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Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Service Manual

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I love cars, have always loved cars, always old ones, classics, and there's nothing better than finding the old service manual. Its quite simple, read the manual, follow the instructions in it, to the letter, and enjoy your car.

I have always liked the preciseness in the instructions, tyre pressures, levels, all given in no nonsense langauge

If we follow the service manual, other than accidents, which do happen, we should be able to own and drive a car for a lifetime. Those that clean and polish their cars, service them regularly, and run them on the correct levels of fluids and pressures,will eventually end up with a car of an age that still looks as good as the day it was bought.

All you have to do is follow the manual.

So why are we not all driving round in 30 year old immaculate cars? easy, we do not follow the manual,. It is utterly pointless only following say, 80% of it, doing everything perfectly, but then deciding the bit about wax oiling, is probably going too far, right up until the rust sets in, or even worse, following the rules in the book to the letter, but paying an expensive mechanic to do what should be your job,

What people look for in older cars is as much originality as possible, it may seem a good idea to take the roof off, and have yourself a DIY convertible, but at the end, when it is inspected by the main dealer for its last part exchange, it will be classed as unoriginal and devalued.

If the manual is stating only to run on petrol, why would anyone read up on the internet about cheaper, more powerful ways to run it, when the original service manual has already stated 'use petrol', some people get swayed with false products that will only end up with engine failure.

My manual clearly states I must not jack up the car unless I use a certain point underneath. Why would I want to argue about this, Why would I want to spend hours in pouring rain testing each part of the car to see if it holds the jack, when I was lucky enough to get the manual and know exactly where to put it.

Why do we as people, pay more attention, have more conviction and less argument to a car service manual ,than we do for the service manual of life.
You cannot run a car by taking only 80%, or 85% or even 99%, which bit are you going to ignore?? it has to be 100% to get the full benefit

Apologies for my car analogies today,

thank you for reading

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The SGGS is a TOOL BOX...we are supposed to OPEN IT..take out the TOOLS..and USE THEM..to Chnage our daily lives..."renovate" our Character.."Modify" our personality..D.I.Y...

BUT what do we do..
we CLOSE the Toolbox...maybe even LOCK IT securely..paint it a nice bright red..oil it..wrap it and place it on a high shelf..and matha tek to it daily...Some may take the trouble to even "OPEN" the box on a daily basis..and then close it just as rapidly...Still others may even go so far as to take out the TOOLS..handle them lovingly...AH..heres the Hammer..beautiful..Here is the spanner..here is the pliers..heres the shiny screw driver...and they do this "nitnem"..daily handling and naming of the tools....and put them back and close the tool BOX...yet others never even look at the tool box..just bowing from afar...other just pay a visit to the "WORKSHOP"...and then "PAY" a professional Mechanic (granthi/pathee/ardassiah/gyanu ji/Mahapurash/Baba Ji/) to LOOK at the Tool Box FOR THEM !!..and send them a report by email !!..Very very very very few...actually attempt to treat the tool box as atool box..open it, take out the tools..use them...and use them GOOD !! So that the people cna see that the tools are being used... Some BAD "carpenters" among us even BLAME the tools for our own shoddy life..we are the FAILURE..but we sya the Tools are faulty...

GURBANI has the TOOLS to utilise..and change our LIFE..but we simply mumble jumble..repeat it meaninglessly..read through at "champion racer" speeds...48 hours for one complete Marathon Run..and then start all over...hoping that will do us good..lots of us Pay the professional marathon runners to run the race for us...and give us the "certificate"..but never attempt to APPLY the teachings of Gurbani.....Gurbani says..Speak the TRUTH..LIVE the TRUTH...but we live LIES..tell LIES...as easily as breathing...Jhooth boleh kaooa katteh ?? not Sach sunaisee sach ki Bela...Gurabi says..So kion Mandah akheeyeah jit jammeh rajaan....the moment we conform the wife/daughter-in-law is Pregnant..we visit the Doc to abort the female child....BURN the new Bride for not bringing in more DAAJ....for not earning enough to buy us a car or scooter...we hit the wife..we treat the daughter lower than the son...
HOW Can then GURBANI CHANGE US ?? Can saying water water quench our thirst ?? Only FOOLS think so..BUT we do exactly that and still claim to be GYANWAAN....Mann ANDAH..nau SUJAAN..Blind MIND in DARKNESS...BUT we call our..name as... "the ENLIGHTENED ONE"
Guru ji wrote 1429 pages...took 10 life times..over 250 YEARS...to gift us the TOOL BOX Par Excellence to make us the Best Mechanics...but we never use it.....FOOLS is too nice a word to describe us...japposatnamwaheguru:japposatnamwaheguru:

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I promise I will drop the car analogies tomorrow! but in the meantime, Why also is it, that when we are driving our car, with a load of family passengers, and the car fails, we start blaming our wife in the passenger seat, or mum in the back seat, especially when they remind us how we forgot to put oil in the sump.

It is a long and hard journey, sometimes it is all too easy to blame our passengers for our own failings, especially when they point them out.

How many times have we been annoyed at our passengers because they have caused us to make a journey in our car that has ended up on the hard shoulder with our hazard lights on. We blame them, when in fact we should be blaming ourselves, not only for driving a defective car, but for compounding the problem by making another feel bad, when it is our own failing.

