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Special Blessings From A Nanaksar Gurdwara?


Nov 15, 2006

As a few of you may know, I'm blessed with a wonderful son with autism. Someone was suggesting to me the other day that we should do Darshan at our local Nanaksar gurdwara especially on the days of pooranmashi for a special blessing for our son. Now, i'm from the Sikhi camp of inner spiritualism and practicality and don't fall into ritualistic practices. So when this person told me this, who I trust and respect, it left me a bit conflicted but wanting to know more behind this belief.

Can anyone shed some light on this belief and perspective? Is it right for me to feel conflicted?



Mar 25, 2015
If your deeper impulse(where mind and feeling is one) is drawn towards it like magnetic pull, go for it - it will be matter of faith-faith can move mountains and in front of pure faith basic devotional rituals comes in it, when someone has that kind of faith, these nitty gritty ritualism stuff usually won't matter its part of faith package... if you have some doubts or not drawn towards it. don't bother it probably won't work.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.

As a few of you may know, I'm blessed with a wonderful son with autism. Someone was suggesting to me the other day that we should do Darshan at our local Nanaksar gurdwara especially on the days of pooranmashi for a special blessing for our son. Now, i'm from the Sikhi camp of inner spiritualism and practicality and don't fall into ritualistic practices. So when this person told me this, who I trust and respect, it left me a bit conflicted but wanting to know more behind this belief.

Can anyone shed some light on this belief and perspective? Is it right for me to feel conflicted?


Singhman ji,

Guru Fateh.

First of all I commend you for sharing the ailment of your son regarding autism especially in our culture where these kinds of ailments are hidden in the closet because of stigma attached to them. We tend to hide them rather being open about it as you have been which is a wonderful trait to have.

Regarding visiting Nanaksar on Pooranmashi or on any other day,my beliefs are in sync with yours because Sikhi has no miracles and secondly these rituals do not belong to Sikhi.

Did this person tell you 'Darshan' of whom/what because SGGS, our only Guru can be studied and hence its teachings can be practiced anytime,anywhere?

Nanaksar is a cult which has nothing to do with Sikhi but rather to the contrary. So the decision is entirely yours. They will for sure sell you anti gurmat snake oil about doing so many Japjis etc. etc. They may also give you a bottle of water as 'Blessed Amrit by some sant ji' to put in your son's mouth and will promise you the cure which you may feel mentally obliged to do for the sake of fear factor about what if. And you will also feel the compulsion to leave some money there.

My only suggestion to you and to your brave family is that I hope you find enough strength in Gurmat principles to be able to cope with this life long Hukam.

I wish you all the best in this and please keep on pitching in here because your strength and candor give us a lot to learn about ourselves.


Tejwant Singh


Nov 15, 2006
Singhman ji,

Guru Fateh.

First of all I commend you for sharing the ailment of your son regarding autism especially in our culture where these kinds of ailments are hidden in the closet because of stigma attached to them. We tend to hide them rather being open about it as you have been which is a wonderful trait to have.

Regarding visiting Nanaksar on Pooranmashi or on any other day,my beliefs are in sync with yours because Sikhi has no miracles and secondly these rituals do not belong to Sikhi.

Did this person tell you 'Darshan' of whom/what because SGGS, our only Guru can be studied and hence its teachings can be practiced anytime,anywhere?

Nanaksar is a cult which has nothing to do with Sikhi but rather to the contrary. So the decision is entirely yours. They will for sure sell you anti gurmat snake oil about doing so many Japjis etc. etc. They may also give you a bottle of water as 'Blessed Amrit by some sant ji' to put in your son's mouth and will promise you the cure which you may feel mentally obliged to do for the sake of fear factor about what if. And you will also feel the compulsion to leave some money there.

My only suggestion to you and to your brave family is that I hope you find enough strength in Gurmat principles to be able to cope with this life long Hukam.

I wish you all the best in this and please keep on pitching in here because your strength and candor give us a lot to learn about ourselves.


