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Opinion Wrong To Deny Voting Rights To Sehajdhari Sikhs: Amarinder


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee (PPCC) chief Capt Amarinder Singh on Friday criticised the denial of voting rights to Sehajdhari Sikhs in the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) polls.

Amarinder, who interacted with students outside the Punjabi University campus during the ‘Ru-baru’ (face to face) programme organised by the National Students Union of India (NSUI), said that it was “wrong” to deny Sehajdhari Sikhs voting rights in the elections.

Asked why his party does not contest SGPC polls, Amarinder said Congress was a national and secular party, which does not contest polls relating to religion. He, however, added that as a Sikh, he will oppose and vote against the Akali candidates.

The PCC chief fielded a volley of questions from students on issues like the economy, SGPC elections, employment generation, hereditary practice in politics, amnesty to Devinderpal Bhullar and others.

Claiming that student elections will be held in all universities and colleges in the state when Congress comes to power after next Assembly elections, Amarinder said that students had a right to participate in the democratic process and he fully supported their demand for holding elections in educational institutions.

Replying to a student who complained against inconvenience caused to the common people during VIP movements, Amarinder said: “I agree with you and I am also one of those whose movement causes inconvenience.” He added that this was probably done for security reasons.

Saying that he was against setting up of routes for VIP movement, where hundreds of policemen wait for hours for the VIPs to pass, he added: “This system has outlived its utility and it must be dispensed with immediately.”


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
This is how the ...."Give the Dog a Bad name and HANG HIM " strategy works....

1. Create a great hulla balloo about "sejhajdharees"....ghona monas..ladies who shape eyebrows etc..etc..and create a sort of "panic" among the staunch sikhs...that IF such Ghona monas take over they will change the maryada..blah blah blah..... ( In Panic mode the SIKHS forget that these ghona monas are born in SIKH families..are Punjabi and SIKH..albeit a little less than the Amritdharees...

2. On the SLY bring in the BHAIYAS, RSS Keshadharee HINDUS , DERAWADEES, etc etc...as "SIKH VOTERS"....( while the Sikhs are busy discussing the sehajdharees )....these people are not Sikh, not Punjabi, have no loyalty to anything Punjabi/Sikh and owe everything to their political masters..

3. Now PRESENT a Fait Accompli....which do you want..the GHONA MONAS..or the BHAIYAS ?? The Devil you know or the DEVIL INCARNATE that you know nothing about !!! Anyway whatever chosen...whether its sehajdharees or Bhaiyas...the dilution of sikh religious authority is guaranteed. Karam Kaands will rule...idols, statues, jyots everything is OK....

4. FINAL RESULT: Whatever the SIKHS "choose"..the AMRITDHAREES LOSE...and Maryada goes out the window..Keshadharee Brahmins take control of Gurdwaras to serve their master Badal who rules by PROXY for RSS.BHAGWA ...only.

This Process is now in its FINAL STAGE....30 seats to Brahmin ideology sant samaaj, 0 seats to badals personal famaily, 30 seats to Badals other chamcha familys, Haryana seats chosen By CHAUTALA ( badal crony)...almost ALL Badal dal members heavy drinkers, drug lords, karam kandees, bhavan and havan and mandir visitors...First order of the day for the new SGPC is destroy the SRM 1945,as it did the nanaksahi Calendar bring back the parkash of DG, Havans etc into Gurdwaras.japposatnamwaheguru:japposatnamwaheguru:japposatnamwaheguru:


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
This is how the ...."Give the Dog a Bad name and HANG HIM " strategy works....

1. Create a great hulla balloo about "sejhajdharees"....ghona monas..ladies who shape eyebrows etc..etc..and create a sort of "panic" among the staunch sikhs...that IF such Ghona monas take over they will change the maryada..blah blah blah..... ( In Panic mode the SIKHS forget that these ghona monas are born in SIKH families..are Punjabi and SIKH..albeit a little less than the Amritdharees...