How many of us spend money on a nice set of wheels, the latest stereo, a new gold plated tissue box for the rear, blacked out windows, when we should really be spending the money on brake pads, oil, new tyres,

I think I have now killed the car analogies for the day, however, there is one cheeky question I have been wanting to post for a while, and here is the place to do it.

Which car, be it a classic, or a modern car, is the car god would drive and why,

I would say that god would drive a Classic 1994 Range Rover 4.2 V8 (funnily enough) LSE (with the extra 8 inches in the back seat), why? well, its unpretentious, powerful, invincible big enough to take a family and 2 dogs, it makes you smile when you drive it, not because other people are thinking balleh balleh (well actually who would, at nearly 20 years old), but because it is just so beautiful to drive, and you constantly get asked by other drivers to help them (especially in the snow).


Jun 12, 2011
Haha, I like your car analogies, Harry ji. I can imagine God in a big black Lincoln Continental (c. 1964) because He's just cool that way. :cool:
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
HARRY JI..i CONCUR WITH ANNIE JI ABOVE...please do carry on the analogies..we learn something from everything...in fact from as early as i cna remember..i would read anything and everything...whereever i went..books/magazines/newspapers etc would be the very first thing my eyes would search out...and of course the libraries were my second home...I read Popular Mechanics..I read psychology books, medical encyclopaeidas, diy books, computer books on pascal, c+= basic..Dos..I read on Economics, macr and micro., i read on sociology psychoanalyis, geography anatomy..you name it..i read it any chance i get...and with the Internet...i read all the time..esp old back issues fo national geographic, Popualr Mechanics, PC world Life magazine etc etc...those days i was too poor to afford national geographic etc...luckily my school had an exchange programme with the USA Peace Foundation and a few other Foundations who sent book parcels of donated books form the USA...I talked to the School Head that I will do the cataloguing checking etc..so I had each parcel first atmy full disposal to enjoy..Readers Digest US Edition..UK Edition etc..I LOVE READING..and am member of several car forums..etc as well...so do carry on..i love it..and appreciate it...and i am sure SPN posters/readers will also love the extra information a nd unique views..!!

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
God drives something called "Kaar".....[SIZE=-0]ਸਚੀ ਤੇਰੀ ਕਾਰ ਦੇਹਿ ਦਇਆਲੁ ਤੂੰ॥ {ਆਸਾ ੧, ਅਸ ੨੧, ੨:੧ (422)}....as in doe kaar chalaaveh..JAKARTA sirthhe kau sajjeh..He created the world in Jakarta Indonesia !!..( tongue in cheek..caveat emperor !!):interestedsingh:


Apr 19, 2011
Following the service manual would allow us to form a closer relationship with our cars but maybe some are hesitant to take a good luck at whats under the hood or scared to find some rust or damage underneath the car.
I'm reminded of this saying: "it is little use to dig a well after the house has caught fire." In this case, isn't it better to study and act upon the service manual while the car is still running rather than when it breaks down?:grinningsingh:

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
God drives something called "Kaar".....[SIZE=-0]ਸਚੀ ਤੇਰੀ ਕਾਰ ਦੇਹਿ ਦਇਆਲੁ ਤੂੰ॥ {ਆਸਾ ੧, ਅਸ ੨੧, ੨:੧ (422)}....as in doe kaar chalaaveh..JAKARTA sirthhe kau sajjeh..He created the world in Jakarta Indonesia !!..( tongue in cheek..caveat emperor !!):interestedsingh:

Finally, the answer I have been looking for!

Creator drives a Fiat!

P1 Translation Bhai Manmohan Singh

ਹੁਕਮੀ ਹੋਵਨਿ ਜੀਅ ਹੁਕਮਿ ਮਿਲੈ ਵਡਿਆਈ ॥
Hukmī hovan jī▫a hukam milai vadi▫ā▫ī.
With His fiat the souls come into being and with His fiat greatness is obtained.
Jul 13, 2004
God drives something called "Kaar".....[SIZE=-0]ਸਚੀ ਤੇਰੀ ਕਾਰ ਦੇਹਿ ਦਇਆਲੁ ਤੂੰ॥ {ਆਸਾ ੧, ਅਸ ੨੧, ੨:੧ (422)}....as in doe kaar chalaaveh..JAKARTA sirthhe kau sajjeh..He created the world in Jakarta Indonesia !!..( tongue in cheek..caveat emperor !!):interestedsingh:

[SIZE=-0]ਸਚੀ ਤੇਰੀ ਕਾਰ ਦੇਹਿ ਦਇਆਲੁ ਤੂੰ॥ {ਆਸਾ ੧, ਅਸ ੨੧, ੨:੧ (422)}

Wah ji Wah... What a beautiful car ji... Sachee Kaar.... IkOngKaar, NiranKaar, AaKaar, VeKaar, ViKaar, PuKaar, JaiKaar.... That s like a full fleet...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
[SIZE=-0]ਸਚੀ ਤੇਰੀ ਕਾਰ ਦੇਹਿ ਦਇਆਲੁ ਤੂੰ॥ {ਆਸਾ ੧, ਅਸ ੨੧, ੨:੧ (422)}

Wah ji Wah... What a beautiful car ji... Sachee Kaar.... IkOngKaar, NiranKaar, AaKaar, VeKaar, ViKaar, PuKaar, JaiKaar.... That s like a full fleet...

and as all "cars" do end up in the JUNK YARD..there is BEKAAR !! as well.
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