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Politics What Baba Ramdev Wants!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Yoga guru Baba Ramdev, who has threatened to field candidates in every Lok Sabha constituency in 2014, has stopped the Union government in its tracks with a set of demands, ranging from the serious to the bizarre.

The demands of the jetsetting Baba — whose acolytes recently bought him a little Scottish island to open an ashram — include:

— Tough Lokpal Bill, with a provision for death sentence for the corrupt, especially corrupt officials

— Immediate return of all black money stashed away in tax havens abroad to the country

— Declaring all wealth in foreign countries being held illegally by Indians as national property and charging those with such accounts under the sedition laws

— Abolishing Rs.1,000 and Rs.500 currency notes

— Disabling the operations of any bank which belongs to a country that is a tax haven

— Replacing the British-inherited system of governance, administration, taxation, education, law and order with a swadeshi alternative

— Reforming the electoral system to ensure that the Prime Minister is directly elected by people

— Ensuring that all citizens declare annually their incomes

— Bringing income-tax details under the Right to Information Act

— Increasing substantially the Minimum Support Price of grains

— Making wages of different categories of labourers uniform across the country

— Revoking the Land Acquisition Act, as farmers should not be deprived of their land for industry

— Promoting Hindi at the expense of English.



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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: What Baba Ramdev Wants

Fasts, dharnas in many states in support of Ramdev

People from all walks of life and social organisations in different parts of the country on Saturday extended support to Baba Ramdev’s indefinite strike against corruption by observing fasts, holding dharnas and performing ‘hawans’

In Patna, activists of more than 60 social, religious and spiritual organisations joined a demonstration under the banner of the trust of Patanjali Yoga Samiti at Kargil chowk to support Baba Ramdev.

Ashish Kumar Sinha, convener of the Patajali Yoga Samiti in Patna District, said over 100 people sat on a fast at different district headquarters in support of Baba Ramdev.

Teachers, social activists, students and people from different sections of the society expressed support to Baba Ramdev’s satyagraha.

“The agitation will not be withdrawn in Bihar as long as Ramdev’s satyagraha will continue in Delhi against corruption and bringing black money stashed away abroad back to India,” Mr. Sinha said, adding campaign vehicles were being flagged off to various destinations to mobilise people’s support.

Baba Ramdev’s supporters across Assam also joined his agitation in Guwahati and Dibrugarh.

A large number of the Baba’s followers gathered at the Last-Gate Field in Dispur, next to the state secretariat, demanding repatriation of black money stashed away abroad.

Arrangements for the agitational programme were made by the Assam unit of Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Yoga Samity and the Bharat Swabhiman Trust.

In Nagpur, supporters of Baba Ramdev extended support to him by performing a ‘hawan’ and singing ‘bhajans’.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: What Baba Ramdev Wants

BUT he himslef has already conceded........merely on an phone call promise...
Its all a Big STUNT by the RSS/BJP. baba Ramdev is the SOFT Face of RSS/BJP. In just 8 years he has ammassed a huge fortune of 11Krors..and multiple hectare Yoga Ashrams all over...
He was ****** off with the Huge Sucees of Anna Hazareh..who is a-polotical a-religious..secular leader who was put on the backburner...and then Ramdev jumped into the fray...to make hay while the sun shines...a THIRD BABA..sri Ravi Shankar is also in the field...he is a Rich mans baba !!! Ramdev has roped him in to get the Rich mens Club behind this campaign..

IMHO Baba ramdev wants to be PM !! Nothing more nothing less...and when hes PM..it will be STATUS QUO...sorry to be cynical..but i NEVER TRUST MODERN LIVING BABAS of any kind..be they Kar-sewa Babas, Car-sewa babas, Lal-Battee Babas, Golden Palki babas, Sang Marmar babas, Bhora Babas, Bhuree Babas Yoga Babas..whatever...The ONLY Babas I ever trusted and LOVE are..Baba Farid Ji..Baba nanak ji. Baba Budha Ji...Baba Ajit Singh Ji Baba Jhujaar Singh ji Baba Zorawar Singh Ji, Baba fateh Singh ji, Baba banda Singh ji Baba Deep Singh Ji Shaheed..and in Modern Times Baba Kharrak Singh ji Betaaj badshah of Sikhs.
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Re: What Baba Ramdev Wants

Police crackdown at Ramlila ground, Baba Ramdev asked to leave Delhi

TNN | Jun 5, 2011, 02.39am IST

NEW DELHI: High drama ensued in the wee hours of Sunday at the Ramlila Maidan as large number of police personnel descended at the venue where Baba Ramdev is on an anti-graft fast demanding action on blackmoney.

Chaos prevailed at the ground after around 1.10 am when news came that the yoga guru may be arrested with the government withdrawing permission for the yoga camp at the Ramlila ground.

The yoga guru was physically removed from the Ramlila ground that left many injured and the protest venue in shambles. Hundreds of people dispersed from the ground after heavy tear-gassing by anti-riot police.

Although Delhi police said that Ramdev has not been arrested and has been taken to a safe place, reports said there was no official word on his whereabouts.

The vibes between the two sides had soured dramatically on Saturday dealing a blow to the prospect of an early resolution, although a fresh written assurance was sent to Baba Ramdev on enacting law on black money and declaring it as national asset for which a committee will be set up.

Soon, Ramdev's supporters formed human chains to prevent his arrest. According to reports, the government is said to have ordered Baba Ramdev to stay out of Delhi's limits. Section 144 is also reported to have been clamped.

Reacting to the situation, Baba Ramdev said government should not use force.

Earlier, the government in return for the written assurance expected the Baba to call off his protest on Sunday. Ramdev, however, had said he would announce his next course of action only after "I hear from the PM."

The government's expectation of a Ramdev announcement by mid-day that he would end his fast by June 6 after being assured on his demands did not fructify. This led telecom minister Kapil Sibal to reveal Baba's handwritten commitment to end his protest in two days. As per the letter given to the government on behalf of Ramdev, he was to turn the fast into a meditation session before winding up on Monday.

However, Ramdev did not comply because of what he termed a lack of clear commitment to promulgate an anti-black money law. According to government sources, he started shifting the goalposts, making the government suspect that he wanted to drag on the protest. This prompted Sibal to make public the letter.

Sibal's dramatic gesture of waving a small sheet of paper with assurances written on Ramdev's behalf was prompted by what government saw as Ramdev's intransigence. But if it was meant to nudge Ramdev into announcing an end to his fast, it failed to do so, with the guru immediately raising the bar and screaming bad faith. Intriguingly, the telecom minister made public Baba's letter just when the latter appeared to be verging on announcing "victory".

With media confronting him on the letter revealed by Sibal, Ramdev vehemently denied a covert deal or that his was a "fixed" fast. He said that the Sibal and his Cabinet colleague Subodh Kant Sahay had requested him for the letter saying that it would help them deal with the allegation that the government had surrendered to the Baba. He warned his supporters to stay put in case he was arrested and made it clear that a written assurance is a must.

Ramdev said he would never speak to Sibal again and said he will announce his next course of action after "I hear from the PM."

source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...-Baba-Ramdev-detained/articleshow/8730121.cms


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Apr 3, 2005
Re: What Baba Ramdev Wants

BUT he himslef has already conceded........merely on an phone call promise...
Its all a Big STUNT by the RSS/BJP. baba Ramdev is the SOFT Face of RSS/BJP. In just 8 years he has ammassed a huge fortune of 11Krors..and multiple hectare Yoga Ashrams all over...
He was ****** off with the Huge Sucees of Anna Hazareh..who is a-polotical a-religious..secular leader who was put on the backburner...and then Ramdev jumped into the fray...to make hay while the sun shines...a THIRD BABA..sri Ravi Shankar is also in the field...he is a Rich mans baba !!! Ramdev has roped him in to get the Rich mens Club behind this campaign..

IMHO Baba ramdev wants to be PM !! Nothing more nothing less...and when hes PM..it will be STATUS QUO...sorry to be cynical..but i NEVER TRUST MODERN LIVING BABAS of any kind..be they Kar-sewa Babas, Car-sewa babas, Lal-Battee Babas, Golden Palki babas, Sang Marmar babas, Bhora Babas, Bhuree Babas Yoga Babas..whatever...The ONLY Babas I ever trusted and LOVE are..Baba Farid Ji..Baba nanak ji. Baba Budha Ji...Baba Ajit Singh Ji Baba Jhujaar Singh ji Baba Zorawar Singh Ji, Baba fateh Singh ji, Baba banda Singh ji Baba Deep Singh Ji Shaheed..and in Modern Times Baba Kharrak Singh ji Betaaj badshah of Sikhs.

Gyani ji

Criticism is O.K but over criticism is bad.Swami Ramdev is doing lot of good for humanity. He sells honey at half the price what Indian companies charge.Chyavanprash,other ayurvedic health tonics are dirt cheap .I too could not beileve my eyes when I saw my bill when I purchased medicines from his centre.Moreover qualified ayurvedic doctors are available to give who will do your check up free of cost.If this type of serving humanity is wrong then he is wrong

Though on the other hand I do believe that many of his political views are wrong and he should concentrate more on healthcare of people rather than jumping in Politics.

but overall he has done much more good to people than bad by encouraging them to do Yoga and making network of cheap ayurvedic medicines


Apr 3, 2005
Midnight crackdown: From Ramlila Ground to gurudwara

New Delhi: Hundreds of Baba Ramdev's supporters, evicted from the protest site by police, found shelter in a house of god -- a gurudwara close by.As the protests site was sealed and entry barred after the midnight swoop, nearly 1,000 Ramdev supporters took shelter at Gurudwara Bangla Sahib to freshen up and evade further police action.

"We are here to freshen up ourselves as we could not even get drinking water at the Ramlila Ground. But we will continue our agitation," Mahendra Joshi from Ludhiana told IANS.

"Around 23 of my friends are still missing," he added.

"The police have parked buses outside the gurudwara to take us away but we won't budge till Babaji's demands are met. We will protest and fight till we die," said Kamlesh Morey from Bihar.

Hundreds of policemen just after Saturday midnight swooped down on the protest site forcibly removing Ramdev and dispersing his supporters with tear gas and batons bringing the indefinite mass hunger strike to an abrupt end.

"We were sleeping at the venue when at around 12.30 a.m., five people woke us up and told us that several police personnel had entered the premises and were going to arrest Baba Ramdev," said Anubhav Yadav.




Mar 23, 2011
Though on the other hand I do believe that many of his political views are wrong and he should concentrate more on healthcare of people rather than jumping in Politics.

I don't think he is jumping into Politics. Being a citizen of India, he has the right to see his country progressing and rising high. He just want to bring back the "BLACK MONEY" collected by the corrupt politicians by unfair means from Banks outside India which belongs to the people and the Country itself. Government always makes promises to take some steps but never do the needful. They talk, have meetings, make files to please the people that Yes they are doing something but soon these files are buried somewhere which is out of the reach of a common public. To remind such type of government, one has to take some step like Ramdev ji. I know, one person cannot make much difference, but if everyone start thinking like Anna Hazare ji and Ramdev ji then very soon we can see our country on top of this world.

We select the government, elect the leaders so that they can listen our problems and find a solution for the betterment of us but what these greedy politicians do.. they promises a lot and once they are in power, they turn their back towards us. Again, just few days before elections.. we can again see these politicians making the very same promises which they had and will never fulfill.

Its true that today our government is deaf. They only knows how to fill their pockets out of the money earned by common people after working hard whole day. Such people need something like "Anshan or Satyagrah" without which they feel that its only they and their family are a part of this world and no one else. Anna Hazare and Ramdev ji has done the right thing. I feel, till the time "Congress" is ruling, our country can never progress.

As per today's news, according to the comments given by three of the ministers of the same Congress party and Delhi Police on the "lathi charge on the people present in the camp" contradict each other. What a shame !!! Just to hide their wrong done, they can't give the same reason/view to the media about their misdeeds.