2. On the SLY bring in the BHAIYAS, RSS Keshadharee HINDUS , DERAWADEES, etc etc...as "SIKH VOTERS"....( while the Sikhs are busy discussing the sehajdharees )....these people are not Sikh, not Punjabi, have no loyalty to anything Punjabi/Sikh and owe everything to their political masters..

3. Now PRESENT a Fait Accompli....which do you want..the GHONA MONAS..or the BHAIYAS ?? The Devil you know or the DEVIL INCARNATE that you know nothing about !!! Anyway whatever chosen...whether its sehajdharees or Bhaiyas...the dilution of sikh religious authority is guaranteed. Karam Kaands will rule...idols, statues, jyots everything is OK....

4. FINAL RESULT: Whatever the SIKHS "choose"..the AMRITDHAREES LOSE...and Maryada goes out the window..Keshadharee Brahmins take control of Gurdwaras to serve their master Badal who rules by PROXY for RSS.BHAGWA ...only.

This Process is now in its FINAL STAGE....30 seats to Brahmin ideology sant samaaj, 0 seats to badals personal famaily, 30 seats to Badals other chamcha familys, Haryana seats chosen By CHAUTALA ( badal crony)...almost ALL Badal dal members heavy drinkers, drug lords, karam kandees, bhavan and havan and mandir visitors...First order of the day for the new SGPC is destroy the SRM 1945,as it did the nanaksahi Calendar bring back the parkash of DG, Havans etc into Gurdwaras.japposatnamwaheguru:japposatnamwaheguru:japposatnamwaheguru:
Till a brave son or daughter of Sikhism rises and cleans it up once and for all. We may have to wait a while though! Things go in cycles, don't they!

Sat Sri Akal.


Apr 3, 2005
Till a brave son or daughter of Sikhism rises and cleans it up once and for all. We may have to wait a while though! Things go in cycles, don't they!

Sat Sri Akal.

No single person is going to come and change the Sikh society .collective efforts are required to change but sikh society itself is so corrupt so there is no point in blaming the others while waiting for some messiah to come.


May 9, 2006
And so where would that leave all those amritdharis who became amrit shak (don't really know the right word there) following 1945 SRM? Do they still get to follow that or do they have to follow new and possibly corrupt SRM?


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
That would be absolutely disastrous for the very purpose of the SGPC elections. Nothing would possibly be able to stop the ruling RSS (Do these people even understand with what great ideals was the 'Akali Dal' formed?) family and other enemies of the Panth from introducing bogus voters into the electoral rolls. Already, I read in the newspapers, that some non-Sikh keshadharis with the suffix 'Masih' (Christians) attached to their name were added onto the electoral rolls.
I myself have lost faith in the SGPC elections, though it may sound pessimistic, that is how the thing goes.. :(


Apr 3, 2005
And so where would that leave all those amritdharis who became amrit shak (don't really know the right word there) following 1945 SRM? Do they still get to follow that or do they have to follow new and possibly corrupt SRM?

There is no change in SRM of akal takhat in near future

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
There is no change in SRM of akal takhat in near future

What makes you so SURE ?? Jios....a Hotline to badal ??
I will bet my last dollar..there will be changes..and sooner than you think !!
When a KNOWN BIGAMIST can sit honourably maong the FIVE at Akal takhat.....and a KNOWN DG Parkasher can do the same...and the Nanaksahi Calendar cna be MURDERED in the stillness of the night without a whimper...the SRM is next on the chopping BLOCK...in the Name of "IK-SAARTA....making ALL FIVE Takhats SAME..and ITs NOT hazoor sahib or patna sahib that are going to CHANGE....its the 3 in Punjab that will change...


Apr 3, 2005
What makes you so SURE ?? Jios....a Hotline to badal ??
I will bet my last dollar..there will be changes..and sooner than you think !!
When a KNOWN BIGAMIST can sit honourably maong the FIVE at Akal takhat.....and a KNOWN DG Parkasher can do the same...and the Nanaksahi Calendar cna be MURDERED in the stillness of the night without a whimper...the SRM is next on the chopping BLOCK...in the Name of "IK-SAARTA....making ALL FIVE Takhats SAME..and ITs NOT hazoor sahib or patna sahib that are going to CHANGE....its the 3 in Punjab that will change...

