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Sects What Went Wrong With Sikhism?


May 24, 2008
What went wrong with Sikhism?

Nanak had a great idea to liberate people from rituals.
What went wrong and how can we fix it?
Why Sikhs are not liked in most countries?
May 24, 2008
The bane of Sikhism today is the politics involved in selecting ( electing ) Gurudwara management committies . The SGPC is today controlled by the party which fights the elections which is today Akali Dal Badal , which is in turn dependent on RSS (BJP ) the organisation which refuses to recogonise the independent identity of Sikhi sees it as a sect of Hinduism has hatred for Sikhism grained into its DNA . On the other hand is the Congress whose B team led by Paramjit Singh Sarna controls DSGMC ( Delhi Gurudwara Committie ) which has in its history the events of 1984 & beyond . Also Congress has the record of paying lip service to the cause of minorities just arousing passions . Though the present set up is really different . The same story is played in all Gurudwaras where members are elected even in Mohalla ( neighbourhood ) Gurudwaras not selected . This story is also repeated in all Gurudwaras abroad also IMHO . The members are all divided on the baisis of political affiliations & are pulling each others legs creating a very bad impression to an ordinary bystander .None has any interest in promoting religion hence this slide in Sikh character & sikhi in Punjab . IMHO the real change required is the devising & adopting a system of selecting Gurudwara Committies & not electing which should be purely on baisis of merit only . Also the Granthis & Pracharaks should be carefully selected & paid handsomely so that Gurudwaras attract good quality persons . Any political talk should be avoided unless extremely important .


Jun 11, 2004
Dear Khalsa Ji,

Till the time of our Gurus, the follow up to educate Sikhs in their religion was followed earnetly. With installation of Siri Guru Granth Sahib as our Guru, it became necessary for individuals to acquire the knowledge on their own. The Granthis, to whom people looked to explain them the religion and dispell the doubts about the position of Gurbani with respect to the problem of life, did so to the best of their abilities. The abilities varied from just being literate to evolved Gyanis. Litracy was less in Sikh population and more so with our girls. It was these would be mothers to examplify the Sikhi through there living and give values to the young children. The respective husband too was to support this task specially by respecting and recognising the task which our mothers were doing. In this area too we lacked and thus our children started drifting.

SGPC is basically meant to manage the Gurudwara within the Sikh Maryada. in my opinion, it should be Akal Takhat which should lead in educating the masses in Sikhi. It should be strengthened with adequate infrastucture staffed and supported by Sikhi community.

First the emphasis should be to inculcate the valure among our girls - the would be mothers then the young boys and finally their parents and even grand parents.

Blaming others will not help. We must accept that we had not been equal to the task Guru Sahib wanted us to carry further.

We are responsible for the current state of our religion.

I have had the good fortune to visit and stay in many countries and also many states within India. I did not had any experience to suggest that Sikhs are not liked. One thing we must remember, life gives us back many fold which we give to life.

With love and respect for all.

Amarpal Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
What went wrong with Sikhism?

Nanak had a great idea to liberate people from rituals.
What went wrong and how can we fix it?
Why Sikhs are not liked in most countries?

Seeker3K ji,

Guru Fateh.

I was expecting a long essay with full of enlightenment from you as you had mentioned before in one of your posts.

Please enlighten us with your Gurmat wisdom and share it with us by answering your above questions because I am eager to learn from you.

Hope to read it very soon.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh
Last edited:


May 24, 2008
Here I am sking sugestions from public. You and the sangat are lot more inteligent then me.
You tell us what gone wrong and how can we fix it?
If you think nothing is wrong then there is no need to reply. The thread will be closed by the modirators.

Hardip Singh

Jan 14, 2009
I will like to add to the sorry state of our religion from the following mail I recived today from a concerned friend in New Delhi :-
Hargobind enclave (in New Delhi trans yamuna area) vich house no-30 basement floor de andar GURU GRANTH SAHB JI de 1000 ton vi jyada sarup,100000 ton vi jyada Gutka sahib,ate 50000 sanchiyan bilkul bird miliyan han.GURU GRANTH SAHIB SATGUR JI de
sarup tan bahut hi jyada bird san us admi ne satgur sache patshah ji di bahut hi jyada bedwi kiti hoyi si uh hale tik pakdiya nahi gaya hai Us floor vich 2 foot tak pani jama hoya si,Gutka Sahib di bahut hi bhari bedwi hoi hai,EH sarup Gurdwara Dera Baba Karam Singh Ji geeta colony vich sewa layi aye han Ehna di sewa chal rahi haiBenti hai ki vadh ton vadh sangat nun prer ke sewa layi ho sake tan ethe pahunch ke sewa sambhal karo ji,Ehna srupan di sewa sambhal layi tatpar hovo ji for more details contact veerji who r tremendously exploring this appeal to every gursikh throuh sms

