What role do angels play in your faith tradition?
By Balpret Singh, Citizen Special
Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/W...th+tradition/4026346/story.html#ixzz19LhxwFQ2
While the Sikh faith accepts the existence of beings like angels, they aren't given any particular importance or focus.
The Sikh scripture Sri Guru Granth Sahib teaches that even celestial beings like angels long for the opportunity to unite with God.
The purpose of human life is to reunite one's soul with God through meditation on naam or God's name and by living a spiritual lifestyle. Human life is particularly precious because it is in fact the only life form which can achieve this. In that respect, humans have the potential to surpass even the angels through their devotion. Sri Guru Granth Sahib states, "From a human one becomes an angel in an instant; the True Guru has given me such a teaching. Born of a human, the heavens have been conquered; I have attained such a medicine. (ang 873).
Following the teachings of the Guru and living the principles of truth, compassion, love and mercy, we see many examples of people who have indeed become human angels by not only meditating on God, but also serving humanity.
One such example is that of Bhagat Pooran Singh. Bhagat Pooran Singh spent his entire adult life opening a shelter and serving the destitute, orphaned and disabled in Amritsar, India.
From 1924 until his death in 1992, he spent every day walking the streets, serving those whom society had neglected.
In addition to his humanitarian work, Bhagat Pooran Singh was an active environmentalist who organized reforestation drives and wrote about the threat of soil erosion and air pollution.
Even today, the institute Bhagat Pooran Singh created cares for hundreds of patients free of charge and has several branches in India. He and many others have shown that when humans embody the principles of compassion and love, they can indeed surpass the angels.
© Copyright (c) The Ottawa Citizen
Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/W...th+tradition/4026346/story.html#ixzz19LhhCVmK
By Balpret Singh, Citizen Special
Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/W...th+tradition/4026346/story.html#ixzz19LhxwFQ2
While the Sikh faith accepts the existence of beings like angels, they aren't given any particular importance or focus.
The Sikh scripture Sri Guru Granth Sahib teaches that even celestial beings like angels long for the opportunity to unite with God.
The purpose of human life is to reunite one's soul with God through meditation on naam or God's name and by living a spiritual lifestyle. Human life is particularly precious because it is in fact the only life form which can achieve this. In that respect, humans have the potential to surpass even the angels through their devotion. Sri Guru Granth Sahib states, "From a human one becomes an angel in an instant; the True Guru has given me such a teaching. Born of a human, the heavens have been conquered; I have attained such a medicine. (ang 873).
Following the teachings of the Guru and living the principles of truth, compassion, love and mercy, we see many examples of people who have indeed become human angels by not only meditating on God, but also serving humanity.
One such example is that of Bhagat Pooran Singh. Bhagat Pooran Singh spent his entire adult life opening a shelter and serving the destitute, orphaned and disabled in Amritsar, India.
From 1924 until his death in 1992, he spent every day walking the streets, serving those whom society had neglected.
In addition to his humanitarian work, Bhagat Pooran Singh was an active environmentalist who organized reforestation drives and wrote about the threat of soil erosion and air pollution.
Even today, the institute Bhagat Pooran Singh created cares for hundreds of patients free of charge and has several branches in India. He and many others have shown that when humans embody the principles of compassion and love, they can indeed surpass the angels.
© Copyright (c) The Ottawa Citizen
Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/W...th+tradition/4026346/story.html#ixzz19LhhCVmK