Is there any news that a change is proposed? One can assume that there is going to be this and that but only time will tell .I don't think SGPC will touch this sensitive issue of SRM.If they will then there could be civil war type situation as Dera's will bring their proposed changes


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Is there any news that a change is proposed? One can assume that there is going to be this and that but only time will tell .I don't think SGPC will touch this sensitive issue of SRM.If they will then there could be civil war type situation as Dera's will bring their proposed changes

It has already happened. About 2 years ago amendments were proposed, including removal of "believes in one God." The proposal was tabled and so far no one has taken it from the table. It is only a matter of time. We posted this story when it happened.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
It has already happened. About 2 years ago amendments were proposed, including removal of "believes in one God." The proposal was tabled and so far no one has taken it from the table. It is only a matter of time. We posted this story when it happened.
spnadmin ji there is a saying in Punjabi which goes like,

"Jadon sap di maut aundi hai taan oh sarak teh jaa ke baith jaanda hai
When a snake is destined to die, it goes and sits on the road"

The action being that snakes are cold blooded and occasionally get on asphalt roads to cool or warm up in India and are subsequently killed by trucks and cars.
So may be all these excesses are going to lead to a pretty strong reaction one day as the follies are piling high and fast..

Sat Sri Akal.


Apr 3, 2005
It has already happened. About 2 years ago amendments were proposed, including removal of "believes in one God." The proposal was tabled and so far no one has taken it from the table. It is only a matter of time. We posted this story when it happened.

If I am not wrong amendments were proposed in 2006 and after that nothing is proposed.I googled the net and found nothing.I almost visit all major sikh sites with so much of different point of views and Sikhs discuss very very minor issue on net.How come this issue is not discussed on major sikh sites?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
kds ji

The original story I refer to was posted by Soul_jyot ji not that long ago. Every now and then I post the link in discussions where the subject comes up. Just now I really don't feel like looking for it again. Maybe later.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Kds Ji,
A short visit to any SGPC run Gurdwara and even Harmandar sahib and Takhats will reveal many anti-SRM actions already going on under "Prampara" tradition !! GHEE JYOTS burn in almost ALL Gurdwaras when this is SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED in SRM. Recently a LIFE SIZE Statue of Baba DEEP Singh ji was installed in a shaeedee Gurdwara. Huge life size pictures of Gurus are found in many Gurdwaras...one Gurdwara has charrawwa of MODEL AEROPLANES - ardass performed fo VISA to Foreign Countries repesented by the Name of the Airline on the model planes PARKED in fornt of the GOLUCK/SGGS.
ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER than words...and the Akal Takhat jathedar recently declared in Akal takhat itself that the Nitnem has SEVEN BANIS...and he reads SEVEN DAILY......when the SRM clearly says there are FIVE !! SO why is the JATHEDAR of Akal takhat doing an action AGAINST his own Takhat maryada ?? Read back issues of Rozana Spokesman...and do read it DAILY and you will find many such incidents highlighted DAILY BASIS in Gurdwaras all over....the DERAS are NOT at the GATES..jios...THEY ARE INSIDE !!


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
No single person is going to come and change the Sikh society .collective efforts are required to change but sikh society itself is so corrupt so there is

no point in blaming the others while waiting for some messiah to come.
kds1980 ji I won't blame anyone but want to nominate you to be our messiah. You have a good head on your shoulders, just little twisted introvert accusatory logic that, somehow we are all to blame and the majority Hinduism has no interest in destroying Sikhism.

OK i break my promise or I have to speak like you. Here goes the blame description. They (System/Congress/Hinduism) do it through manipulation, bribery, direct defamation, direct attacks, and the list is far too long. Of course there is fault in people accepting such advances, there is a greater fault in the majority to execute such practices.

You can keep doing the self blame game "till the cows come home" or the "Majhs (buffaloes) come home" but the saying is who needs enemies with such internal doubters .
Sat Sri Akal.


