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General Women Want Rich Husbands


Apr 3, 2005

Woman still want to ‘marry up’ and naturally choose husbands who earn more than themselves, a report suggests.

The idea of most women wanting to be financially independent is a myth, according to Catherine Hakim of the London School of Economics.

Despite years of equality campaigning, more women are choosing to marry wealthy men than in the 1940s, the expert claims.

In her report, published by the Centre for Policy Studies think tank, she suggests men dominate the top positions because women simply do not want careers in business.

She criticised David Cameron for backing the idea of quotas to ensure that leading companies appointed more women to their boards.

‘Women’s aspiration to marry up, if they can, to a man who is better-educated and higher-earning persists in most European countries,’ she said. ‘Women thereby continue to use marriage as an alternative or supplement to their employment careers.’

The research, which drew on existing data drawn from Britain and Spain, showed that 20 per cent of British women married husbands with a significantly better education than their own in 1949.

By the 1990s, the percentage of women deciding to ‘marry up’ had climbed to 38 per cent – with a similar pattern repeated in the rest of Europe, the US and Australia.

Equality drive harms women's chances in the workplace, study finds

The report concluded that equal roles in the family, where husband and wife shared employment, childcare and housework, was ‘not the ideal sought by most couples’.

Dr Hakim added: ‘It is thus not surprising that wives generally earn less than their husbands, and that most couples rationally decide that it makes sense for her to take on the larger share of child care, and to use most or all the parental leave allowance.’ Her report also suggests that many women do not want to admit they want to be a housewife – even to their partners.

‘It has become impossible to say, “I wouldn’t mind being a housewife,” she said.

‘It is so politically incorrect that a lot of women don’t want to admit it.’

The study comes after a series of measures announced by the Coalition intended to decrease the pay difference between women and men.

Working mother: Dr Hakim's report claims many women do not aspite to balancing a career with raising a family

Dr Hakim also accuses feminists of peddling a string of myths and manufacturing ‘political ammunition for a war that has ended’.

She says: ‘Women today have more choices than men, including real choices between a focus on family work and/or paid employment.

‘Despite this, many politicians and feminists appear disappointed with the slow pace of change in women’s attainment of top jobs.

Sex differences are treated as self-evident proof of widespread sex discrimination and sex-role stereotyping rather than the result of personal choices and preferences.

‘Demands for further change rest on faulty assumptions and dated evidence. The latest research shows that most of the theories and ideas built up around gender equality in the last few decades are wrong.

‘Despite feminist claims, the truth is that many men and women have different career aspirations, priorities, and life goals.

‘Policy makers should therefore not expect the same job outcomes.’

The report is scathing about EU plans to offer pregnant women 20 weeks of maternity leave on full pay.

It says that so-called ‘family-friendly’ policies ‘generally reduce gender equality in the workforce, rather than raising it’.

Critics argue that generous maternity provisions make employers wary of taking on women of childbearing age.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Women 'want rich husbands

MEN also WANT rich wives...why else all those DOWRY burnings..deaths..torturing of newly weded brides etc etc...IN FACT MEN are way GREEDIER thna women any day....Esp PUNJABI MEN....shamelss creatures who cannot earn enough on their own and wnat their IN LAWS to gift them motor cycles, bikes, ovens, cash, motor cars and what not..and keep demanding and demanding shamelessly..even when the children they fathered out fo theri wives are gorwn up as teenagers and adults..the DEMANDS keep on coming...


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
kds1980 ji I have some comments.

There is nothing wrong with women or men trying to marry-up. But as they say there are no guarantees how life turns in the future.

Some lines and possible questions that come to mind that should serve as a reality check,

  • I want to marry rich.
    • Would you leave me if we lose everything after we get married?

    • Note: I posted a video below of one of the better actors from Punjab, Balraj Sahni, a great humanist too
YouTube - Rafi - Waqt Se Din Aur Raat - Waqt [1965]

  • I want to marry someone very beautiful.
    • Would you leave me if I got dis-figured due to an accident?
Example: One of our relatives (man) was looking for girl for marriage. So we went to see someone. She was very beautiful and created great first impressions. Once we left I asked him how did it go indicating she looked like a perfect match for him. To my shock, the young man pointed to his head (indicating the girl was a little shallow). To even greater surprise he said, beauty does not last forever whereas your mind and brain is even more important. From that day, I had confidence in the young man that he will make a right decision whenever he does. He was blessed.

Hope it adds to the dialog.

Sat Sri Akal.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Once Betrand russel met a very beautiful Hollywood actress..and she asked him..IF we should marry..our kids will have YOUR BRAINS and MY BEAUTY..and that would be sheer GENIUS+BEAUTY.....what ..IF..our Kids get MY LOOKS..and YOUR BRAINS...replied Russel...what would you call that ?? UGLIEST IDIOTS ?? ITAS all in HIS Hands lol..


Feb 1, 2011
Men and women are same boat in this matter. Both want rich spouse to lessen the economical pressure that will exert after marriage.
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