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What Was Your First Experience With Guru Ji?


Mar 30, 2011
My first experience with Guru ji, came in the forest where I was sitting and thinking about life, nature and God. After that experience I started to see everything with bliss, and was happy about the trees the little animals and everything else in the world . I felt very happy while i was jaaping Wahegurus name... This was the best feeling in my life, unique - unexplainable.. ..Long time, after that, I wasn´t able to explain this experience with words, and the difference between the "normal experience".
After hours of meditating in the nature, jaaping WAHEGURUS name I properly realized that „I AM“. Maybe you now think I am crazy, but it is hard to explain, hard to put it into “Words”. I think now you don´t really get what I mean. While I was doing usually things, I felt back into the frenzy, into this ecstasy, with the insight that everything is “DIVINE”. Now you don´t really get what I mean, but try to understand. Doing usually things, looking at normally things this “I AM” feeling came back. This “I AM “I am talking about, wasn´t the usual “I am “it was different it was special. Yes, we all know “We are” but this I am was else. Everything in me turned into frenzy, like my mind my body, something basically in me changed. This Frenzy condition I am talking about is still in me, it is like a blaze! My acting, my thinking, my view on humans, and my worldview everything changed. It was like “BOOM”. All facets (of the World) listed up in my mind, the good facets on the left and the bad ones on the right. And in the middle of these facets the divinity arose, the divinity that creates and destroys. This divinity was created from the good and bad facets. This divinity was so mighty, so powerful that it soaked everything, I was in the middle of that Energy, this light, this warm feeling, and started to love everything that is, because everything is divine. The truth dawned upon me. This insight was so comprehensive and deep, that everything turned topsy-turvy. I started to see everything in a different way.

Apologize my Syntax and spelling.
Now please tell me about your (first) exerperience with Guru ji 0:)


May 9, 2006
Ji, you have difficulty explaining it because it cannot be explained in words -- it must be experienced! Guru Nanak Ji knew this:

<TABLE cellSpacing=5><TBODY><TR><TD>ਮੰਨੇ ਕੀ ਗਤਿ ਕਹੀ ਜਾਇ
Manne kī gaṯ kahī na jā▫e.
The state of the faithful cannot be described.

</TD></TR><TR><TD>ਜੇ ਕੋ ਕਹੈ ਪਿਛੈ ਪਛੁਤਾਇ
Je ko kahai picẖẖai pacẖẖuṯā▫e.
One who tries to describe this shall regret the attempt.

</TD></TR><TR><TD>ਕਾਗਦਿ ਕਲਮ ਲਿਖਣਹਾਰੁ
Kāgaḏ kalam na likẖaṇhār.
No paper, no pen, no scribe

</TD></TR><TR><TD>ਮੰਨੇ ਕਾ ਬਹਿ ਕਰਨਿ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ
Manne kā bahi karan vīcẖār.
can record the state of the faithful.

</TD></TR><TR><TD>ਐਸਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਨਿਰੰਜਨੁ ਹੋਇ
Aisā nām niranjan ho▫e.
Such is the Name of the Immaculate Lord.

</TD></TR><TR><TD>ਜੇ ਕੋ ਮੰਨਿ ਜਾਣੈ ਮਨਿ ਕੋਇ ॥੧੨॥
Je ko man jāṇai man ko▫e. ||12||
Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. ||12||

Japji Sahib, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang 3

My first experience that I can crystalise in my memory was in the beginning of 2003 when I was first learning about Sikhi and I had somehow downloaded an English PDF of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and I was reading random pages of it. I distinctly remember reading about Naam and how theives cannot steal it, fire cannot burn it, and just felt an amazing sense of connection and wellbeing. I don't know which page I was on, I only remember those two sentences and the mind-blowing inspiration I felt reading them.

I read all I could about Sikhi for a few months, but I was young and not understanding and turned back to Paganism for a couple of years.

But the seed was planted then, Waheguru! wahkaur


Mar 30, 2011
Yes, you are right Ishna ji,
I was young too, about 14 years, but from childhood on I was a dreamer, I love to sit there and think about everything in the world, i am just trying to say that you need to think about everything in the world similiar if you have problems or not. Thanks for your shared experience ! peacesignkaur


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Pardon my straightforwardness, but all this 'share-your-experience' is more like a Christian/Western/AA type of thought. I wonder if it will work in Sikhism. Yes we have a very strong concept and foundation of Sangat. But Sangat has a different purpose. Sangat is for helping in maintaining routine and discipline which person might be unable to do all alone.

Now different people have different experiences. And some times sharing your experience can confuse others. For people have different states of mind and perceive God, Reality and Truth differently. And generally when we share experience, we seldom use the Gurbani Tuk which enabled us to have that experience. And even after reading the Tuk, not all may experience things as you do, leading to frustration for others.

Finally I believe your experiences of Divine began when you were born and even before that. How can you decide which was important and which was not?


May 9, 2006
1. Not everything "Western" is necessarily bad. Are you saying Sikhs can't connect with each other on a personal level because it is too Christian and too "Western"?? I'm western, so what are you trying to say?
2. Sangat can inspire each other by sharing their personal stories.
3. In fact we are encouraged to try to inspire others to remember Naam, and some people respond well to sharing of experiences.
4. Most if not ALL of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is our Gurus and Bhagats sharing THEIR EXPERIENCES.

Sikhs are not robots, we are human, and different. Some people benefit from sharing experiences.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Pardon my straightforwardness, but all this 'share-your-experience' is more like a Christian/Western/AA type of thought. I wonder if it will work in Sikhism. Yes we have a very strong concept and foundation of Sangat. But Sangat has a different purpose. Sangat is for helping in maintaining routine and discipline which person might be unable to do all alone.

Now different people have different experiences. And some times sharing your experience can confuse others. For people have different states of mind and perceive God, Reality and Truth differently. And generally when we share experience, we seldom use the Gurbani Tuk which enabled us to have that experience. And even after reading the Tuk, not all may experience things as you do, leading to frustration for others.

Finally I believe your experiences of Divine began when you were born and even before that. How can you decide which was important and which was not?

Kanwaljit Singh ji,

Guru fateh.

Pardon my ignorance, but I have no idea what you are talking about.

1. What do you mean by, "Pardon my straightforwardness, but all this 'share-your-experience' is more like a Christian/Western/AA type of thought"?

2. Why did Guru Nanak and our other Gurus travel thousands of miles if they had nothing to share their experiences with peoples of different cultures?

3. Do you mean that the Udasis by Guru Nanak were in vain, a total waste of time?

4. What is "a Christian/Western/AA type of thought"?

I would like you to elaborate your thought process regarding the above please.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh