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India Women Unsafe In India (UNIFEM And Jagori Focus On Delhi)


Apr 3, 2005

Women unsafe in india
13 February 2011

The front page of Mail Today shouts in bold-" SHAME ON DELHI MEN". The survey by United Nations Development Fund for women (UNIFEM) & Jagori reveals the dark side of Delhi, which woman in Delhi come across every day- 66% of capital's women were molested 2-5 times last year & worst- 70% of men looked the other way when they saw these cases. In the capital city of India, there is no safe public place for women. Women respondents feel most unsafe when in crowded public transport, bus stops, and stations (54%), followed by drunken men (50%) in public places. So, increase alcohol related harmful effects are showing loud and clear. Mahatma Gandhi was spot on about ills of liquor. Any takers? It is indeed a shame that women are not safe in the capital city of largest democracy of the world. A friend of SARCAJC suggests such survey should be done across the country to get a holistic picture of the problem.

12 February 2011

Women Insecure:

Two years ago on independence day, the Indian Prime Minister had expressed concern regarding female foeticide in Indian society -"It is very sad that in our society, the girl child is being killed even before being born. This is a shame on our society..As soon as possible we have to remove this blot. Our progress will be incomplete till women become equal partners in the growth..". Two years hence, have Indian women become equal partners in growth? Take the clue from Mrs. Salma Ansari, wife of Vice President of India- " My view is that parents should poison their girl child as soon as she is born,”. To a foreigner who is not familiar how insecure females feel down here, this suggestion by the wife of Vice President will indeed come as a shock & disgust. But Madam Ansari has just given voice to the height of anguish and helplessness felt by females due to rising crime against them- Living in fear, working in fear, travelling in fear...the insecurity list seems endless. Incidentally, the President of India,head of ruling coalition, leader of opposition are all women, but only Madam Ansari had the guts to voice the deep anguish of Indian women. Many female friends of SARCAJC point that given this the level of insecurity faced by half of India's population , India is indeed in dark ages. Did you say emerging economy, but at what cost? A friend of SARCAJC points to findings of latest survey by Labour Bureau which reveals extremely high unemployment rate for females.This is no inclusive growth, and here no tickle-down theory of economic growth will work. But surprisingly none of the leading policy makers/main stream media have bothered to read these disturbing statistics and ponder. The latest update -Chief minister of Delhi feels safety of women is greatest challenge facing her government. What could be a reason for rise in security for women, take a clue from Mahatma Gandhi.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Just to clarify some points for the change of the title thread.

The link https://www.sarcajc.com/Women_unsafe_in_india.html points to the site of SARCAJC, SOUTH ASIAN RESEARCH CENTRE FOR ADVERTISEMENT, JOURNALISM & CARTOONS.

The title of that article is, Women Unsafe in India. and summarizes the results of a survey by United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) & Jagori. These are survey statistics reporting crimes against women in Delhi only.

The original title of this thread, Shame on Delhi Men, is also the title of an article in Mail Today.
It can be found on page 3 at this link http://epaper.mailtoday.in/epaperhome.aspx?issue=1322011