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Sri Guru Granth Sahib: Review Of ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ (karṯā Purakẖ)


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Part of a series to review ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਨਿਰਵੈਰੁ ਅਕਾਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਜੂਨੀ ਸੈਭੰ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥/Ik▫oaʼnkār saṯ nām karṯā purakẖ nirbẖa▫o nirvair akāl mūraṯ ajūnī saibẖaʼn gur parsāḏ.
ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ


ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ: karṯā purakẖ

ArQ / Meaning:

ArQ:jo isRStI dw rcnhwr hY, jo sB ivc ivAwpk hY

The creator of the Universe and present in all.

Application: Having identified one creator with the name truth there are now key referenced qualities stated in these words.

One can view it as the architect of the Universe. The architecture work is continuing as the creation architecture for ever is transforming. The architecture’s vision is present in all creation. So if one pays attention to it, one immediately comes to realize and see how all is connected. This includes the animal life forms including humans, the plant and vegetation, the minerals and elements and every type of force that intertwines amongst all such.

So again, are we going to understand and despair if we don’t. The grandness of the architecture is so huge and the things to know are so many that it is futile to assume one can know all and do so with human life times as a measure of effort or time span. Also our basis of knowing is such small that we got to be enthralled with every little bit more that we understand and should relish the opportunity to share what we know with others. Sikhism through this also debunks as we are for forward of concepts like Karma and cannot just keep classifying unknowns into fancy names and put these away as something not be striven for.

Discoveries in science and other fields are just on the same path as this approach in Sikhism. If one understands, one comes to understand that as the transformations for ever continue there could be more visible to us to learn as all may not be visible to us all the time. Over generations and mega generations and life in other places such will continue to become visible and be known.

Again thrilling is the search if mindset is good as identified in recognizing the creator as ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ /karṯā purakẖ.
Any comments welcome and all errors are mine and I stand corrected.

[/FONT]Sat Sri Akal.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
and in a small/tiny way we SIKHS are also taught to be "Karta-purakh" in our Daily Lives....how ?
1. getting up without being called..utho ji..suraj charr giyah !!
2. Making our own beds..folding the clothes chadras etc...
3. Folding our clothes, taking the laundry..taking in the dry clothes..
4. making our room tidy..fetching our own drink/food..
5. washing up our own utensils after eating..etc etc.etc..

SO many other ways..where WE do what we have to do !! just like the Karta Purakh does it all the way He does...

GURBANI was written NOT for mere reading/analyzing...it is meant to be FOLLOWED...adopted...to CHANGE OUR LIFE....So IF..we simply read about the Karta Purakh and analyze Him...then its just semantics and bekaar linguistics etc etc...The SGGS from EK Oankaar to 1429 End is a TOOL BOX (borrowed from Tejwant veer Ji ) to be USED !!....if its merely opened to admire the tools, oil them and put them back...then the tool box is ???????? just a tool box...but IF its TOOLS change our LIFE..then its used as intended.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
and in a small/tiny way we SIKHS are also taught to be "Karta-purakh" in our Daily Lives....how ?
1. getting up without being called..utho ji..suraj charr giyah !!
2. Making our own beds..folding the clothes chadras etc...
3. Folding our clothes, taking the laundry..taking in the dry clothes..
4. making our room tidy..fetching our own drink/food..
5. washing up our own utensils after eating..etc etc.etc..

SO many other ways..where WE do what we have to do !! just like the Karta Purakh does it all the way He does...

GURBANI was written NOT for mere reading/analyzing...it is meant to be FOLLOWED...adopted...to CHANGE OUR LIFE....So IF..we simply read about the Karta Purakh and analyze Him...then its just semantics and bekaar linguistics etc etc...The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji from EK Oankaar to 1429 End is a TOOL BOX (borrowed from Tejwant veer Ji ) to be USED !!....if its merely opened to admire the tools, oil them and put them back...then the tool box is ???????? just a tool box...but IF its TOOLS change our LIFE..then its used as intended.

points 1-5, Ah Gyaniji, I see your wife is welsh too, we should have listened to our mothers and married indian, then someone else could be doing all that for us, or is it my wife's way of making sure I am aware of my heritage and pushing me towards being a better sikh,

