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India Women Cops Bash Up Men In Delhi Metro

Jan 1, 2010

In high drama in the capital, women cops on Friday (November 26) bashed up trespassers in a Delhi metro. The men were assaulted for entering the ladies comparment of the train. Reports suggested that women in the comparment called in the cops to ensure that the men who have entered their comparment are show the way out. However, the number of men in the compartment was alarming leading to the women cops resorting to violence.

Rajneesh Madhok


Apr 3, 2005
Who gives right to women cops to beat men.Delhi metro has policy that if any men enter women compartment he will be fined rupees 200 ,there is no mention of beating.All this mess is created by Delhi metro who reserved One coach means 1/4th train for women despite number of women commutters is much less in number.This has resultred in over crowding in other compartment.Indian media is reporting that the men that were beaten are eve teasers despite the fact that an ordinary men were also beaten.

Now it looks to me that people/Govt oppose voilence on one hand and promote it on other.


Jun 1, 2004
Apparently, we have to realize that the persons who were beaten would have been the repeat offenders and there might have been a need to set a precedent, so that this is not repeated again...


Apr 3, 2005
Apparently, we have to realize that the persons who were beaten would have been the repeat offenders and there might have been a need to set a precedent, so that this is not repeated again...

Even if they are repeated offenders there is no law that give right to anybody to beat people especially when there is provision of fine.And please just switch on any TV and you will see that how all men were beaten irrespective whether they were repeated offenders or not.

I am really surprised when women or girls were beaten then every one is up against and when men were beaten then they its O.K


Jun 1, 2004
An offense is an offense... if anybody was in the women compartment at that then they all were guilty...

Unless and until, citizens of a country do not take accountability for their own actions, we would continue to witness such scenes... we have to breed self-discipline in ourselves that we want to see in others... its amazing to see videos of countries like US where there is simply no traffic police... everybody stops on the red light no matter how much emergency one is in... everybody stops to allow pedetrians to pass the road on a top priority... everybody drives at 20 miles wherever it is mentioned that a school is nearby... even when there is a collision of two vehicles, people get out of their vehicles and ask if the other person is ok... unlike in India, where such incidents end up in freestyle kick-boxing matches and disrupt the flow of traffic for hours... we have to learn to take responsiblity/accountability for our actions...

In India, i can get away with a traffic offence by simply offering $1 or $2 (Rs.50/100), no matter how grave the offense was... i have done it like 20 times myself in my 15 years of driving career... i offer it, he takes it, where is the accountability? :shockedmunda:


Apr 3, 2005
An offense is an offense... if anybody was in the women compartment at that then they all were guilty...

Unless and until, citizens of a country do not take accountability for their own actions, we would continue to witness such scenes... we have to breed self-discipline in ourselves that we want to see in others... its amazing to see videos of countries like US where there is simply no traffic police... everybody stops on the red light no matter how much emergency one is in... everybody stops to allow pedetrians to pass the road on a top priority... everybody drives at 20 miles wherever it is mentioned that a school is nearby... even when there is a collision of two vehicles, people get out of their vehicles and ask if the other person is ok... unlike in India, where such incidents end up in freestyle kick-boxing matches and disrupt the flow of traffic for hours... we have to learn to take responsiblity/accountability for our actions...

In India, i can get away with a traffic offence by simply offering $1 or $2 (Rs.50/100), no matter how grave the offense was... i have done it like 20 times myself in my 15 years of driving career... i offer it, he takes it, where is the accountability? :shockedmunda:

Travelling in women compartment is not criminal offense.It is metro that has right to Punish not the police.Metro can tommorow decide to take off women coaches just like calcutta metro did.So Police has no business here.If anybody eve teased women then only that person should be punished by police not all the men.

Btw if beating is punishment for every petty offense then we don't need any Laws in India.
Jan 1, 2010
Travelling in women compartment is not criminal offense.It is metro that has right to Punish not the police.Metro can tommorow decide to take off women coaches just like calcutta metro did.So Police has no business here.If anybody eve teased women then only that person should be punished by police not all the men.

Btw if beating is punishment for every petty offense then we don't need any Laws in India.
Travelling in metro in Delhi is miserable. People are being packed in the compartment, it seems as people are taken for slavery by forcefully stuffing them in compartments. Actually a man hangs out on a single foot by balancing on his right foot and holding himself tightly to rod provided for the suport ot get in to the compartment. It is not like that every man intentionally enters for the purpose of eve teasing. The police is there to check the pickpocketers, In a day there are at least more than 20 pockets are being picked up by the pickpocketers. Not even a single person is being booked. There are chances that your token might be pickpocketed and when you reach to the exit point you can not get out due to non submission of token. Where the police is when such a large scale of pockets are being picked up. Whether the role of police ends to harass the public.
Rajneesh Madhok


Apr 3, 2005
Travelling in metro in Delhi is miserable. People are being packed in the compartment, it seems as people are taken for slavery by forcefully stuffing them in compartments. Actually a man hangs out on a single foot by balancing on his right foot and holding himself tightly to rod provided for the suport ot get in to the compartment. It is not like that every man intentionally enters for the purpose of eve teasing. The police is there to check the pickpocketers, In a day there are at least more than 20 pockets are being picked up by the pickpocketers. Not even a single person is being booked. There are chances that your token might be pickpocketed and when you reach to the exit point you can not get out due to non submission of token. Where the police is when such a large scale of pockets are being picked up. Whether the role of police ends to harass the public.
Rajneesh Madhok

Actually Reserving one compartment out of 4 was a bluderous decision.Some stupid statitician thought that there are 25% women travellers so one compartment should be reserved for them,but realitty is many women are with
family, or with their collegues friends so they too prefer general compartment ,All this make the other 3 compartments crushed while women compartment still have plenty of space.Calcutta metro which has 8 compartments tried this method of reserving 2 coaches for women ,but they too were forced to take back the decision as the other 6 compartments got jam packed.

Sometimes I don't understand that whether India is moving forward or Backward as these type of facilities ,like women travelling separate from men
are available in islamic socities not in modern societies


Apr 3, 2005
Here is an update on this issue as this thing happened just very close to my home ,One of the boy who lives in my colony told me that men who were standing between two coaches were also beaten .He also told me one man Whose wife /GF was in woman's compartment just went to give latop to her when police came.The police hit him so hard that he is in hospital as his eye is injured ,may be he will loose his eyesight in one of his eye,yet Indian media reported this incident as if only eve teasers were beaten.
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