Re: Sikh Youth Confused - Is it any Wonder????????
Gyani Jarnail Singh said:
Waheguru ji ka kahlsa waheguru ji ki fateh.
I am 110% in agreement with you. We need more Youths like you Gurdip Singh...Youths who are willing to OPEN their eyes and QUESTION what is going on AROUND us today..
SIKHI is about LIVING SIKHI..LIVING GURBANI...LIVING BY EXAMPLE. Thats how Sikhi spread far and wide during its hey days....and THATS why it is declining now...and SHAM SIKHI of DIKHAVA/BHEKH/RITUAL/ giving rise to the HUGE preponderance of DERAS of Fake saadhs, sants, babas, bhoot pret s and chhaiyas ( actually mental and psychological problems) Jadu Tuunas and stuff...all of which are Millions of miles away from GURBANI.
Sikhs today are the MALIK BHAGOS... rich and powerful "indivdually"...but complete shams in PRIVATE life..all going for QUICK FIXES....bottled "amrits" and "holy ashes"...
Our Gurdwaras are all for GO-LUCK !! collections only...everything goes as long as sangat comes in large numbers and go-lucks get filled to overflowing...
YES you are right..SIKHI needs a SINGH SABHA SUDHAAR LEHR..of the DRIVE OUT all the RUBBISH we have accumlated all this while..Corrupt Mahants, jathedars, Politicians and such need to be driven out of religious places like Jesus drove out these people from the Temple of His father
It gives me great hope to see Youths seeing the need for reform...SIKHI is is the SIKHS who need reforming..
Jarnail Singh Gyani
I thank you Gyani Ji for recognising that there too is a need for change. What I find suprising is that there have already been so many views but no replies as to this matter. Dont really know if people are in interest of this matter of have no views.
First of all it is ESSENTIAL that we figure out whether this problem we have in our SIKHI PRACTICES (NOT IN SIKHI, as you pointed out IT IS PERFECT, ONLY SIKHS NEED REFORMING) is GLOBAL or limited to but a few countries.
I am from London, England, and at least I can safely say that those gurdwaras here that have flourished have done so whereby they follow PROPER SIKHI, whereby they EDUCATE the sangat on Gurbani. From my experiences such include the Guru Nanak Nishkam Sevak Jatha and a local Gurdwara, Gurdwara Karamsar from the RaraSahib Sevadars. What I have noticed is that the 'leaders' of such Gurdwaras all consider themselves Sevadars. They do not take money from the GOLAK as a means of paying for their items. On the face value such Gurdwara examples given above have sucessed well and many sangat turn up and appreciate Sikhi, even the youth.
But where there are Gurdwaras that have deeply entrenched in politics, corrupt manner, anti-sikhi prechar/activites, whereby there are fake sants/gianis/etc, whereby all activities conducted within are just fruitless and of no avail (ritualistc/not proper sikhi); then such so called Gurdwaras need reform.
The sangat turns to Gurdwaras as I have already pointed out. I can safely say that you will notice a difference in the Panth when the way we run Gurdwaras change.
We need to encourge greater education of Deep Sikhi, not through a bunch of gianis who have just dressed up and read a lil bit of Gurdbani and proclaim themselves to be educated Sikhs, but from Sikh Scholars (though there are very little). We need to set up education centers, GLOBALLY, where we can teach the true essence of Sikhi. Where ordinary human beings enter, and Masters in Sikhi leave, whereby they will lead a life as PROPER SIKHS (not necessarily just with long hair/beard/5 k's, but with GREATER understanding of GOD/GURUS/and HOW TO LIVE LIFE AS A GURMUKH [God-Centered Person].
With regard to GurBani, thing I need to establish is where there is a globally aclaimed official Translations of the Guru Granth (in different world languages) for which the entire Sikh Population is in agreement and accepts.
I have noticed that such translations have been coming out, but out so called SIKH LEADERS SGPC has denounced them. But the only way the youth are going to understand sikhi is through a language they understand better. Punjabi is to be promoted as our mother tounge, but ask yourselves, we are on this earth to gain oneness with God, and the only way we are going to do that is through our limited time. And if those who cannot read and understand Gurbani PROPERLY and ACCURATLY, then translations should be available and such translations should be used in Gurdwaras. This way the youth when the HUKAMNAMA is read out can understand it, the Gurbani we sing to God they can understand, and ultimately they can know more about God and realise the True Beauty of Sikhi, which is hidden away behind the old languages of Guru Granth.
ULTIMATELY, for SIKHI TO FLOURISH, such translations should be distributed freely, without charge, to the world, and people will soon appreciate that Gurbani and understand more about what life is/etc. The LANGUAGE BARRIER (which many new sikh comers have talked about) will ultimately be removed, and will encourage people from all backgrounds to learn about Sikhi and its MODERN PRACTICES which are the ANSWER to the PROBLEMS of MODERN MAN.
I have pleanty more to say, dont wish to Go On, I think so far I have said enough. Lolz. But please let me know your views, as Sikhi is not run by indivuduals, it is run by the Guidance of Guruji, and if you have any issues please say them.
Sorry for any mistakes I may have made.
Gurdip Singh Chana:{;o: