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Atheism Spirituality , Secularism & Capitalism

May 23, 2005
Secularism really means that the same medicine is present in every cup and you can take the medicine present in all the cups with equal liking. Secularism also means that you can take the medicine from any cup and respect other cups with equality. But the present secularism has ended in a horrible sense by which the medicine is not taken at all from a single cup or all cups. Such sense is misunderstood or misinterpreted secularism. Mahatma Gandhi prayed Eeshwara and Allah equally and that is the real secularism. But in the present secularism you neither pray Eeshwara nor Allah nor both with equality. Instead of such pseudo secularism, it is better not to have secularism at all. Let us like one cup only and take the medicine from that cup. It is better that India remains as a Hindu country and follow the spiritual knowledge of Hinduism sincerely. In the present false secularism, India neither takes the spiritual knowledge from Hinduism nor from any other religion. The government feels shy in uttering even the word God, which is above all the religions like the medicine, which is not related with any cup.

Even in the concept of economic equilibrium of the society, the spiritual knowledge gives the permanent solution. Capitalism is one extreme end and Naxalism is another extreme end. In between these two lie the socialism and communism. Capitalism grows industries by the help of a few rich people and by this several poor people earn their livelihood. Naxalism takes away the concentrated wealth of this few rich people and distributes it among the poor people by force. Socialism and communism try to achieve the same result of Naxalism without force. But these systems have not given permanent solutions. Duryodhana robbed the wealth of Pandavas. Dharmaraja requested Duryodhan to give at least a little kingdom and he was like the socialism. The other Pandavas threatened Duryodhan regarding the consequences of war like communism. Draupadi was highly emotional to kill Duryodhana on the spot like a Naxalist. But all these were controlled and guided by Lord Krishna who is the Lord in human form. When Krishna went to Kauravas, He requested like socialism, threatened like communism and showed His readiness to kill them through the vision of Viswaroopam like Naxalism. Therefore the decision of the ultimate divine government is final and when the right time comes the Lord Himself will become the Naxalist. In such case the present Naxalists are not necessary like Arjuna. Therefore all the people should act under the guidance of a spiritual preacher like Lord Krishna.

In fact Lord Krishna is the real capitalist who is the actual owner of this entire creation. Thus the spiritual knowledge can alone bring the real solution since the Lord is the ultimate authority. Dhrutarashtra who represents the human government supported Duryodhana. But Lord Krishna who was the ultimate government destroyed still Duryodhana. The capitalist tries to find out new ways to hide his wealth, when his wealth is forcibly taken away. Some times the capitalists are discouraged and do not apply their talent to grow the industrialisation. All these paths fail because they beat around the bush. The spiritual knowledge directly hits the bird in the bush. The spiritual knowledge emphasises the unreality of these worldly bonds. These family members were not related in the previous births and will not be related in the future births. Therefore these family bonds are present in this birth only and therefore they are temporary. Any thing that is temporary is always unreal (Yadanityam tat krutakam—Sankara), (Nasato—Gita). The dramatic bond, which is unreal before and after the drama is also unreal during the drama. All the human beings, weather they are your family members or outsiders are having the only relationship with you that is that they are your co-actors. You are cheating an outsider and rob his wealth for the sake of your family members. Both outsiders and the family members are equally related to you as the co-actors only. Why do you cheat one co-actor and favour another co-actor and earn sin? Your family members will not share your sin. They have not asked you to steal the wealth of others and feed them by it. This was the answer given by the family members of Valmiki, who was a robber. One day he tried to rob the sage Narada. Narada told him to go to his family members and put this question. Lord Krishna started Gita with the analysis of self.

All the family members are related to this gross body only in which the blood flows. The self, He referred in the second chapter of the Gita relates to the casual body along with its subtle body. When you fix the word “I” to the casual body along with the subtle body, all the relationships with the gross body vanish. The Lord compared the gross body to the external garment. This again reveals the unreality of the dramatic bonds that exist with these family members. Such divine spiritual knowledge can only transform the rich people and the solution for economic equilibrium becomes permanent. If you appeal a rich man to follow the economic justice without removing his blind family attractions, it is like reducing the temperature by applying ice on the body without killing the bacteria, which are responsible for the fever. Even the realisation of the unreality of these family bonds cannot make him active to continue with his work so that the poor people can be fed. He may become inactive because the ultimate goal is not clear even if he finds all the human beings equally related. The concept of existence of God and that He is pleased when you work actively with a broad view treating all the human beings equal should exist. Thus by following the path of justice and rejecting the injustice one can please the Lord. Pleasing the Lord gives the encouragement. Without this concept the practice of justice becomes dry and useless. This may gradually lead to the practice of injustice also. Thus the kingdom of atheists without God finally ends in the injustice. The atheist will not recognise the underlying divine government. He only accepts the visible human government that established courts and police as executive system for implementing the punishments given by court. Now the atheist will think that if he can mislead the court by false witness and intellectual advocates, he need not fear for the injustice, which gives more enjoyment by accumulation of wealth. He does not fear for God or hell. He fears only for courts and police and knows how to manage them. At present the pseudo secularism is almost like atheism.

In atheism you deny the God and in pseudo secularism you forget the God. Both are one and the same as far as the final effect is concerned. The atheist often argues to show the hell and heaven but I ask him one question, “Have you shown me the entire space of this cosmos and it’s boundaries to show the absence of the hell and heaven”? Of course my question also ends with 50% probability for both existence and non-existence of the hell. But if you practice the path of justice there is no harm to you even if the hell is absent. But if there is hell and if you do not follow the path of justice you are harmed severely (Nanyadasteeti—Gita). Thus the present system of pseudo secularism or atheism is a total failure because the divine government is not recognised properly. Even when we conduct the Independence Day celebrations we are neglecting the recognition of the help of the Lord in achieving the independence. Mahatma Gandhi achieved the independence with the grace of Lord Rama and he was always chanting that divine name. Remembering the fighters for independence without the Lord is like praising the Pandavas for the victory in the war without mentioning the name of Lord Krishna. When Jesus was mentioning about the kingdom of God, a fighter for the independence of the Jews from Roman-rule misunderstood that the new kingdom meant the independence of Jews. He approached Jesus for the assistance in such fight. Jesus clarified him and the new kingdom was meant for the revelation of the invisible divine kingdom. When that ultimate government sanctions, anything happens in this world. Thus in every walk of life, the Lord is neglected and forgotten. People think that praising the Lord is an individual activity and not a public activity. The divine atmosphere is not created in the public offices so that people forget God in the public places where their activities are important. Remembering God at the home only is not affecting their activities because in the home, they become inactive and take rest. Thus you have to extend the spiritual atmosphere in every inch of the earth to remind the government of God that is functioning everywhere and always. I was very much pleased to find the printed statement on the dollar note, which says, “In God, we trust”. On the currency notes, the familiar pictures of God should be printed, which remind the divine administration. The pictures of the heads of human government and other natural scenes should be avoided.

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami
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