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When The Black Dog Comes To Visit

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
The last 6 weeks have been too dark to write a blog about, also, I have noted in times of extreme darkness, I push on, wishing to taste more of the damp dankness, as I find it helpful in my writing!

So with no outlet to describe the darkness, I have just worked and slept. After a while the black dog comes to visit, he sits on my shoulder, and just watches, this morning, he shuffled off and left me alone, I am like a little kid in a sweetshop, no dog, no wolf, I don't feel too bonkers, almost normal, whatever that is, I am starving him, I have sold his Range Rover, I have not sex in uhmmm let me think , how long has it been, not really sure, I think its uhmm 11 weeks 4 days 6 hours and 32 seconds, not that its on my mind, I have stopped eating anything other than basic food, beans, bread, aloo, I have tried, very hard to put on a clean t shirt every day, the weather makes the world look dark, grey, 20 years ago, today would have been a good day to die, today is a good day to live, I treasure these few moments of normality, serenity, it makes it so easy to connect, it makes living the truth a lot easier, no howling, no screaming, peace, its nice,


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Yes, the kind of peace you describe has a silky, unruffled, soothing feeling. It laps at your soul the way the river waters lap at the sides of a canoe when you just let down the oars and lean back for a restful look at the sky. Sounds, colors, smells, they are all mellow. If there were only a way to preserver the moment and call on it like a genie from a bottle when it is needed. I always have to rediscover it; and it does return.


May 9, 2006
Precious moments to recharge, brother. Isn't it funny how so many different incarnations of our selves fight over the driver's seat.