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Gurus The Original Sources Of Sikh History

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
History carries a country, a nation, a race, a community,into the future in fact the very future of any community, country, race and nation is tracked and judge by how they look after their history from past, presently , for the future.

Anyone, that is not well conversant with their own history, will slowly break away, loose their important heritage and assimilate into others and loose their own identity and a structure that they could have called their very OWN.They then begin to live upon borrowed items of history that belongs to another.Nations, that have not looked after their own history have lost their present and future as much as any community that have gone similar route.

It is very importatant that the past history is preserved and looked after religiously, so that the present can walk tall in future aand share their own rich heritage with others, and not borrow from others to console and impres their future generations and young.

Sadly, Sikh history to date had been very much dependent upon oral tradition.Much of it recorded and written well long after by second , third or even fourth hand passed on stories or based upon common heresay.Some attempts have only recently been made to preserve and record sikh history correctly and academically.Apart from the records of the biased Hill rajas and the moghul enemy diaries, often written with a grudge anddemaning the Sikhs.Sometimes, very rarely, can be found some entries that reluctantly write the truth about Sikhs.

Sikh history begins with Guru Nanak Ji.The period of 16th & 17th century, was the most important formative period of the Sikh history.This is the the Guru Period of Sikh history, that stretched over 237 years.Through this period walked the Sikh Gurus from 1469 to 1708.This was the period that began with the word Sikh, and ended in 1708, with it distinctive and unique identity and the word Singh; and the Guru Granth Sahib as the embodiment of the Gurus' universal message of Gurbani.

Then begins the period of Banda Singh Bahadur, where the Sikh faith sought to establish it's independent entity, existence and recognition, culminating with Sikh Rule of Maharajah Ranjit Singh, and consolidation of its lands and nationahood and security for the future existence.

After much reading, constantly searching for new evidence based material and facts,I conclude that these two periods are what can be termed genuinely as the Puratan [old, ancient ]Sikh history.It can be claerly seen that Sikh history is not really as "ancient" as the happily misconstrued claims of some self or derawaad originated "scholars" like to claim.It is a relatively new in terms, when compared to the hindu, Muslim or christian history.

To be continued
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