Tejwant Singh

Thank you for the kinds words and encouragement! I believe this experience with our son is bringing the compassion and sewa from within us to help others. I tend to agree with your perspective on this topic also. Everyday I am finding strength in Gurmat that sheds light on my personal inner enlightenment to do the right things.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
If your deeper impulse(where mind and feeling is one) is drawn towards it like magnetic pull, go for it - it will be matter of faith-faith can move mountains and in front of pure faith basic devotional rituals comes in it, when someone has that kind of faith, these nitty gritty ritualism stuff usually won't matter its part of faith package... if you have some doubts or not drawn towards it. don't bother it probably won't work.

I don't know much about the Nanaksar movement, but a brief look at the website shows photographs of Babas I have never heard of, and there seems little mention of the ten Gurus. It is a pity we do not have amongst us an expert or someone who could educate us more on this movement! If only someone could join the forum that could educate us, well I would be so happy, I would probably light a million candles!


Mar 25, 2015
I don't know much about the Nanaksar movement, but a brief look at the website shows photographs of Babas I have never heard of, and there seems little mention of the ten Gurus. It is a pity we do not have amongst us an expert or someone who could educate us more on this movement! If only someone could join the forum that could educate us, well I would be so happy, I would probably light a million candles!

Nanaksar is devotional sect started by baba nand singh ji around early 1900, basically back in the time trend was started due to victorian influence that people started treating sri guru granth sahib ji as mere book, would lock it up in book shelf, carry it across in bicycle etc. So to uphold devotional aspect of sri guru granth sahib ji and to restore devotional faith of people in sri guru granth sahib ji that sggs is living Guru, baba nand singh ji declared he will not eat anything until Satguru nanak dev full of attributes divine physical form appears from sri guru granth sahib ji and give him darshan and restore devotional faith of sikhs in living Guru's..days and weeks went by at the end cosmic light -Satguru nanak appeared and give discourse to baba nand singh ji that sri guru granth sahib ji is living form of all ten guru's and undivided ultimate reality. Picture of satguru nanak dev ji was also drawn by painter. So in this way, devotional sect was started to restore devotional faith of sikhs in sri guru granth sahib ji.

In a nut shell,

-They believe in amrit, they take amrit.
-They believe in all ten guru's and eleventh shabad guru
-They believe in heavily in devotional royal respect of sri guru granth sahib ji, they do akhands patt as they are told cosmic shabad resonance-gurbani should always be playing in physical royal kingdom-sachkhand.
-They believe heavily in devotional singing-kirtan, treat the place is actual royal divine kingdom(maharaj darbar sachkhand) of Guru's, and kirtan is form of devotion.
-They believe in celibacy as they are more attuned towards dedicating their life towards devotional aspect in Sikhi.
-They believe sri guru granth sahib as personal god which they have great faith in, they prayer and sing in devotion, surrender and reverence.
- They believe in their saint but more focus is on respect of sri guru granth sahib ji/guru nanak dev as their gurdwara is named after nanak-nanaksar not their saint.
-They also hold a balance between holding devotional aspect of sri guru granth sahib ji and understanding sri guru granth sahib ji as they have daily program of katha of sri guru granth sahib ji directly from faridkoti teeka(old traditional) interpretation of sri guru granth sahib ji which is also shared by other old school of thoughts- taksal, nihangs, nirmale etc.

In order to understand relationship nirgun and sargun form-devotional form of Vahiguru in sikh theology. I beleive some study on deep intertwin relationship between nirgun and sargun aspect of Vahiguru is required.

Nirguna form is not the contrast, antithesis or opposite of Saguna form of God. The same Nirguna Brahman appears as Saguna Brahman for the pious worship of devotees. It is the same Truth from two different points of view. Nirguna Brahman is the higher Brahman, the Brahman from the transcendental viewpoint (Paramarthika); Saguna Brahman is the lower Brahman, the Brahman from the relative viewpoint (Vyavaharika).

