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Hinduism Sikhs And Me

Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
I joined this website years ago when it was much simpler and pages were not cluttered as they are today. I also made a couple of friends but also encountered some who were caustic to me and dealing with them was quite impossible. I could not be agreeable to them no matter how hard I tried.

I came here because I thought Sikhs were ecumenical and that I shared many ideas with you all. I made this site one for my regular participation but then stopped coming.

Because I have not been able to get along here I am not coming back and would advise other "Hindus" to do the same.


May 26, 2011
I'd leave to, but I feel sorry for other people being misguided by a bunch of other members thinking they are right just because they have a ton of rep/posts here (no offense).

I'm not Hindu. I feel I should leave though because I get offended when some members keep calling Hindu facts that are right "wrong" that are even in the Sri Granth.

For example:
Some of the people say that the gods/goddesses never existed, but when Ravidas was given the golden kangan by Ganga Devi (as goddess) the members twist the words.

This site is going more abrahmic than Dharmic, what it is (Dharmic) and always will be (for me at least).
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Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
Why Satyaban ji? Why do you adivise against coming here?

Because I feel I was set upon because of my faith and traeted with phony respect.

I was back the last two days because of alerts to remarks in a thread about reincarnation and I saw the following and it brought it all back home to me.

"I am trolling a little bit of the Sanatan crowded space in couple of threads as I see them descend in flocks for certain posts only and usually in support of anti-Sikhism myths that have been debunked by Guru ji and such people are trying to link back."


Apr 24, 2006
Oh that's our Ambarsaria ji. Do not mind him. He certainly means well.

Satyaban ji, It is your duty to guide people (if you have knowledge and wisdom) without attachment to the outcome. If you have something to share you must share without worrying about how it will be received, without investing in a future outcome. That is dharm, yes?
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Dec 3, 2011
I came here because I thought Sikhs were ecumenical and that I shared many ideas with you all. I made this site one for my regular participation but then stopped coming.

Satyaban ji

I'm sorry that you feel this way. I hope that your personal experience does not give you a false perception of sikhs.
It would be innappropriate to consider this site as a global representation of sikhs.

Sat kartar
Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
Oh that's our Ambarsaria ji. Do not mind him.

Satyaban ji, It is your duty to guide people (if you have knowledge and wisdom) without attachment to the outcome. If you have something to share you must share without worrying about how it will be received, without investing in a future outcome. That is dharm, yes?

There is truth to what you say but I have always considered myself a guest and behaved as I were in someone else's house because I am not a Sikh and I do not wish to be a martyr.

I can share at a Muslim site and be treated better there than I have here.

What you have said about dharma is absolutely true but I am no saint or holy man to carry on here.

I do very much appreciate your concern.
Aug 28, 2010
I can appreciate your feeling in some circumstaces of sharing the views.
Withdrawing is your personal decision but this can not be a solution to the crcumstances one has to face in life.
Well,Hindu philosophy as I understand is very vast and expanded as it is one of the oldest philosophies. But if you expect that Sikh philosophy as envisaged in SGGS
can be mingled with this you are grossly mistaken.

All the philosophies till date emanate from a SINGLE Source only..Sikh philosophy is all about that.For that matter every philosiphy is common at the Apex of its start.
Like Ganga is purest at the Mouth refered as GANGOTRI but what is the status of the same Ganga in PATNA or before it is merging with the sea near CALCUTTA.
So is the case with all old philosophies. Sikh philosophy being the most recent is still
protected from such an effect.
So I think if you share the Basics and Fundamentals of Philosophies you will enjoy the stay.This is all I can say.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
There are those that have an agenda to dilute Sikh thinking that some find distasteful. How would a Hindu feel if they were constantly informed that Hinduism actually originated from Islam?

Well that is how I feel when I am told that Sikhism is just a wing of Hinduism, or the Martial aspect of Hinduism. I respect any religion and am happy to learn from everyone, but the sad fact of the matter is that there will always be those that try and bring more and more Hindu ritual into Sikhism, it is going on in many Gurudwaras across the world, and it is getting worse, the raw knowledge contained in the SGGS is not enough any more, it has to be presented with fun stuff and ritual and excitement, this is not Sikhi, this is the very thing Guru Nanak ji informed us would not assist us in our search for the truth.

as has been explained many many times to you Kamalaji already, Hindu deities in the SGGS are nothing more than reference points, however, if you believe that sort of thing, then that makes you a Sanatan Sikh and I have no problem with that at all, in fact, I support a lot of your posts in your lookout as Sanatan.

Satyabanji, I do not think the comment you have taken offence at was aimed at you, I have always found your posts to be fair and without any attempt at pushing Hindu concepts as being Sikh, I would hope you both stay as I feel you have much to contribute to this forum in the way of inter religious discourse


May 26, 2011
Well they do exist and have made appearences, but I guess since the camera wasn't nvented that long ago to take a picture of the gods you still wouldn't beleive me and say it is photo shopped. Meh. I don't care anymore.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Oh that's our Ambarsaria ji. Do not mind him. He certainly means well.
Veer Bhagat Singh ji it is not a stone I threw at Satyaban ji. I simply stated that at times and in certain topics of interest to Hinduism where Sikhism message is at odds that I see clusters of people show up (real time looking at who is online at the bottom of main page) in defense of Hinduism thoughts and muddying of Sikhism thoughts. If that is considered offensive by a peace loving Hindu, I have nothing to regret. Let others with their beliefs share and convince.
Satyaban ji, It is your duty to guide people (if you have knowledge and wisdom) without attachment to the outcome. If you have something to share you must share without worrying about how it will be received, without investing in a future outcome. That is dharm, yes?
This is how un-moderated forum at spn works. If you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen. I have posted much direct posts in rebuttals to many other Sikh brothers and sisters. Satyaban ji has no duty to guide if such duty is to turn everything Sikhi into Hinduism origin and continuation into Hinduism. That is misguidance.

So called "Om Shanti Om" member to suggest others of his faith to not participate or leave certainly does not vouch for as in "practice what you preach" for me. His desire to be called Qafir and recognized as such at a Muslim forum(s) is not the kind of respect I will be citing.

spn is bigger than me and the next member and so on, so on. I will defend Sikhism thoughts and Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji messages and their clarity with my pen as long as I live and participate wherever. If a Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, etc., misleads I will respond as I choose.

By the way perhaps some people lose sight that this is a Sikh Philosophy Network which as parts of TOS requires people to not denigrate SGGS and Guru ji directly or indirectly. They should be expecting challenge sometimes weak and sometimes strong.

Sat Sri Akal.
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Dec 29, 2011
Sikhs have absolutely no desire to offend or convince others that their way is the right way. Sikhism does not believe converting others, we have absolutely no desire to.

I think the real issue here that others do not like when we say "that is fine if you believe in it, however, Sikhs do not hold the same view".

Sikhs have always respected and defended people regardless of religion, cast, creed etc etc. There is much evidence and history to back this up. Sikhs want to peaceful practice their religion without interference from others. Is that too much to ask? Why is their so much effort to misguide, confuse, frustrate, insult Sikhs? Why? Why? Why? What have we done???? Its last resort for Sikhs to fight back and we will (without any fear, real Sikhs frighten death not fear it).
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