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Socrates' Great Speech

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
The man who has been guided thus far in the mysteries of love, and who has directed his thoughts towards examples of beauty in due and orderly succession, will suddenly have revealed to him as he approaches the end of his initiation a beauty whose nature is marvellous indeed, the final goal of all his previous efforts. This beauty is first of all eternal; it neither comes into being nor passes away, neither waxes nor wanes; next, it is not beautiful in part and ugly in part, nor beautiful at one time and ugly at another, nor beautiful in this relation and ugly in that, nor beautiful here and ugly there, as varying according to its beholders; nor again will this beauty appear to him like the beauty of a face or hands or anything else corporeal, or like the beauty of a thought or a science, or like the beauty which has its seat in something other than itself, be it a living thing or the earth or the sky or anything else whatever; he will see it as absolute, existing alone with itself, unique, eternal, and all other beautiful things as partaking of it, yet in such a manner that, while they come into being and pass away, it neither undergoes any increase or diminution nor suffers any change...a man's life should be spent in the contemplation of absolute beauty...and he will be able to bring forth not mere reflected images of goodness but true goodness, because he will be in contact not with a reflection but with the truth. And having brought forth and nurtured true goodness he will have the privilege of being beloved of God, and becoming, if ever a man can, immortal himself.

(Symposium, 211).


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Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Dear Spnadmin

My Kindle reader app is full of books that I mean to read as soon as I have read one I find another ten that I should read,I usually read books by contemporary philosophers that quote Plato.In that lazy way it saves me reading all the Law's ,Ethics,etc
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