarnama had a demoralising effect on Emperor Aurangzeb who saw his end looming over the horizon and his future appeared very bleak. He saw Guru Gobind Singh Ji as his only hope who could show him the right and truthful path, as hinted by Guru ji in his epistle. Although he had greatly wronged the Guru he knew him to be a man of God and wanted to meet with the Guru personally to seek redemption. He issued instructions to his Governors to withdraw all orders against Guru Ji. He instructed his minister Munim Khan to make arrangements for the safe passage of the Guru when he came to meet him.
The will was recorded by Maulvi Hamid-ud Din in chapter 8 of his hand written book about the life of Aurangzeb:

Will of Aurengjeb

There is no doubt that I have been the emperor of India and I have ruled over this country. But I am sorry to say that I have not been able to do a good deed in my lifetime. My inner soul is cursing me as a sinner. But now it is of no avail. It is my wish that my last rites be performed by my dear son Azam, nobody else should touch my body.
. Allah should not make anyone an emperor, the most unfortunate person is he who is an emperor. My sins should not be mentioned in any social gathering. No story of my life should be told to anyone.

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......Oh Waheguru! Let me be born only as sikh when ever I have to be born on this earth...taranjeet
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