There may be more than one forum member who is interested in submitting an abstract fo consideration in the Journal of Sikh Studies. Take some time to read this call for abstracts.
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of IOSS Journal "Abstract of Sikh Studies" on the Theme of "Science and Religion" in Sikhism' Context.
The Institute of Sikh Studies, encouraged by the positive response from some of the leading Diasporian and local Sikh Scientists, invites Papers from leading academics and practitioners in the scientific, technological, religious and, theological fields on the theme of "Science and Religion." in Sikhism's Context for publication in their quarterly journal "Abstract of Sikh Studies" posted on its website and also published in hard copies. The Institute's objective is to promote discussion between scientific understanding and religious thought. It recognizes that some of the issues at the interface of Religion and Science may be complex but is keen to transcend the simplistic narratives of conflict or harmony and to play its role in setting new standards for sophisticated historical studies of science and religion to meet the demands and needs of younger generation having scientific bent of mind.
Just for illustration, some of the popular themes like cosmology and Bioethics along with some of the following popular sub-themes, in addition to others, may be considered.
i. Scientific naturalism and theism as alternative worldviews
ii. The role of teleology in evolutionary biology today
iii. Relationships between religion and the social sciences
iv. How Did the Universe Begin?
v. Is Science the Only Sure Path to Truth?
vi. Genetics - Technology and Theology
The timeframe for the submission of Papers through E-mail to is:
1.. Indication of desire to participate in this venture of IOSS by 15 April, 09
2.. Submission of Abstract by 15th June, 09
3.. Final Paper by 15th July, 09.
Active cooperation of the Sikh scholars is earnestly sought for this Gurmat Seva.
Pritam Singh, I.A.S. (Retd)
President IOSS
Institute of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of IOSS Journal "Abstract of Sikh Studies" on the Theme of "Science and Religion" in Sikhism' Context.
The Institute of Sikh Studies, encouraged by the positive response from some of the leading Diasporian and local Sikh Scientists, invites Papers from leading academics and practitioners in the scientific, technological, religious and, theological fields on the theme of "Science and Religion." in Sikhism's Context for publication in their quarterly journal "Abstract of Sikh Studies" posted on its website and also published in hard copies. The Institute's objective is to promote discussion between scientific understanding and religious thought. It recognizes that some of the issues at the interface of Religion and Science may be complex but is keen to transcend the simplistic narratives of conflict or harmony and to play its role in setting new standards for sophisticated historical studies of science and religion to meet the demands and needs of younger generation having scientific bent of mind.
Just for illustration, some of the popular themes like cosmology and Bioethics along with some of the following popular sub-themes, in addition to others, may be considered.
i. Scientific naturalism and theism as alternative worldviews
ii. The role of teleology in evolutionary biology today
iii. Relationships between religion and the social sciences
iv. How Did the Universe Begin?
v. Is Science the Only Sure Path to Truth?
vi. Genetics - Technology and Theology
The timeframe for the submission of Papers through E-mail to is:
1.. Indication of desire to participate in this venture of IOSS by 15 April, 09
2.. Submission of Abstract by 15th June, 09
3.. Final Paper by 15th July, 09.
Active cooperation of the Sikh scholars is earnestly sought for this Gurmat Seva.
Pritam Singh, I.A.S. (Retd)
President IOSS
Institute of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh