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Spanish Flu And The Contagion Of Thoughts

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Another email for sharing....

Spanish Flu and the Contagion of Thoughts

Mental actions are real actions. Thought is the real action; it is a dynamic force. It may be remembered, thought is very contagious; nay, more contagious than the Spanish Flu.

A sympathetic thought in you raises a sympathetic thought in others with whom you come in contact. A thought of anger produces a similar vibration in those who surround an angry man. It leaves the brain of one man and enters the brains of others who live at a long distance and excites them.

A cheerful thought in you produces cheerful thoughts in others. You are filled with joy and intense delight when you see a batch of hilarious children playing mirthfully and dancing in joy.

A thought of joy in us creates sympathetically a thought of joy in others. So do sublime elevating thoughts.

Keep a good and honest man in the company of a thief. He will begin to steal. Keep a sober man in the company of a drunkard. He will begin to drink. Thought is very contagious.

The Application of a Psychological Law

Keep the heart young. Do not think: “I have become old.” To think “I have become old” is a bad habit. Do not entertain this thought. At 60, think “I am 16.” As you think, so you become. This is a great psychological law.

“As a man thinketh so he becometh.” This is a great truth or truism. Think, “I am strong,” strong you become. Think, “I am weak,” weak you become. Think, “I am a fool,” fool you become. Think, “I am a sage or God,” sage or God you become.

Thought alone shapes and moulds a man. Man lives always in a world of thoughts. Every man has his own thought-world.

Imagination works wonders. Thought has tremendous force. Thought as already said, is a solid thing. Your present is the result of your past thoughts and your future will be according to your present thoughts. If you think rightly, you will speak rightly and act rightly. Speech and action simply follow the thoughts.

By: Swami Sivananda
Jul 13, 2004
Tejwant ji,

Since my childhood, I disagreed to a few points like:

"Keep a good and honest man in the company of a thief. He will begin to steal. Keep a sober man in the company of a drunkard. He will begin to drink. Thought is very contagious."

why? because, then by giving above kind of examples, we say that evil is stronger than good. I prefer to think other way around, and of course that stresses your original point of contagious thought waves, which would say:

"Keep a good and honest man in the company of a thief. Thief will become honest. Keep a sober man in the company of a drunkard. Drunkard will leave the unsoberly actions."

Yes, I know what point are you raising in this post, but just thought of putting my thoughts too.


Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Sevadaar Singh ji,

Thanks for your keen comments. The whole idea was to have the Sangat's reaction as this was just copy & paste post.

I do agree with you. This is a hindu philosophy which is contrary to the school of thought that Guru Nanak prescribed. When the hindu sages went and hid in the hills in the name of finding ONE GOD, Guru Nanak had to go and hunt for them so he could interact and find out why they were hiding in the woods when the society that they were supposed to protect and lead was going haywire.

Sikhi is based on 'against all odds' concept. That was the reason Guru Nanak asked us to become householders, confront everyday problems with GURMAT in mind and hence stand out like a Lotus holding itself tall from the muck.

It would not bother me a bit to go to a bar with my friends and have my diet soda where they are having drinks because my SATGURU has chosen a path for me which is not affected by my outer surroundings. We all know a lot of people with ill traits that listened to our Gurus and became Sikhs hence left their bad practices to follow the GURMAT PATH.

Sikhi is a very unique religion. It gives us such a good foundation so that we remain Lotus flowers no matter how murky the waters may be.

Thank you for showing your important viewpoint.

Jul 13, 2004
When parents say - Bad company has spoilt my son. I view it as - The son got the company which he was looking for, and our values were not strong enough to hold him on the path. Otherwise, how would it be possible that years of earning of values get dissolved within a few days?

Sometimes I think, even the kauda rakhshash or other so-called evil people who met Guru ji, were so lucky and blessed ones, that they were transformed by a single touch or talk. And me, mere mortal has a long way to go even become that kind of chosen one, whom Guru Himself blesses.

Off-topic: Also, another my personal belief I would like to share here, that Guru finds his students himself, there is no need to find Guru anywhere. Need is just to act on things, which make us worthy ones by following Hukam, so that Guru showers His choicest blessings on us.

Sikh history is full of lotus flowers, who went and continue to go 'against all kind of odds', and never gather the dirt around. Being a house-holder, kirt karnee, naam japna, wand chakna, somehow I feel following these things automatically fill one with detached attachment. 'Tera Bhaan Meetha Lagey'



Jul 26, 2004
New Delhi, India
This reminds me of the very famous sakhi of Guru Nanak when he blessed the village full of evil people to "basey rawo" and the village of good people "ujjad jawo", because he believed that the good people whereever wud go will spread good vibes and turnaround the other evil people on to the righteous path..

If we go as per psychology usually value system and personality of a human being is based on both heredity and environment, and also situations..so cumulatively they all form of what u see the valuesystem, beliefs and personality of an individual..

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

I also am of the opinion that when we "blame" others for our failings..we are in fact admitting our own failings. How could a Gyani for example become a drunkard by going to a Bar..he should be 'gyanwaan" enough to "convert" a few drunkards to leave drink rather than becoming one of them himself.

Guur Nanak ji went to such places to ACTIVELY SEEK out people to help..why ?? because what Guru nanak Ji had was a PARAS ( magical stone that can turn base metals to GOLD )...but not an ordinary run off the mill Paras...Guru nanak is a PARAS that makes base metals into not "gold" BUT another New PARAS...that is in turn capable of turning base metals to gold...or higher still into a new paras itself. Guru nanak Ji when He left for Sachkhand in 1708... left behind this same PARAS - GURBANI for us to use.

Secondly, when we say money and wealth "spoiled" someone....that is the wrong thing to say. The WRONG things were there already....Wealth and Money just made it possible for the wrong things to manifest themselves.. IF by switching on the LIGHT in a room, makes us SEE how dirty and full of Rubbish the room is....IS that the FAULT of the LIGHT ?? ( because in the darkness we couldnt see the rubbish doesnt mean it was not there ??) So in reality we already have the aspects of failure. bad things etc inside us...it is up to us to kill them or harbour them.... the company we keep has no effect. The company we keep just switches on the light .

Jarnail Singh
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