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Canada Truckers Seek Turban Over Helmet For Motorcycle Riders


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Can a turban be safer than a helmet for a motorcycle rider?
"Of course," claim Sikh community members. "Motorcycle? Turban can protect your head from a bullet - and it was proved in the battlefields of both the World Wars."

More than two years have passed since a turban-wearing Sikh lost his battle to be allowed to ride a motorcycle without a helmet, but the community is still striving to convince Queens Park that helmets should not be compulsory by law for Sikhs.

Sensing a Tory victory in the forthcoming provincial elections, the demand of exempting Sikh riders from wearing helmets was put in front of Tim Hudak, leader of PC Ontario.

The Indian Trucking Association last week invited Hudak to a special gathering in Mississauga and handed over to him a list of issues related to truck drivers.

The PC leader was asked to solve drivers' problems, as well as to exempt Sikh motorcycle riders from wearing a helmet on religious grounds, after becoming the next premier of Ontario.

Around 60 per cent of truck drivers in Ontario are Sikhs and their weight behind Hudak in the elections can upset the applecart for Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty.

As Nachhattar Singh Chohan, president of Indian Trucking Association, told Focus: "Our doors are open for all parties; whoever comes into power should know about our problems, and we want them to solve those issues."

"The Liberal government is working on genuine problems concerning truck drivers, but nothing yet has been implementedâ?¦ we need it done one way or the other," said Chohan.

He said Hudak also has a fair chance of becoming the next premier.

The PC leader promised to look into all the problems of truckers, drivers as well as the helmet issue for turban-wearing motorcycle riders, and pledged to lower taxes and make Ontario the number one province in Canada.

Turban strong enough to withstand bullet

About the safety of a motorcyclist, Manohar Singh, a community member, said: "It has been proved during World War I and II that turbans are safer than helmets.

"Bullets literally could not reach the skulls of Sikh soldiers and were later removed from their turbansâ?¦ this is history and can't be denied," said Singh.

"That's true," added Chohan. "If tied properly, even a bullet cannot reach the skull because a turban is stronger than a helmet."

He also gave examples of many other parts of the world, including Canada, where Sikhs are exempted from wearing helmets.



Nov 5, 2009
Bangalore, India
Dear Sikh brothers and sisters, there have been helmets made for Sikhs decades ago. The image of one such helmet is shown in the webpage linked below.

That was a military helmet with a provision on the top to tuck in the top knot of unshorn hair. In my opinion a riding helmet can be made in a similar fashion with polymer fibers instead of steel with additional features like sunglass, rigid snout for protection of face. I tried to design one, but being a non-Sikh I couldn't estimate the dimensions of the interiors of the helmet. The diameter of the top section can be increased and the periphery can be tilted so that it can be worn on Pagris as well as Patkas.

This is just my idea. Anyone who finds it worth can give a try to make it.