Also, Anna Hazare has decided to meet the government to discuss about the bill only if that meeting is to be telecast live.
Sometimes i feel, it was better if our life were to be a part of some movies. Atleast at the end we could have a happy ending. :grinningsingh:
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
June 5, 2011

Democracy throttled: Anna Hazare

IANS | Jun 5, 2011, 12.12pm IST

NEW DELHI: Gandhian activist Anna Hazare Sunday called the police crackdown on yoga guru Baba Ramdev and his supporters "a throttling of democracy".

"To protest is not a crime. It only strengthens democracy," Hazare told reporters here, referring to Ramdev's hunger strike against corruption and black money that began at the Ramlila ground here Saturday morning.

"But what was the need to send police at the dead of night and beat up people?" he asked, hours after hundreds of police personnel swooped on the protest site and forcibly removed Ramdev and his supporters.

"This is a blot on democracy," he said.

In an apparent reference to some of those backing Ramdev, Hazare said the yoga guru's campaign "may have had some weaknesses".

"But this does not mean that police will beat up people. What crime did the demonstrators commit? Why crack down at night? Women and children were there too."

Hazare, whose own five-day fast in April had forced the government to announce a panel to frame a Lokpal bill, said people all over the country should protest the way Ramdev was forced to end his fast.

"All the people should protest. Don't look for support from political parties. The future movement should be so big that the government should be taught a lesson."

source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Democracy-throttled-Anna-Hazare/articleshow/8733752.cms
Oct 21, 2009
We all know what Einstein said about Mahatama Gandhi...Future Generations would find it hard to believe that a man in underwear changed the Indian struggle and almost threw the Britishers....
No one took him seriously when he started his non-violent movements. He outclassed by his humility and other traits that Britishers had to leave India.

One has to make a beginning. Someone has to provide leadership. Indian Politocracy and Beaurocracy is a British legacy.

Both these classes have ruined the State in so far as economic growth is concerned. Corruption is writ large here Nothing moves without grease. Government set up is corrupt. Beaurocrats are rude and self centered.

At least, Baba has started a movement and have made Indians aware of the flight of capital to other Countries. It is a fair contribution to the Indian Society. Indian money is helping the growth of European countries. What a ridiculous
proposition ...

I am in full agreement with Kds ji where he has expressed his views.

India is under dynastic rule under Gandhi or Nehru. All this has to change.

We have realized this only thru. Baba.
I do not speculate whether he wants to be PM or not. There are many smart people for this.Baba has done a great job in awakening the masses.
Kudos for Baba,..His Guts.. His determinations..A singe man can dig the roots of corrupt Government and its officers...It is his individual's achievement.
I salute to this gentleman for all that he has done for us.
New Dehli has already trembled in a day. Gyani ji has passed some sarcastic remarks about Baba. He is not a baba of Dera...he has started an Institution and wants revitalize Ayuervedas. His efforts are laudable.

It is always easy to find faults with others and the Born leaders are not affected by what the others think and state ..they are on mission..and they serve the humanity..India needs such kind of persons..Ten more Babas of this kind and India would be ahead of US in economic growth even in terms of size of GDP and per capita GDP.It is this that matters and that is of prime importance for India to move ahead of China. India shall, temporarily surpass Japan and would become No,3 economy in size next to US and China..India can be number one in two or three decades if the single issue of 'Black money' is sorted out...
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
June 6, 2011 - Tribune India

Caught in woman’s white attire

New Delhi:
Ramdev lived up to his billing as a maverick as he jumped from the dais in the Ramlila Maidan and melted in the crowd before resurfacing in a salwar-kameez in a bid to dodge past the police posing as an injured woman.

But the script went wrong for the 46-year-old yoga guru as some cops grew suspicious after the “seriously injured woman”, who was walking with both arms thrown over the shoulders of two women, refused to board an ambulance offered by them. For Ramdev and security establishment, it was a high drama - from his going missing to finding him and then sending him to Dehradun in a special plane. It was 4 am and almost three hours had gone by after the police lost track of the yoga guru, who leapt from a three-metre high rostrum into a sea of his followers teeming under a giant tent and did a vanishing act.

Ramdev had sought five minutes from the police to gather his belongings but he swiftly picked up the microphone and shouted “Vande Mataram” to rouse his followers from slumber and resist the police plan to break up the protest.


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