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What Music Are You Listening To Right Now ?

Jul 13, 2004
No, I dont listen any music etc. while at work.

hey hey... dont consider this as a discussion killer though. May be some of the replies here will make me a not-boring fellow.


Nov 11, 2004
Well right now I'm just listening to a radio show, but I listen to music from all over the world. I like Middle Eastern music as well as some easy-listening New Age stuff. I have an Eclectic taste in music. :D What about everyoe else? What do yuo normally listen to for leisure?


Nov 11, 2004
S|kH said:
Nas - Nazareth Savage.mp3

Guess I'm the only one that listens to rap :(

Hey, I said I'd listen to anything! I don't count?! And why is everyone writing in a language I don't understand? Is there a language course here or something I could take? Shoot...
Jul 13, 2004

You might have observed some writings, which dont belong to English language. Generally, those are writings from Eternal Guru Granth Sahib ji, or common words in Punjabi language spoken in North India. Yes, to understand those, knowledge of Punjabi is required. However, we do try to maintain English like communication most of the times, but there are a few times, where we off-shoot.

Considering this a forum visited by people with different backgrounds from different geographic locations, our effort is to post threads/responses mostly in English, but other times, this becomes somewhat difficult.

Hope that helps.
Aug 13, 2004
Various Shabads by Bhai Doola ji (AKJ) downloaded long time ago from www.Waheguroo.com. Shabads are sung with lot of Naam Simran after each tuk. My favorite one that makes me forget all is -

sB ibiD qum hI jwnqy ipAwry iksu pih khau sunwie ]1] (432-2, Awsw, mÚ 5)
sabh biDh tum hee jaantay pi-aaray kis peh kaha-o sunaa-ay. ||1||
You know all about my condition, O Beloved; who can I speak to about it? ||1||

qUM dwqw jIAw sBnw kw qyrw idqw pihrih Kwie ]2] (432-3, Awsw, mÚ 5)
tooN daataa jee-aa sabhnaa kaa tayraa ditaa pahirahi khaa-ay. ||2||
You are the Giver of all beings; they eat and wear what You give them. ||2||

suKu duKu qyrI AwigAw ipAwry dUjI nwhI jwie ]3] (432-3, Awsw, mÚ 5)
sukh dukh tayree aagi-aa pi-aaray doojee naahee jaa-ay. ||3||
Pleasure and pain come by Your Will, O Beloved; they do not come from any other. ||3||

jo qUM krwvih so krI ipAwry Avru ikCu krxu n jwie ]4] (432-4, Awsw, mÚ 5)
jo tooN karaaveh so karee pi-aaray avar kichh karan na jaa-ay. ||4||
Whatever You cause me to do, that I do, O Beloved; I cannot do anything else. ||4||

idnu rYix sB suhwvxy ipAwry ijqu jpIAY hir nwau ]5] (432-5, Awsw, mÚ 5)
din rain sabh suhaavanay pi-aaray jit japee-ai har naa-o. ||5||
All my days and nights are blessed, O Beloved, when I chant and meditate on the Lord's Name. ||5||

sweI kwr kmwvxI ipAwry Duir msqik lyKu ilKwie ]6] (432-5, Awsw, mÚ 5)
saa-ee kaar kamaavnee pi-aaray Dhur mastak laykh likhaa-ay. ||6||
He does the deeds, O Beloved, which are pre-ordained, and inscribed upon his forehead. ||6||

eyko Awip vrqdw ipAwry Git Git rihAw smwie ]7] (432-6, Awsw, mÚ 5)
ayko aap varatdaa pi-aaray ghat ghat rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||7||
The One is Himself prevailing everywhere, O Beloved; He is pervading in each and every heart. ||7||

sMswr kUp qy auDir lY ipAwry nwnk hir srxwie ]8]3]22]15]2]42] (432-6, Awsw, mÚ 5)
sansaar koop tay uDhar lai pi-aaray naanak har sarnaa-ay. ||8||3||22||15||2||42||
Lift me up out of the deep pit of the world, O Beloved; Nanak has taken to Your Sanctuary. ||8||3||22||15||2||42||

Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru
Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru


Jul 13, 2004
This shabad is so powerful, Prabjyot ji. Thanks for sharing.

Right now, listening to:

daras tayray kee pi-aas man laagee.
My mind thirsts for Your Vision

sahj anand basai bairaagee.
in peaceful ease and bliss, I dwell in detachment.