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Islam Taliban Beheads Sikhs, Protests All Over (Slide Show From NDTV)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Taliban beheads Sikhs, protests all over

Slide show at this link
Sikhs all over protest Taliban beheading

Members of Sikh community protested all over the country against the beheading of a Sikh by the Taliban in Pakistan.

A Sikh protest was carried out in Jammu-Pathankot national highway on Tuesday. Some local Sikh organizations have called for Jammu bandh. (AP Photo)

Forwarded by forum member Tejwant Singh ji Malik :)


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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The Man..JESPAL SINGH showed the true traits of SIKHI....as the Hundreds of thousands of such MARTYRS before him..who chose DEATH rather than SUBMISSION ....
About the Only thing different TODAY..is the World Wide MEDIA BLITZ...whereas all the previous SHAHEEDS died in "silence"...who was there to Burn effigies of Wazir Khan when he buired the Chhottteh Sahibzadeh in the walls of Sirhind ?? NONE...But today the Khalsa is spread all over the world...and the Khalsa will burn their effigies and protest the death of Jaspal Singh and maybe a few more such sikhs in simialr situation..and EXPOSE the Hypocrites who do all this in the Name of the Creator...:advocate:
Jan 30, 2010
The Man..JESPAL SINGH showed the true traits of SIKHI....as the Hundreds of thousands of such MARTYRS before him..who chose DEATH rather than SUBMISSION ....
About the Only thing different TODAY..is the World Wide MEDIA BLITZ...whereas all the previous SHAHEEDS died in "silence"...who was there to Burn effigies of Wazir Khan when he buired the Chhottteh Sahibzadeh in the walls of Sirhind ?? NONE...But today the Khalsa is spread all over the world...and the Khalsa will burn their effigies and protest the death of Jaspal Singh and maybe a few more such sikhs in simialr situation..and EXPOSE the Hypocrites who do all this in the Name of the Creator...:advocate:

Gyani Jarnail Singh ji,

You are right our Shaheeds from history died in "silence".
Same can be said about more than 3000 victims of 1984 anti Sikh genocide who were burnt alive with tyres around their necks.

Had the Media Blitz been there at that time not a single self respecting Sikh would be siding with the baahmanvaadi forces today.Some of them born after 1984 dont even exactly know what happened then in Delhi and other cities of India.The sad part is that even parents of the new generation dont want the new generation to know and in fact want them to forget this part of history and remember the ancient history only.

But they should remember "If we forget 1984,be prepared for another one"


May 15, 2008
There is NO excuse for the Taliban what they did to Sikhs.

I wonder is it really Taliban or just a Pakistan another stunt they pulled.

Can we trust them at all?

We all have to stand together & protest what they did
We should raise this question to UN for human rights.
All those big power Countries what are they doing to resolve the issue for others Sikhs in Pakistan?

Waheguru give them strength to fight against Taliban
Jan 29, 2010
There is NO excuse for the Taliban what they did to Sikhs.

I wonder is it really Taliban or just a Pakistan another stunt they pulled.

Can we trust them at all?

We all have to stand together & protest what they did
We should raise this question to UN for human rights.
All those big power Countries what are they doing to resolve the issue for others Sikhs in Pakistan?

Waheguru give them strength to fight against Taliban

Just a quick question, why are sikhs a special case? Many people have been killed since the NATO occupation, but if an average Joe gets killed, indeed even if civilian Afghans get killed, I can bet you anything, there wouldn't be a single mention of it on here, but when someone says 'boo' to a sikh, all hell seems to break loose.

So, this idea of 'human' rights is not really 'human' rights at all, but really something you see as an injustice only when if has something to do with...yes, you guessed it.....sikhs


May 15, 2008
Just a quick question, why are sikhs a special case? Many people have been killed since the NATO occupation, but if an average Joe gets killed, indeed even if civilian Afghans get killed, I can bet you anything, there wouldn't be a single mention of it on here, but when someone says 'boo' to a sikh, all hell seems to break loose.

So, this idea of 'human' rights is not really 'human' rights at all, but really something you see as an injustice only when if has something to do with...yes, you guessed it.....sikhs

Nasir ji,
First off all Gurfateh to you

To your Qestion why only "SIKHS"

Sikhs are the only One who stand with Truth and for Truth.

