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SALDEF SikhVOTE From SALDEF: Take Action And Protect Your Right To Vote!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
TAKE ACTION: Urge Congress to Protect Your Right to Vote!

Yesterday the Supreme Court overturned a key provision in the Voting Rights Act , a landmark civil rights law that has protected voters since 1965, and as recently as the 2012 election. The overturned provision was in place to ensure that states and counties with a history of racial discrimination could not reduce the ability of minority voters to participate in the electoral process.

The Voting Rights Act is especially significant for Sikh Americans. In a historic case before the United States Supreme Court in 1923, the Court held that Bhagat Singh Thind, a Sikh American from Oregon, could not become a citizen and thus, could not vote.

Although Bhagat Singh Thind was denied his right to vote, we have made significant strides in ensuring our community’s voice is heard. Last year, SALDEF launched SikhVOTE, a program created to encourage Sikh Americans to vote in the election. We stand firm in the belief that no American should have their voice silenced.

The Supreme Court decision also gives Congress authority to enact a new formula that ensures no one is denied the right to vote. We urge congress to act quickly to restore the protections of the Voting Rights Act. We want you to do the same. Don’t let your voice be stifled. In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision, tell your representatives they must defend our voting rights.

TAKE ACTION and tell your members of Congress in the House and Senate to Support Voting Rights for all Americans!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This is really cool! If you click on this link you can send one or more messages to your congressman directly from the SALDEF site. The Congressmen for your state are automatically notified by email using a message SALDEV has already written for you. The message can be edited if you choose to do that. All members of Congress will receive the message. Your information of record is already filled out for you if you have used the SALDEV site in the past. Then you click Submit, and you are finished.

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