Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,
My comments on whether the indian army entered Golden Temple with Akali Support?
Few facts:
1. There were total of 41 Gurudwaras that Indian Government attacked, not just one. Bhindrawala could not possibly been hiding in all of those.
2. They made sure to chose a day when Sikh Sangat was present at the Golden Temple in large numbers, shut off the trains leaving Amritsar, surrounded the complex, and did not give the ordinary people chance to leave. Therefore, intent was to cause most damage.
3. There were peaceful ways available to catch any terrorists such as cutting off water supply, food supply, and electrictiy to the complex. How long could they have survived without these. This would have given the civilians the chance to leave.
But nothing like this was even tried.
4. Finally, they took all the literature from the Sikh reference library, and then set the library on fire. We can all agree that no terrorists were hiding in those books. To this day, that material has not been returned. What have they been doing with the literature for all this time? Definitely not finding terrorists in those books.
The above can make any normal person wonder that may be there was more to it all then just trying to catch some terrorists. For this, we dig up even older Sikh history and other religions' history such as Budhism that have come under attack and see who was really behind the attack, and whether they have been attacking us and others like us before too. The answer is Yes. These are upper caste hindus wanting to keep their superiority over everyone else. They make it very clear in their own literature the following:
They support the caste system.
They don't like it when the so called inferior people raise themselves to power.
They want everyone to be Hindues in that country, that includes Sikhs.
They have (remember in their own literature), written how systematically they have absorbed Budhism, and are hoping for the same for the Sikhism.
The creation and promotion of the Dasam Granth is also a seqence of this same attack. So this all is not a simple one event, it goes from generation to generation and in different ways.
From the above all, it become very clear that the attack was a message to the Sikhs to show them the Hindu power in that country. To weaken the Sikh spirits, and to bring them in line, possibly more submissive to the Hindu power, and acceptable to being absorbed into Hinduism. Destruction of our history by destroying the Sikh reference library also proves this point. All of it is part of one scheme under which they don't want anyone else to raise their head and be submissive to the higher caste hindues.
Akalis would have very little to do with all this, and I don't think they had that much complexity to understand their enemy anyways, as these hindues are extremely cunning and clever. They use very polite and systematic ways to achieve their evil plans. An uneducated observer would be thinking that Sikhs keep complaining about being attacked, but who is really attacking them, Sikhs appear to be wrestling with ghosts, as the real enemy is so sharp to not even make everything clear and they use sweet and very cleverly chosen words such as our brothers etc. But only the ones who know their real colors, would understand the whole picture.
I hope this helps.
Randeep Kaur