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Youth Of The Month

Jul 10, 2006
Source: UnitedSikhs.com : Youth Interviews!

Harvinder Singh [15]
Satvir Singh [17]
Tajinder Singh [21]
Location Wolverhampton, UK YOM October 2006

Youth Of The Month – November 2006

[written by family and friends close to the three Singhs]

For the first time in Youth of the Month history, we have not one, not two, but three youths. Their names in the past month have shot sky high around the UK and the world. Their devotion, their love for each other and Sikhi has brought together people in Gurdwaras, to put aside their differences, and pray, sing keertan and talk to one another.
Bhai Harvinder Singh, Bhai Satvir Singh and Bhai Tajinder Singh were all found arm-in-arm as they tried to save each other from drowning in the Lake District on 23rd September 2006 . They were all best friends of each other and known and loved by so many.
Harvinder Singh was born in January 1991. From the start, his parents had brought him up in Sikh congregation so he would stay on the path that Sikhi teaches us. They moved a stones throw away from Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara, Sedgley Street , when Harvinder was about 6 years old. From then on, he would spend all the time he could at the Gurdwara, becoming a lovable figure to many who went there. He started off playing football with his brother and few friends there and gained a lot of new friends who went on to join him in learning gatka when the Gurdwara started the classes. What started out as a class turned into a passion. He would go there two or three times a week and practice, sometimes on his own, what he had learnt in class. But his thirst to excel in gatka was far great and he began examining gatka videos by akharas from around the world and mastering the moves himself. This was particularly evident in the most recent videos made of him. In August 2006, he attended a short Gatka boot camp in India , where he and his brother underwent some intensive training and this really was a boost to his confidence and he became one of the youngest, best Gatka players in the country.
One day, Harvinder Singh went with some friends to play football at a local park. When he got there, he met a Singh who had just recently come from India and was living here on a permanent basis. He stood out from everyone else. He was unique. His smile was contagious. His teeth were perfectly bright white and he had a very positive, spiritual aura about him. Harvinder Singh approached him after kicking around a ball in the teams and they began talking, laughing and joking with one another. They had a brilliant time and when Harvinder got home, he told his mother of this "new Singh" he had just met. He told her that he didn't know what it was about that Singh who he had just met, but he explained how he felt like he had known him for a lifetime. This was the first meeting of Harvinder Singh and Satvir Singh.
Satvir Singh was born in 1989 in India. He came to England a few years before he passed away. He was an exceptional young lad. He became very close to Harvinder and began learning gatka as well. In the space of about 4 months, he became a brilliant gatka player. He used to learn with and from Harvinder Singh. They had a lot of love for each other like brothers should have and their friendship was admired by all who saw them. Throughout a lot of his life, Satvir Singh felt lost. He kept his hair when he was young, but in a moment of madness, he cut it earlier this year. He didn't tell anyone of this and hid away from Harvinder for a few days. Then he rang Harvinders brother, and was in tears as he explained what mistake he had made and he couldn't bare to face Harvinder with his hair cut. He was scared of not being teased… but he was scared of upsetting Harvinder, who had treated him like his blood brother and vice versa. But he realized he would have to face the music sometime and indeed he did. Harvinder wasn't one to judge or hold any kind of grudge. Like a true Khalsa would do, his aim was to support his brother and help him back on the right path to Guru Jee. When Harvinder Singh came back from India at the beginning of September… he was in for a shock. In the short time that Harvinder had gone to India and come back, Satvir Singh had kept his hair and been gifted with Amrit. Harvinder was really happy and rea
lly proud too that Satvir had become a True Khalsa. The love that Satvir had for everyone he met was so overwhelming. He had that smile which was infectious to all. His smile was perfect and you could see his bright white teeth light up when he laughed. He was complete as a GurSikh and had truly found himself. He was successful in his studies. He was loved and liked by everyone. His message to all was to unite and become a true Khalsa force.
Tajinder Singh was a first cousin of Satvir. He was a tall, dark and handsome GurSikh. He had a lot of nimratta and was very learned and wise. He was the most sensible out of the three, but at times you could see the teenager in him come out. He was funny in the cool, serious kind of way. He had recently started coming to rehansbhaee's and other programmes and helping other Singhs in the seva of recording. He would stay there all night from start to finish. His presence was very strong and everytime I saw him he always used to wear bana – the Sikh attire. He had studied at university level, despite emigrating from India not too long ago.

Ive never cried so much in my life. I watch the videos of them and my eyes squeeze out tears because im all cried out. For us, i guess this is a loss and the pain of them leaving will never heal, but for these three Singhs, they achieved what many won't even achieve in their entire life... Mukhti (one-ness with Vaheguru). Everyone in Wolverhampton looked on these three as shining examples of true GurSikhs. They werent perfect, and they knew that, but they tried in every respect to better themselves and they did. Together, they taught one another... shared in each others laughter, each others tears and had love for each other like even some blood brothers dont have. They always talked about immortality and being immortal... and i guess with Guru Jee's grace, they have become just that. Their spirit lives on. Their seva lives on. Their pyaar lives on.

VIDEO YouTube - G.U.P.T Tribute to Gursikhs

This video was produced just weeks before the three Singhs passed away...




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