Becasue of Taliban in NEW YORK city "911 attack", it was Sikhs who became the First Target

Yes we are going to face the challanged people like you,"instead of helping going to raised the question"

Read & Understand :

This Shabad is by Bhai Gurdaas Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas on Pannaa 1

puCin gl eImwn dI kwzI mulW iekTy hoeI]
Qazi and maulvis got together and began discussing religion.
vfw sWg vrqwieAw liK n skY kudriq koeI]
A great fantasy has been created and no one could understood its mystery.
puCin Poil ikqwb no ihMdU vfw ik muslmwnoeI]
They asked Baba Nanak to open and search in his book whether Hindu is great or the Muslim.
bwbw AwKy hwjIAW suiB Amlw bwJhu dono roeI]
Baba replied to the pilgrim hajis, that, without good deeds both will have to weep and wail.
ihMdU muslmwn duie drgh AMdir lhix n FoeI]
By being a Hindu or a Muslim one can not get accepted in the court of the Lord.
kcw rMgu kusuMB dw pwxI DoqY iQr n rhoeI]
As the colour of safflower is impermanent and is washed away in water, likewise the colours of religiosity are also temporary.
krn bKIlI Awip ivic rwm rhIm iek Qwie KloeI]
(Followers of both the religions) In their expositions, denounce Ram and Rahim.
rwih sYqwnI dunIAw goeI ]33]
The whole of the world is following the ways of Satan.(33)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Zahim ji

It never ceases to surprise me when members of other faiths, and sometimes Sikhs themselves, seem to forget that the name of this forum is the SIKH PHILOSOPHY NETWORK. This is not the Interfaith Dialog Council of People Who Want to Forget Who They Are -- or something like that.

So when outrage is expressed regarding injustices and brutalities toward members of the Sikh faith, it should not come as a surprise to you or anyone else.

Next point: And which faith is among those belief systems that decries its own failings pubicly as a matter of faith, and that leaps to the aid of members of other faiths when they are under duress? That would be who? You may not want to answer. The answer is Sikhs.

So once again stop making a moral issue when Sikhs discuss Sikhs' experiences of oppression. No one takes your remarks seriously anyway. And do not forget where you are.


Feb 22, 2010
I strongly condemon the brutal beheading of sikhs in Khyber area of Pakistan. It has to do nothing with Islam or any religion but was a purely criminal/terrorists act by so-called Talibans. It is not serving Islam or Pakistan at all. No Muslim can prove it. Every body know that these terrorists are on war with the Pakistan Army and Government in general. They have beheaded Pakistan Army personal too and killed thousands of Pakistani innocent people in suicides attacks.

Pakistan Army is serioslly fighing to finish them off.
Whereas, there are lots of proofs that RAW and CIA used to support those criminals against Pakistan Army. It looks like that this brutal act could be to derail the IND-Pak dialoges ?

Anyway according to the news it was for failing to get the ransom not for convertion to Islam ? See also for proo http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/sikh-news/29303-slap-dirty-face-real-islam-lowly.html
LANDI KOTAL: Militants have beheaded a kidnapped Sikh in Tirah valley of Khyber Agency after his relatives failed to pay ransom, according to his family.
Jaspal Singh and two other Sikhs were kidnapped from the Chora Tanga area of Tirah two weeks ago.
According to the family, the kidnappers had demanded Rs20 million by Feb 20 for Mr Jaspal’s release.
Sources said that a jirga of some local elders and relatives of the kidnapped Sikhs went to Tirah on Saturday in order to negotiate the release of the hostages, but the captors instead handed them over the beheaded body of Jaspal on Sunday. The two other Sikhs are still in captivity. — Ibrahim Shinwari.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Rana ji

I appreciate that you condemn the acts of the Taliban.

But - Please bone up on your history of Islam. Historically when Muslim forces conquered a country, the vanquished had a three choices: convert, pay the jisya, or die. If you are Taliban and believe in returning to ancient traditions, what difference does it make? A family cannot pay up, according to these rules they must convert or die. If you are from a Sikh family that cannot pay up, what is the difference? You must convert or you die.

and BTW these men were abducted and held for a lengthy period of time. Their abductors knew what they were doing. Responsibility lies with the perpetrators of this bizarre and atrocious behavior.
Feb 27, 2010
Only Sikhs can help NRI......
V have been seeing that Taliban is continuously after Sikhs living around pak,Afghanistan,etc.
Soln is that a WAR b declared by Sikhs against pak n
Afghanistan for taking back all gurudwaras under sgpc n declaring these regions as integral part of India as they were earlier...........
Jan 30, 2010
A blatant insult to the SPN community has been deleted. Narayanjot Kaur....even "one incidence" of Sikh Muslim riots in Punjab or even India since 1947.Even in 1947 the incidents happened because of false promises given by the other community and which were never fulfilled.

Any true Sikh can not start blindly hating the whole muslim community because some people in the USA or the RSS/Hindutva forces in India want us to do so.

At the same time please give in brief any info you have on the following :

1)Bhai Mardana ji
2)Peer Budhu Shah ji
3)Sayeen Mian Mir ji
4)Baba Farid ji
5)Bhagat Kabir ji

I'll give more names when info on the above are given.

As far as Taliban is concerned it has immediately owned responsibility for yesterday's bomb blast in Kabul which claimed 9 Indians including 2 Indian Army majors.

We are still awaiting the claim of killing 2 Sikhs in NWFP,Pakistan which leads us to believe that the killings may be the handiwork of criminal gangs demanding ransom for kidnappings.

Here is a cutting from Ajit Punjabi newspaper dated 27-2-2010 :

Some one please translate the last few lines for those who can not read Punjabi.