So now we have One creator present as one essence everywhere, whose name is the truth, architect of the universe

To avoid repetition, I have added only the 'new' facets of Ambersariaji's post. OK, to me, and this an extremely personal view, but this ties in very nicely with something that has been on my mind for some time, and that is planting seeds. Did Creator wave a magic wand, say a few choice words and hey presto, trees, whales, dogs, cats, or did he do it in 6 days, and rest on the seventh, uhmm no, he planted seeds. He took his time, he allowed for centuries and centuries for these seeds to bloom, to grow, to bear fruit, evolution, refinement, souls being created, living, dying, and then being recreated over huge periods of time. What seeds can we plant, Gyaniji is quite correct in that the more we do for ourselves, the more seeds we plant, but given the multitude of seeds available, which ones should we plant, we should plant the TRUE ones, the ones that will bear the fruit of truth, the Gurus seeds, not the seeds of Man (gurmukh, manmukh), every action, every thought is a seed, a thought of lust, if watered and given attention will become an action of lust, will become a habit of lust, will become ingrained in character, will become a destiny, all from one lustful thought, all over a period of time, we could suddenly find ourselves ruled by lust, and wonder, how the hell did that happen

On the other hand, if we sow the Gurus seed, we firstly take away fear (another topic), we become brave, we become fearless, why? because nothing in the Gurus seed will come back to haunt us, will shame us, will have any power over us, it will actually strengthen us , knowing we are on the correct path, thank you

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
points 1-5, Ah Gyaniji, I see your wife is welsh too, we should have listened to our mothers and married indian, then someone else could be doing all that for us, or is it my wife's way of making sure I am aware of my heritage and pushing me towards being a better sikh,

So now we have One creator present as one essence everywhere, whose name is the truth, architect of the universe

To avoid repetition, I have added only the 'new' facets of Ambersariaji's post. OK, to me, and this an extremely personal view, but this ties in very nicely with something that has been on my mind for some time, and that is planting seeds. Did Creator wave a magic wand, say a few choice words and hey presto, trees, whales, dogs, cats, or did he do it in 6 days, and rest on the seventh, uhmm no, he planted seeds. He took his time, he allowed for centuries and centuries for these seeds to bloom, to grow, to bear fruit, evolution, refinement, souls being created, living, dying, and then being recreated over huge periods of time. What seeds can we plant, Gyaniji is quite correct in that the more we do for ourselves, the more seeds we plant, but given the multitude of seeds available, which ones should we plant, we should plant the TRUE ones, the ones that will bear the fruit of truth, the Gurus seeds, not the seeds of Man (gurmukh, manmukh), every action, every thought is a seed, a thought of lust, if watered and given attention will become an action of lust, will become a habit of lust, will become ingrained in character, will become a destiny, all from one lustful thought, all over a period of time, we could suddenly find ourselves ruled by lust, and wonder, how the hell did that happen

On the other hand, if we sow the Gurus seed, we firstly take away fear (another topic), we become brave, we become fearless, why? because nothing in the Gurus seed will come back to haunt us, will shame us, will have any power over us, it will actually strengthen us , knowing we are on the correct path, thank you

Harry ji,

Guru Fateh.

Well said.

Allow me to add my 2 cent worth. We all know that it is all Energy no matter how we look at it. With a lead pencil, one can draw like Leonardo da Vinci or one can kill a person. It is the same energy but used in a different manner. So, with the help of Gurbani as our catalyst, we can all become Leonardos, or even better, we are all capable of becoming Guru Nanaks, provided we use the tools of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in the right manner. Hence, through this very tool box we learn how to lasso the 5 thieves to our advantage.

Tejwant Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
and in a small/tiny way we SIKHS are also taught to be "Karta-purakh" in our Daily Lives....how ?
1. getting up without being called..utho ji..suraj charr giyah !!
2. Making our own beds..folding the clothes chadras etc...
3. Folding our clothes, taking the laundry..taking in the dry clothes..
4. making our room tidy..fetching our own drink/food..
5. washing up our own utensils after eating..etc etc.etc..

