Is this what some american think about sikhs or are these some crazies on internet
WASHINGTON — Secondary airport screenings for passengers with headwear have left some Sikhs, whose religion requires men to wear turbans, feeling racially profiled and embarrassed.
While other airline passengers are protesting the federal Transportation Security Administration’s full-body scans and rigorous pat-downs because of privacy concerns, Sikhs, with a population in the U.S. of about 500,000, are also protesting on religious and racial grounds.
WASHINGTON — Secondary airport screenings for passengers with headwear have left some Sikhs, whose religion requires men to wear turbans, feeling racially profiled and embarrassed.
While other airline passengers are protesting the federal Transportation Security Administration’s full-body scans and rigorous pat-downs because of privacy concerns, Sikhs, with a population in the U.S. of about 500,000, are also protesting on religious and racial grounds.