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Nanaksar is devotional sect started by baba nand singh ji around early 1900, basically back in the time trend was started due to victorian influence that people started treating sri guru granth sahib ji as mere book, would lock it up in book shelf, carry it across in bicycle etc. So to uphold devotional aspect of sri guru granth sahib ji and to restore devotional faith of people in sri guru granth sahib ji that sggs is living Guru, baba nand singh ji declared he will not eat anything until Satguru nanak dev full of attributes divine physical form appears from sri guru granth sahib ji and give him darshan and restore devotional faith of sikhs in living Guru's..days and weeks went by at the end cosmic light -Satguru nanak appeared and give discourse to baba nand singh ji that sri guru granth sahib ji is living form of all ten guru's and undivided ultimate reality. Picture of satguru nanak dev ji was also drawn by painter. So in this way, devotional sect was started to restore devotional faith of sikhs in sri guru granth sahib ji.

In a nut shell,

-They believe in amrit, they take amrit.
-They believe in all ten guru's and eleventh shabad guru
-They believe in heavily in devotional royal respect of sri guru granth sahib ji, they do akhands patt as they are told cosmic shabad resonance-gurbani should always be playing in physical royal kingdom-sachkhand.
-They believe heavily in devotional singing-kirtan, treat the place is actual royal divine kingdom(maharaj darbar sachkhand) of Guru's, and kirtan is form of devotion.
-They believe in celibacy as they are more attuned towards dedicating their life towards devotional aspect in Sikhi.
-They believe sri guru granth sahib as personal god which they have great faith in, they prayer and sing in devotion, surrender and reverence.
- They believe in their saint but more focus is on respect of sri guru granth sahib ji/guru nanak dev as their gurdwara is named after nanak-nanaksar not their saint.
-They also hold a balance between holding devotional aspect of sri guru granth sahib ji and understanding sri guru granth sahib ji as they have daily program of katha of sri guru granth sahib ji directly from faridkoti teeka(old traditional) interpretation of sri guru granth sahib ji which is also shared by other old school of thoughts- taksal, nihangs, nirmale etc.

In order to understand relationship nirgun and sargun form-devotional form of Vahiguru in sikh theology. I beleive some study on deep intertwin relationship between nirgun and sargun aspect of Vahiguru is required.

Nirguna form is not the contrast, antithesis or opposite of Saguna form of God. The same Nirguna Brahman appears as Saguna Brahman for the pious worship of devotees. It is the same Truth from two different points of view. Nirguna Brahman is the higher Brahman, the Brahman from the transcendental viewpoint (Paramarthika); Saguna Brahman is the lower Brahman, the Brahman from the relative viewpoint (Vyavaharika).

I cannot believe it! N30S1nghji, how fortunate for us that you have the knowledge that we needed! and you only joined the other week! The Guru certainly moves in mysterious ways!

Would you say that it is a Sanatan type of Sikhism?


Mar 25, 2015
Would you say that it is a Sanatan type of Sikhism?

Well that depends what the definition of sanatan? Sanatan has multiple interpretation and meanings- sanatan meaning which is given by bhagat kabir in gurbani is eternal mind which is bit more universal and spiritual and lot of people can relate to:

ਅਬ ਮਨੁ ਉਲਟਿ ਸਨਾਤਨੁ ਹੂਆ ॥ अब मनु उलटि सनातनु हूआ ॥
Ab man ulat sanāṯan hū▫ā.
My mind has now been restored to its original purity.

ਤਬ ਜਾਨਿਆ ਜਬ ਜੀਵਤ ਮੂਆ ॥ तब जानिआ जब जीवत मूआ ॥
Ŧab jāni▫ā jab jīvaṯ mū▫ā.
When I became dead while yet alive, only then did I come to know the Lord.

