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The Vibrations

Jun 1, 2004
The vibration is an experience of something that is not tangible. It can be observed by the actions that take place in the experience of inner peace that manifests itself externally like the scent of a rose. It's origin is from within, and from here it permeates all directions outwardly. In the company of the loved ones, the nectar that is placed within is offered and accepted without one even realising it. What blessed company that must be, when the thing of highest value is not seen as a possession or a seva, but a whisper of an experience of the One Truth , that flows through the vessel with no constraint. Shear experience that is not labelled as a possession or commodity but as a whisper of presence and Grace. The stream does not flow into the ocean, if the ocean lies higher than it in elevation. Nor does the ocean pure into the river if it lies at the lower plane. Humility and the real-self worth bring the two once seperate entities to a region of universality and indistinguishable coherence and uniformity.

If one wishes for the vibration to reside in them, they have already placed the ocean below them, how will it rise to fill it? If they do not wish for it to reside within them, the ocean is placed above and the river below, in which case how can the river flow into the ocean? If one desire nothing in experience but wishes to be the empty vessel alone the two seperate entities intertwine. Why? Because the truth element lies neither above nor below but meets within if one realises it. How? If one preforms the duty of cleaning the chamber they have are graced with, with no desire for any return. In the end they are not the ones that clean the vessel but are the ones that enjoy the unfolding of the True play.
Jul 13, 2004
I didnt undestand this writing very much. But a question to learned members on the forum, not even sure, if this is on-topic or off-topic! What is that tingling sensation which comes to the spine when keertan is sung. With every beat, a current runs from top to bottom, and then it reaches different parts of body too. And it is so difficult to come out of those sensations in the sangat! Please enlighten this learner sikh.

Sep 11, 2005
The tingling effect is caused due to the syncronization and resonance of the Music , Lyrics , Rythm and Melody.

This tingling effect when reaches in some to a highest Climax , reaching one to ecstacy and rapture on feels that he she has united to God .

Due to This Ecstacy and Rapture , There is also a misconception where some jagratras are performed that Certain Devi Has Arrived on the Body of a Particular Person .


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Dear Gursikhs, It is true that This tingling effect when reaches in some to a highest Climax. But it is not the music only there to give The tingling effect. It is the True Lord's presence in the Sangat, which bring ourselves into highest of vibrating our spines. If anybody knowing about spine's working then he willbe knowing of that the Vibration in spine is caused by the highest degree of Love to The Lord. It is due to our soul's consiousness which always ringing at to enlight the soul. Music is not only needed to get that effect, Even without music when you are serving in Jorakhana or doing Sewa in Langar, We will get the same effect.

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] jy vylw vKqu vIcwrIAY qw ikqu vylw Bgiq hoie ] Anidnu nwmy
riqAw scy scI soie ] ieku iqlu ipAwrw ivsrY Bgiq iknyhI hoie ] mnu qnu sIqlu swc isau swsu n ibrQw koie ]1] myry mn hir kw nwmu iDAwie ] swcI Bgiq qw QIAY jw hir vsY min Awie ]1] rhwau ] shjy KyqI rwhIAY scu nwmu bIju pwie ] KyqI jMmI AglI mnUAw rjw shij suBwie ] gur kw sbdu AMimRqu hY ijqu pIqY iqK jwie ] iehu mnu swcw sic rqw scy rihAw smwie ]2] AwKxu vyKxu bolxw sbdy rihAw smwie ] bwxI vjI chu jugI sco scu suxwie ] haumY myrw rih gieAw scY lieAw imlwie ] iqn kau mhlu hdUir hY jo sic rhy ilv lwie ]3] ndrI nwmu iDAweIAY ivxu krmw pwieAw n jwie ] pUrY Bwig sqsMgiq lhY sqguru BytY ijsu Awie ] Anidnu nwmy riqAw duKu ibiKAw ivchu jwie ] nwnk sbid imlwvVw nwmy nwim smwie ]4]
22]55](pMnw 35)

SIREE RAAG, THIRD MEHL: Consider the time and the moment - when should we worship the Lord? Night and day, one who is attuned to the Name of the True Lord is true. If someone forgets the Beloved Lord, even for an instant, what sort of devotion is that? One whose mind and body are cooled and soothed by the True Lord - no breath of his is wasted. || 1 || O my mind, meditate on the Name of the Lord. True devotional worship is performed when the Lord comes to dwell in the mind. || 1 || Pause || With intuitive ease, cultivate your farm, and plant the Seed of the True Name. The seedlings have sprouted luxuriantly, and with intuitive ease, the mind is satisfied. The Word of the Guru's Shabad is Ambrosial Nectar; drinking it in, thirst is quenched. This true mind is attuned to Truth, and it remains permeated with the True One. || 2 || In speaking, in seeing and in words, remain immersed in the Shabad. The Word of the Guru's Bani vibrates throughout the four ages. As Truth, it teaches Truth. Egotism and possessiveness are eliminated, and the True One absorbs them into Himself. Those who remain lovingly absorbed in the True One see the Mansion of His Presence close at hand. || 3 || By His Grace, we meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Without His Mercy, it cannot be obtained. Through perfect good destiny, one finds the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, and one comes to meet the True Guru. Night and day, remain attuned to the Naam, and the pain of corruption shall be dispelled from within. O Nanak, merging with the Shabad through the Name, one is immersed in the Name. || 4 || 22 || 55 || (Page35)

Sep 11, 2005
Dear Friend RoseThorne

It Seems You have Limited the Meaning Of Music , Lyric , Rythm and Melody to their Literal Meanings . (It is beyond Gana Bajana) .

For Example :

In Writing also there is Music , Lyric , Rythm and Melody ....

In Doing Something Also there Music , Lyric , Rythm and Melody .....

In Life Also there is Music , Lyric , Rythm and Melody .........

In Love Also there is Music , Lyric , Rythm and Melody ..........

These Four Words Are beyond their literal meanings ...........


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Dear Devinesanativeji, You are sure genius. How do you get to know about my low knowledge about music. Thanks for that, I'll try to get more knowledge than I have till now. But sir, I'm holding a three years vocal bachelor degree from Allahabad University. It is less I think to compete with you on the meaning of music. I have got the degree in practicle and you are describing it in words only. That tintilating effect you can get in discos also but the effect in the Sangat with the presence of True Lord there is tintilating. You may not heard I think when in every night in gurudwarasaheb when without music all sangat is chanting and getting that tintilating effect of "Jithe Jaye Bahe Mera Satguru". Music is to amuse but presence of True lord is tintilating the Souls.
Sep 11, 2005
Had you ever Told me That You Hold A degree in Music , Or Had I Ever Dreamed that You hold a Degree In Music , Then I would have taken care of commenting on you.:)

Come On , Cheer Up Buddy .........


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Dear Darling Devinesanativeji, I'm surely not informed you. But that doesn't mean of any body not knowing or less knowing, because it is internet, nobody can see others. But surely you are genius. But i tell you in advance that I have a Two years degree from Indian Council of Astrology in Astrology in which I claimed a GoldMedal for being first in Predictive and Mathematical Astrology, after defeating 500 Brahmins, And surely because of AKAL and Because of my Khalsa Pride, I won in That field of Hindus.
Thanks again for cheering me. Take Care.


Aug 25, 2004
ok here's what I think,

I think that we are sometimes overwhelmed w/Waheguru's love, and our body reacts to excitement or an elevated emotion ... hence the tingley effect. I could be wrong.

Someone has to decipher the article for me though.