As if this news was nothing, Times of India Delhi had confirmed this news of sorry state of our upkeeping our own religious scriptures, Delhi Police had sealed the premises and taken over the disputed property on account that this could trigger voilence.
Who is to bother about this , DSGMC / SGPC / Akal Thakat / Sant Smaaj or WE.....?????
we have to think seriously.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Here I am sking sugestions from public. You and the sangat are lot more inteligent then me.
You tell us what gone wrong and how can we fix it?
If you think nothing is wrong then there is no need to reply. The thread will be closed by the modirators.

Seeker3k Ji,

Guru Fateh.

It is a great topic, but it is your duty as a thread starter to express your own opinion, so that people can interact and give theirs. You must have thought about something in your mind before posting the question because you are not alien to Sikhi and its values.

So, please share your views with us in order for us to learn from them and interact. This thread can only move forward with your own input first.

If I am not mistaken, you did mention in one of your posts that you were going to start a thread and express what is wrong with Sikhi.

Hope to hear from you.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh


May 24, 2008
Talwant Singh ji,

Dalbirk said few things about the akali dal. He is right. That is in Punjab. I am asking about in the other countries. Why people there don’t like Sikhs. I understand why they don’t like Muslims. That is not our concern.

Dalbirk saw things wrong in the system. Looks to me you don’t find any thing wrong with it. If that is your position then there is no discussion.

You can figure things out from my previous posts as to what is wrong. I listed few.

Why do you always ask the asker to explain his view. It is clear that Sikhs are treated as Muslim in other countries. Maybe you never been in other countries.
Most people will not tell a Sikh what they feel about Sikhism. But what they feel is different story.
They will tell only when they are not threatened . Most Sikhs are not willing to discuss the problem. As you must have seen the reply of badshah in Radha Soami thread.

Look in your heart and see what is wrong and what can be done to make Sikhism world standard. We are being asked question by our kids and their white friends. We have no answer for them.

We are stepping on their tows. We just want to have our way and don’t care about their culture their values.
This is only world we have (yet). We have to live in harmony with the rest of the world.
The biggest problem is we comes across as AROGENT, AND HATE TOWARD OTHER RELIGIONS

My prediction is Sikhism will be finished if we don’t change our ways

I like to hear your thoughts about what is wrong if any.
Nov 16, 2007
Talwant Singh ji,

The biggest problem is we comes across as AROGENT, AND HATE TOWARD OTHER RELIGIONS

My prediction is Sikhism will be finished if we don’t change our ways
If first line defines us, Sikhism is finished within us already.

About people in other countries hating us, it is now new. It is happening since day 1. We had to earn respect in India, we have to do the same in other countries too. Natives always are wary of different looking people.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Dear Seeker3K Ji

Sorry but I must confess I am uncertain as to what this thread is all about

Whilst I think I understand what you have said, it would have also been nice to have some clear pointers here instead of having to look elsewhere

Are Sikhs hated throughout the World?

News to me if they are

I know little about the politics and administration in India so will just provide a comment on the basis of my own experience in the UK. As far as the UK is concerned, I think Sikhs have gained some respect because of their proud military heritage. In fact, you will find this bizarre, but the far right racist British National Party, which is fairly outspoken in its hatred of Islam, has good things to say about Sikhs! Who would have thought it!

So perhaps it is unfair to tarnish all Sikhs with one brush and instead focus on the Jatt caste in particular who for me, fit the descriptors mentioned in the last post of being intolerant and arrogant. If you don't believe me..take a trip to Jattworld.com and see for yourself....


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
I beg to differ when you say we are hated. When people learn about Sikhs, we always seem to command great respect. I think a major problem is ignorance and we are largely to blame for that. We don't believe in conversion so don't shout about ourselves but we should be more forthright and raise awareness. I have seen several threads which talk about the relationship of Sikhs with the media and United Sikhs are starting to tackle the issue, especially with their programmes to talk in schools and workplaces.

The other major problem as per my view is that there are more people out there who call themselves Sikhs as they were born into a sikh family but do no more. There are less people who are actually interested in Sikhi and learning to live a Sikh way of life. Unfortunately, the 1st group give the rest of us a bad name sometimes by behaving in an anti-gurmat way. As we stick out due to our appearance, people are more likely to remember both the bad and good.

As for our image within the community, Gurdwara politics as written above is definitely a major problem and scares off a lot of youth who see only hypocrisy.
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