Sanatan also means old-traditional, if you take sanatan as old traditional then yes we can say nanaksar is more of old traditional sect as baba nand singh ji was student of nirmala- baba harnam singh ji bhucho kalan. Its sub branch of Nirmale-old traditional learning order in Sikhism

Sanatan also means specific traditional order in hinduism deriving from bhrama sons (Sanak, Sanndan, Sanatan and Sanat Kumar), if we meant in that context then its not sanatan because it has nothing to do with sanatan figure which started hindu sanatan sect.
Last edited:

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Nanaksar is devotional sect started by baba nand singh ji around early 1900, basically back in the time trend was started due to victorian influence that people started treating sri guru granth sahib ji as mere book, would lock it up in book shelf, carry it across in bicycle etc. So to uphold devotional aspect of sri guru granth sahib ji and to restore devotional faith of people in sri guru granth sahib ji that sggs is living Guru, baba nand singh ji declared he will not eat anything until Satguru nanak dev full of attributes divine physical form appears from sri guru granth sahib ji and give him darshan and restore devotional faith of sikhs in living Guru's..days and weeks went by at the end cosmic light -Satguru nanak appeared and give discourse to baba nand singh ji that sri guru granth sahib ji is living form of all ten guru's and undivided ultimate reality. Picture of satguru nanak dev ji was also drawn by painter. So in this way, devotional sect was started to restore devotional faith of sikhs in sri guru granth sahib ji.

In a nut shell,

-They believe in amrit, they take amrit.
-They believe in all ten guru's and eleventh shabad guru
-They believe in heavily in devotional royal respect of sri guru granth sahib ji, they do akhands patt as they are told cosmic shabad resonance-gurbani should always be playing in physical royal kingdom-sachkhand.
-They believe heavily in devotional singing-kirtan, treat the place is actual royal divine kingdom(maharaj darbar sachkhand) of Guru's, and kirtan is form of devotion.
-They believe in celibacy as they are more attuned towards dedicating their life towards devotional aspect in Sikhi.
-They believe sri guru granth sahib as personal god which they have great faith in, they prayer and sing in devotion, surrender and reverence.
- They believe in their saint but more focus is on respect of sri guru granth sahib ji/guru nanak dev as their gurdwara is named after nanak-nanaksar not their saint.
-They also hold a balance between holding devotional aspect of sri guru granth sahib ji and understanding sri guru granth sahib ji as they have daily program of katha of sri guru granth sahib ji directly from faridkoti teeka(old traditional) interpretation of sri guru granth sahib ji which is also shared by other old school of thoughts- taksal, nihangs, nirmale etc.

In order to understand relationship nirgun and sargun form-devotional form of Vahiguru in sikh theology. I beleive some study on deep intertwin relationship between nirgun and sargun aspect of Vahiguru is required.

Nirguna form is not the contrast, antithesis or opposite of Saguna form of God. The same Nirguna Brahman appears as Saguna Brahman for the pious worship of devotees. It is the same Truth from two different points of view. Nirguna Brahman is the higher Brahman, the Brahman from the transcendental viewpoint (Paramarthika); Saguna Brahman is the lower Brahman, the Brahman from the relative viewpoint (Vyavaharika).

I do apologise for barging in the lovely interactions between N30Singh ji, Harry ji and others taking place in different threads, from which I am learning a lot about the Wow! and Awe! factors of Ik Ong Kaar and how we as individuals interpret our personal experiences of that bliss.

Guru Fateh N30 Singh ji,

Are the above and other thoughts in all the threads you are pitching in your own or you have taken them from some other source in all your posts?

I would like to pitch in accordingly.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh

PS: Thanks for the great interactions!


Jan 9, 2011
London UK

As a few of you may know, I'm blessed with a wonderful son with autism. Someone was suggesting to me the other day that we should do Darshan at our local Nanaksar gurdwara especially on the days of pooranmashi for a special blessing for our son. Now, i'm from the Sikhi camp of inner spiritualism and practicality and don't fall into ritualistic practices. So when this person told me this, who I trust and respect, it left me a bit conflicted but wanting to know more behind this belief.

Can anyone shed some light on this belief and perspective? Is it right for me to feel conflicted?


