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Islam 'Terror Will Not Cease Until U.S. Withdraws' (Bennington Banner)

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
BUT IRAQ was not even in the news when 9/11 occurred....The sad reality is that this is just an excuse....Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechniya darfur, Sudan...whatever.... the TERRORISTS want TOTAL DOMINATION of ONE RELIGION..theirs...and by this I dont mean ISLAM..becasue the Terrorists Islam is different from the REAL ISLAM ( this even most Islam followers also dont realise and that why they support the terrorists in private..)


Jul 9, 2005
Calgary Alberta
Actually the real terrorists are the ones that occupy another's land forcefully, when they are not welcome there at all. Money and power being the main motivating factors I believe. Someone may be the best and have the best lifestyle possible, but that doesn't give this someone the right to dictate others how they should live or the freedom to occupy another's land. So don't go and blame the terrorsits who the west labels as "terrorists" because the real terrorists are the ones that are unwelcome but still choose to gatecrash in another's land. As for the casualties, victims or the dead, where the labelled "terrorists" have killed in thousands, the ones labelling them have killed in hundreds of thousands. And then these sophisticated, educated, supposedly civil people will say that, 'they treasure life,' when all they treasure is money and power. Don't be naive.


Jul 11, 2004
Beena said:
Actually the real terrorists are the ones that occupy another's land forcefully, when they are not welcome there at all. Money and power being the main motivating factors I believe. Someone may be the best and have the best lifestyle possible, but that doesn't give this someone the right to dictate others how they should live or the freedom to occupy another's land. So don't go and blame the terrorsits who the west labels as "terrorists" because the real terrorists are the ones that are unwelcome but still choose to gatecrash in another's land. As for the casualties, victims or the dead, where the labelled "terrorists" have killed in thousands, the ones labelling them have killed in hundreds of thousands. And then these sophisticated, educated, supposedly civil people will say that, 'they treasure life,' when all they treasure is money and power. Don't be naive.

Last time I checked the Iraqi Voter Turnout for a Democracy was over 50% when they had BOMBS blasting NEXT to them by Al-Zarqwari and his crew.

And you call us unwelcomed terrorists? Seems like they may not like us 100%, but they sure as hell like us better than Al-Zarqwari or the dictatorship they had before we entered.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Beena said:
Actually the real terrorists are the ones that occupy another's land forcefully, when they are not welcome there at all. Money and power being the main motivating factors I believe. Someone may be the best and have the best lifestyle possible, but that doesn't give this someone the right to dictate others how they should live or the freedom to occupy another's land. So don't go and blame the terrorsits who the west labels as "terrorists" because the real terrorists are the ones that are unwelcome but still choose to gatecrash in another's land. As for the casualties, victims or the dead, where the labelled "terrorists" have killed in thousands, the ones labelling them have killed in hundreds of thousands. And then these sophisticated, educated, supposedly civil people will say that, 'they treasure life,' when all they treasure is money and power. Don't be naive.

If i remember correctly..MORE MUSLIMS died in the DECADE long war between Sadam's Iraq and Khomenis Iran...MOSTLY poor civilians BOMBED with Chemical Weapons by their OWN Govt. However i didnt hear any one calling either saddam or khomeni a "terrorist"...

Moro (Phillipines) South Thailand, Chechnya, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan,Bangladesh, pakistan.Kashmir, India, Burma, Cambodia, ..is every country really being dealt with unfairly.. ...it doesnt matter if it is the MAJORITY or the MINORITy..the Terrorists want to IMPOSE their own brand on everyone...coincidence ??


Jul 9, 2005
Calgary Alberta
SIKH, someone may like me a lot but I may still not be welcome in their home.

Gyani, a dictator is different than a terrorist. You're talking about a dictator. And as for 'branding,' isn't the US and Britain doing the same, branding their lifestyle in a foreign land but making it seem legal and rational? Since the story of intruding starts from them, they must withdraw first. This story is just like the casino story. Every casino is scammed to milk you out of money but under the guise of legality. Would you say that just because the camouflage is there, we should not see the reality?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
beena ji,

Dictators..terrorists...each band of terrorists has its own petty dictator..i dont think ben laden is "democratically" elected leader of his terror group. Terror will NOT cease..ever..as long as terrorists are around....there is NO America in South Thailand...a peaceful Buddhist Country for 2500 years...but a handful of muslim terrorists want a 'separate country" and behead civilian teachers, preachers, policemen, villagers, fishermen, etc etc every week to enforce their stand..Thailand has many communities...SIKHS included but the handful of Muslims want a separate land...in Southern Phillipines its the same old question of "our own house"....Chechnya..Bosnia..Dafur..Sudan..Ethiopia..you name it there are terrorists demanding their own piece..and where these terrorists/backers have a MAJORITY..NO ONE ELSE CAN even "beep"....ever heard of any Gurdwaras/churches/temples...in Saudi Arabia ?? NO..and you never will. Sda reality.