Apr 3, 2005
just little twisted introvert accusatory logic that, somehow we are all to blame and the majority Hinduism has no interest in destroying Sikhism.

Ambarsaria ji

Let me start this with muhawara "mare huye ko kya maro ge"

Please tell why present day hindu's want to destroy Sikhism? We all know Hindu's hate muslims and christians with all their heart and want to control their growth and so far they are not very successful.Also a very large part of India is still unknown about Sikhism ,they don't even fully know what Sikhs are.So why will hindu's attack a religion that is confined in North India ,neither it is growing nor they are attacking Hindu's.

If today majority of Punjabi's want to leave Punjab and live in Europe or North america ,then can we blame hinduism for this.Of course you will say that they want to leave because their are no jobs in Punjab but the fact is even if you create jobs like IT industry even then Punjabi's will won't work in it because at present The industries are giving minimum wages with 10-12 working hours in which the people of punjab are not interested

anyway Hindu's still want to destroy Sikhism is "Dil ko bahalane ke liye khayal ye achacha hai"


Aug 8, 2011
anyway Hindu's still want to destroy Sikhism is "Dil ko bahalane ke liye khayal ye achacha hai"

If one is active on some inter faith dialog community, it is not very rare to find some Hindus hell bent on proving Sikhism as part of Hinduism. Although I have to say that most of these guys are not very knowledgeable on Sikhism and are easy to counter.
The question is that from where are these guys getting this idea and why do they want to spread it?


Apr 3, 2005
If one is active on some inter faith dialog community, it is not very rare to find some Hindus hell bent on proving Sikhism as part of Hinduism. Although I have to say that most of these guys are not very knowledgeable on Sikhism and are easy to counter.
The question is that from where are these guys getting this idea and why do they want to spread it?

It is quite simple.So many sikhs themselves go to mandirs and do pooja and spread this information that they are part of hinduism.Also unlike other religions hinduism has no defination .Tribals in India don't believe in hindu gods but still they are considered as part of hinduism.Hindu of north hardly have any knowledge about South Indian hindu gods and their festivals.So many people believe that Every spiritual movement that arises in India is part of hinduism,
on the other hand many believe that those who believe in veda's are part of Hinduism.

Also may I ask Why so many non veg sikhs refrain from eating beef? If sikhs would have adopted this practice then no hindu would have been telling us that Sikhs are part of Hinduism


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Sorry kds1980 ji can you translate the following into your mother tongue, it appears something like Hindi learnt by a Punjabi Shehareah ,
Let me start this with muhawara "mare huye ko kya maro ge"

anyway Hindu's still want to destroy Sikhism is "Dil ko bahalane ke liye khayal ye achacha hai"
Shame on Sikhs speaking Hindi! Police, Badal and the crew included.

Sat Sri Akal.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
If one is active on some inter faith dialog community, it is not very rare to find some Hindus hell bent on proving Sikhism as part of Hinduism. Although I have to say that most of these guys are not very knowledgeable on Sikhism and are easy to counter.
The question is that from where are these guys getting this idea and why do they want to spread it?

imho, this is a very astute comment. And I think kds1980 ji was giving some equally astute answers to the quesiton "where are these guys getting this idea...?"

t is quite simple.So many sikhs themselves go to mandirs and do pooja and spread this information that they are part of hinduism.Also unlike other religions hinduism has no defination .Tribals in India don't believe in hindu gods but still they are considered as part of hinduism.Hindu of north hardly have any knowledge about South Indian hindu gods and their festivals.So many people believe that Every spiritual movement that arises in India is part of hinduism,
on the other hand many believe that those who believe in veda's are part of Hinduism.

Also may I ask Why so many non veg sikhs refrain from eating beef? If sikhs would have adopted this practice then no hindu would have been telling us that Sikhs are part of Hinduism

And it is not only rampant in India, but throughout the diaspora. To the point where it has become painfully difficult to explain what Sikhism is or what Sikhi is or what a Sikh believes to someone else, because they are all armed with examples of practices, poojas and beliefs that come straight from the culture of vedantic ideas. :whatzpointkudi:
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