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What Is DEATH In Gurmatt ?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
My dear Friend..Charan Singh (Gurbani Vichaar) of California writes...

It seems the only death known or recognized as per Sikhism is the
death of "I" all other references to death need to be more thoroughly
researched, Gorkirpa, to understand these and measure these in the
light of the death of Haomaye. Sat, Sach and Saoch are One - light
celestial sound - Jagdisoor. Where Saoch in the company of Sat , "I"

Thinking about Sach only, Soach about Sach only, in company of Sat,
results in no thoughts, no saoch, no I originates- all hukam, all Sat,
no jiwan no marn, no dharmraj, no jamm, no account taking, - easiest
path of Sikhi, Jyoit mingles Jyoti, (Internal) Sat with the company of
Soach ( thinking about Sach) realizes poora Sach and remains in
company of Sach in continuity. Na Na kar- the jyoti that is numerous
is Jyot in everyone of the numerous.Merging that Jyot, that Sat in
Saoch is life rest everything is death - perishable, recreation,
regeneration, recycle.reemerging of "I" of Soach, of thoughts. Keeping
Sach in thoughts in the company of Sat all three Sar, Sach Saoch in

My comment:

Exactly and aptly put . Bodily Death is as per Natural Laws...NO ONE can do anything to disrupt Natural laws...

GURBANI is there for the sole purpose of teaching us about SPIRITUAL DEATH...and How to AVOID IT.
But many Sikhs also follow others and hanker after the physical laws..death of the body..etc etc...
OPEN the TOOLBOX of Gurbani SGGS..and follow its METHODS..Suraj deena kirannan naal light mil jaanda hai..smundar de pannee naal pannee mil janda hai..the LIGHT mingles with the light of the SUN..and the Water mingles with the Ocean....that is PHYSICAL LAW...Gurbani is much deeper...


Jan 22, 2005
Giani Ji

Unfortunately we are more concerned about physical success and pleasure rather than make this journey successful. But don't you think in order to make our mission successful, we need to do kirat so that vessel is in perfect condition and vand chhakhna to help other to make their journey successful too. Now the question is, with the advent of latest technology, transport, communication, other creativities etc for making the life easy is the efforts of those who are thinking about sach only or otherwise. Would love to see your feed up.

Best regards
Mohinder Singh Sahni
Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India
Bhai Vir Singh ji in the epic poem "Rana Surat Singh" says that the foetus would like to continue in mother's womb and does not like to come out. And once out in the world man does not wish to exit it.
So too exit from this world is not a death but birth in another state and once one enters into that state (whatever that may be), there will be resistance for exiting that stage too!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

I think that is right because the soul is indestructible, and "our" soul does not belong to us. It is always intermingled with something far greater. Perhaps we in mortal form are connected it for a lifetime. Death is that moment when we can be glad to return what gift we have enjoyed.


Jan 22, 2005
Bhai Vir Singh ji in the epic poem "Rana Surat Singh" says that the foetus would like to continue in mother's womb and does not like to come out. And once out in the world man does not wish to exit it.
So too exit from this world is not a death but birth in another state and once one enters into that state (whatever that may be), there will be resistance for exiting that stage too!
As gurbani tells us, the process of remembrance of God by us mortal ignitedf by God Himself inside the womb itself, ‘mwq grB mih Awpn ismrnu dy qh qum rwKnhwry ] In our mother's womb, You blessed us with Your meditative remembrance and You preserved us there. SSGGS 613.18 but in case the simran breaks up inside the womb the fetus is aborted or is born is with defects.

Upon successful completion of our birth, Guru Amar das ji now caution us, ‘ jYsI Agin audr mih qYsI bwhir mwieAw ] mwieAw Agin sB ieko jyhI krqY Kylu rcwieAw ]as was the fire in side the womb same is maya of attachment outside,Both the fire and Maya is one and the same; the Creator has staged this play. But what happens once, ‘ilv CuVkI lgI iqRsnw mwieAw Amru vrqwieAw ] Once Love for the Beloved God wears off or child stop remembering Him after his birth he becomes attached to desires; and then the script of Maya runs its course.

Guru Arjan Ji tells us, if we were successful inside the womb by meditative simran, same way we will be successful and complete our journey by simran only, ‘ mwq grB qum hI pRiqpwlk imRq mMfl iek quhI - In the mother's womb, You sustained me, and in this mortal world, You alone help me. SGGS 1215.8
In other word God established the creation just for His Love and as gurbani tells us, ‘hir ismrin DwrI sB Drnw ]For the sake of His Love, the whole world was established SGGS 263.17 and if we don’t contribute our part and promote His Name but rather keep busy in promoting our own name, then Guru Ram das ji says, ‘jim jim mrY mrY iPir jMmY ]bhuqu sjwie pieAw dyis lµmY ]You shall be born and born again, and die and die again, only to be reincarnated again. You shall suffer terrible punishment, on your way to the land beyond. SGGS 1020-4.

Best regards
Mohinder Singh Sahni


Mar 12, 2009


This term in Sikh thought is applied to those who get enlightened with spiritual wisdom. Their mental tranquility and thinking are not affected by ordinary worldly affairs. They are asleep as to worldly concerns. Life is the teacher of all teachers. Knowing this, we can all pass on the lessons of our lives to guide others on their own paths. We should however perform this role as a guide in humility. When we stop our own development, we stop living in any significant sense. The flame goes out when we stop loving. It goes out when materialism and egoism overpower us. We can release our spirit from this bondage through spiritual development, if we continuously keep exploring our new inner state. This is an art to maintaining the spiritual fire and ripening the fruits of life's labors. In this state one is both here and not here, in thought and not in thought, and simultaneously alive and dead through the Sabd says Guru Nanak in Raag Parbhati;

The remainder of this article can be found at the following link

Warning: Virinder ji You have overwritten my editorial correction to your initial post in this thread. You have been asked to confine your articles to the Spiritual Articles section of the forum. By linking your response to that area, your voice is still heard. Do not overwrite moderator edits. Thank you, Narayanjot Kaur

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