Dear Sir

As a Sikh, be strong enough to understand people and circumstance with an open mind - know this to be the Will of Waheguru. Moreover, try to understand and make allowances for other people's weaknesses and behaviour, for their behaviour is about them and not you. True Sikh is never judgmental but always understanding, be therefore cooperative and not conflictive in understanding fellow humans.

In one of my roles, I get to travel around the world and meet all makes n models from different walks of life and denominations. I find myself most worthy and illuminative amongst the many. And, the splendor of being a Sikh in my outer form and the inner expression of my moral uprightness, beauty cry out in aw - who is he? I'm a Sikh I tell them. And, when they ask me what that it is, I tell them, "a spiritual being having a human experience amongst you earthlings". When I'm invited to darshans, seminars, interfaith dialogue, I honour them with utmost respect because I was created [Khalsa] to serve and understand all forms of social and biological life. This is what sets me apart from the rest of Gods creation - an understanding and divirsity in nature.

Bhai Nand Lal was seeking Asylum from the heavy heels of the Mughal Emperor Arungzeb. Nand Lal was given the option to either accept Islam or die. Fearing for his life he did not know what to do, until one, a learned soul told him to go to Anandpur. There he was told is, "freedom of choice, thought, religion and practice". Rest is history and the point I'm trying to make here is that welcome any and every event in life knowing it to be Waheguru - na koi vary na beganna. But remain steadfast in your own and pray for all to find what we have found in our own house.

A Sikh minds his own business, does his own thing, lipmixes with everyone and everything like water does and never judgmental. Welcome therfore all makes and models for you were forged for others to aspire to -

As for your son - here's something special from Leonardo da Vinci -

"....much of my creativity came from the fact that I looked for the hidden meaning behind every event in my life. I now look at every thing that happen to me and ask myself, if this event were a metaphor in the poem of my life and what it might mean ?.....I assume that behind every development is something else, something meaningful, a hidden gift, that if received with grace and used with reverence, invites me a step higher on my journey".

You're not on your own we're with you !

God bless


Nov 15, 2006
Dear Sir

As a Sikh, be strong enough to understand people and circumstance with an open mind - know this to be the Will of Waheguru. Moreover, try to understand and make allowances for other people's weaknesses and behaviour, for their behaviour is about them and not you. True Sikh is never judgmental but always understanding, be therefore cooperative and not conflictive in understanding fellow humans.

In one of my roles, I get to travel around the world and meet all makes n models from different walks of life and denominations. I find myself most worthy and illuminative amongst the many. And, the splendor of being a Sikh in my outer form and the inner expression of my moral uprightness, beauty cry out in aw - who is he? I'm a Sikh I tell them. And, when they ask me what that it is, I tell them, "a spiritual being having a human experience amongst you earthlings". When I'm invited to darshans, seminars, interfaith dialogue, I honour them with utmost respect because I was created [Khalsa] to serve and understand all forms of social and biological life. This is what sets me apart from the rest of Gods creation - an understanding and divirsity in nature.

Bhai Nand Lal was seeking Asylum from the heavy heels of the Mughal Emperor Arungzeb. Nand Lal was given the option to either accept Islam or die. Fearing for his life he did not know what to do, until one, a learned soul told him to go to Anandpur. There he was told is, "freedom of choice, thought, religion and practice". Rest is history and the point I'm trying to make here is that welcome any and every event in life knowing it to be Waheguru - na koi vary na beganna. But remain steadfast in your own and pray for all to find what we have found in our own house.

A Sikh minds his own business, does his own thing, lipmixes with everyone and everything like water does and never judgmental. Welcome therfore all makes and models for you were forged for others to aspire to -

As for your son - here's something special from Leonardo da Vinci -

"....much of my creativity came from the fact that I looked for the hidden meaning behind every event in my life. I now look at every thing that happen to me and ask myself, if this event were a metaphor in the poem of my life and what it might mean ?.....I assume that behind every development is something else, something meaningful, a hidden gift, that if received with grace and used with reverence, invites me a step higher on my journey".

You're not on your own we're with you !

God bless
Fantastic post and great advice! Feeling blessed and inspired!