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Feb 22, 2010
Narayanjot Kaur Ji Talibans are not "Muslim Conquars" at all they are not suppose to demand Jizia etc from the non-muslims. They are just crimnal gangs mis-representing Islam. Most of them are Al-Qaida members from other countries. I strongly believe that a Muslim king/ruler respect/protect no-muslim worship places and completely safe-guard non-muslims including their properties.

I wait for the Punjabi newspaper English translation as my mother toung is Punjabi but cannopt read.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

This is what I have posted on another thread, in reply to your exact same comment there.

They are enforcing their twisted need to return to "traditional" ways and habits. Historically the jizia was always imposed on non Muslims -- pay up or die.

This in today's world would be called extortion or a "protection" racket -- as extracted from small business by underworld gangs, like the Mafia. Again pay for protection or we blow up your house, burn down your store, kidnap your child, threaten your life, rape your wife. The big difference is that the Taliban are dishonoring themselves by doing this in the name of God.

You say they the Taliban are not supposed to demand Jizya. Well they are demanding it. And what they are doing is a time-honored tradition according to the Quran and Haddith.
Jan 30, 2010
Does any one know that the reason why Darbar Sahib,Amritsar was attacked in 1984 was because Darbar Sahib,Amritsar's foundation stone was laid by muslim saint Sayeen Mian Mir and signifies Sikh Muslim friendship .

I am personal witness to Doordarshan tv calling our brave brothers who took on the Indian army during Operation Bluestar in 1984 as "Pakistanis" to cover up the damage which the troops suffered at the the hands of just 250 Sikh fighters.

Bibi Satnam Kaur(8 years) and Bibi Waheguru Kaur(6 years) were 2 great Sikh daughters of Bhai Mohar Singh "Pandit" who tied explosives on themselves and blew themselves up on an army tank during Operation Bluestar in 1984 as a result of which that tank could not proceed further in the parikrama .It means that Doordarshan called them also "Pakistanis" and some people is this forum are also doing the same.

Just for every one's info Bhai Mohar Singh was born in a hindu family and was very close to Sant Bhindranwale.This is another slap on the face of those propogandists who say that Sant Bhindranwale was anti Hindu .

I will again say the days of propoganda and misinforming the public by the media about Sant Bhindranwale and Khalistan movement are over.
Jan 30, 2010
Narayanjot Kaur ji,

Forgive me for saying this but please let me know are you an "White Sikh" ?

I have a reason for asking this and will reveal it when I get the answer .

Actually I respect white Sikhs a lot.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Narayanjot Kaur ji,

Forgive me for saying this but please let me know are you an "White Sikh" ?

I have a reason for asking this and will reveal it when I get the answer .

Actually I respect white Sikhs a lot.

Kee_jaana_mein_kaun ji

Do you mean by "white Sikh" a follower of International Dharma formerly known as 3HO? if that is what you mean by "white Sikh" then, no, I am not. Though the 3 HO organization has played an important early role in my discovery of Sikhi, and I have a spiritual debt to them, there are aspects of their teaching that I do not subscribe to.

I am just a Gora Sikh who happens to be "white." Actually a kind of medium ivory color.

More important -- please do not take this thread off topic with personal discussions. They are interesting but should be addressed through private messages or comments on a member's Visitor Wall. Thanks.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Narayanjot Kaur ji,Admin or anyone,

Please kindly translate the press clipping and give in brief info about the following :

1)Bhai Mardana ji
2)Peer Budhu Shah ji
3)Sayeen Mian Mir ji
4)Baba Farid ji
5)Bhagat Kabir ji

If you can not then perhaps half of my posts have gone over your head and are you thinking is perhaps influenced by how US media is potraying Sikhs and Khalistan.

kee_jaana_mein_kaun ji

I have to tell you that the US media to my knowledge has rarely covered Sikhs and Khalistan. I cannot think of a single newspaper or television station with a large regional or national market who has addressed this topic. If they have it has been a hit or miss event -- a token program here or there -- and not something I have viewed.

Local news does cover Sikhi related content but only in areas where there are large concentrations of Sikhs. New York City , Hoboken NJ, Freemont CA, Phoenix AZ, Yuba City, CA -- perhaps. In the Chicago and Philadelphia metropolitan areas, in spite of a Sikh presence there is virtually no coverage and a person has to be a detective to find a gurdwara.

Khalistan in the US is covered only in the local Punjabi/Indian press. An ordinary American (not a Sikh) selected at random and questioned about this would profess total ignorance or make up a truly ridiculous fantasy only to have an answer.

Perhaps one exception to this might be the Air India catastrophe -- and that is better known in the Canadian press.

P/S I just asked my husband, "What do you know about Khalistan?" He said, "Nothing." Then he changed it to "The promised land for Sikhs." Then I inquired, "How do you know that?" He said, "From you!"

He reads newspapers and has a degree in psychology, with graduate work in computer technology. So I guess he is not uninformed.