SO many other ways..where WE do what we have to do !! just like the Karta Purakh does it all the way He does...

GURBANI was written NOT for mere reading/analyzing...it is meant to be FOLLOWED...adopted...to CHANGE OUR LIFE....So IF..we simply read about the Karta Purakh and analyze Him...then its just semantics and bekaar linguistics etc etc...The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji from EK Oankaar to 1429 End is a TOOL BOX (borrowed from Tejwant veer Ji ) to be USED !!....if its merely opened to admire the tools, oil them and put them back...then the tool box is ???????? just a tool box...but IF its TOOLS change our LIFE..then its used as intended.

Gyani Ji,

Guru Fateh.

I hope my wife does not read from 2 to 5.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Harry Ji..I LOVED the way you linked the NIRBHAU...with planting seeds of Gurumatt....exactly my way of thought process..IF we plant His "seeds" we have no FEAR...and we cultivate the NIRVAIR factor as well..which is the next link....

2. If the wives dont "make" you wash..then theres always the Gurdwara Langgar Hall...where thesres always a ready supply of utensils to wash...(But here I must make a confession...up till TODAY..despite reaching 62..I have YET to pluck up enough "courage" to WASH utensils in the Guru Ka Langgar....not even mine...!!..Isnt that something to be ashamed of ??...apparently i havent been ashamed enough yet...every time i get ready to go to Gurdwara I make a resolution to do it..and chicken out at the last moment...guess i havent enough humility yet...sigh...)

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Harry Ji..I LOVED the way you linked the NIRBHAU...with planting seeds of Gurumatt....exactly my way of thought process..IF we plant His "seeds" we have no FEAR...and we cultivate the NIRVAIR factor as well..which is the next link....

2. If the wives dont "make" you wash..then theres always the Gurdwara Langgar Hall...where thesres always a ready supply of utensils to wash...(But here I must make a confession...up till TODAY..despite reaching 62..I have YET to pluck up enough "courage" to WASH utensils in the Guru Ka Langgar....not even mine...!!..Isnt that something to be ashamed of ??...apparently i havent been ashamed enough yet...every time i get ready to go to Gurdwara I make a resolution to do it..and chicken out at the last moment...guess i havent enough humility yet...sigh...)

Gyaniji, I have the opposite problem, every time I go to Gurdwara, I promise myself I will sit and listen to Kirtan, but I just can't, I cannot sit still for 5 mins, I start to fidget, I start to look around note everyone else in a state of boredom, maybe its the Gurdwaras I go to, but 90% of the people are not really there, and I start to realise that I have had more spiritual connections in my own living room, with just me and a CD. I do try, I really do, but in the end, I give up and find sanctuary in the kitchen, now this I love, I really love it, washing and cooking and serving, and walking round with rotis, it feels like I am doing something tangeable, something meaningful, wild horses could not drag me back inside,

maybe my place is in the kitchen and your place is inside, we each have our job to do :sippingcoffeemunda:

imagine what life would be like if the kitchens were full of Gyanis and the Gurdwaras were full of Harry's
I think the word that springs to mind is anarchy

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Harry Ji..how nicely you described the situation...you see one of the reasons I CANT wash/serve is becasue the moment i enter the Gurdwara grounds...many members of the sangat are on to me like a swarm of bees on honey...Master Ji..Gyani Ji..can I take your shoes..can i take this can i take that..can i bring you chah..can I...can I...and after i have eaten..there are so many hands just waiting to take away my thallee cup etc...and so many waiting to see if i need anything before I am escorted upstairs to the SGGS darbar....and someone will fiddle with the mike..set it up Just Perfect for me..then adjust the volume so the loudspeaker can be heard nicely...and so I end up doing the paath (almost always its the 4.30am - 8am.. bhog raol.....4 hours straight heaven....and then again downstairs many waiting to serve me..and take away the dishes...thats been the story of my life...Me ALWAYS in Darbar sahib..and it seems yours in the Kitchen !! Its all in GURPARSAAD JIOS...enjoy it...
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