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1984 Anti-Sikh Pogrom Sikh Riots: Woman Witness Alleges She Was Threatened By Cops


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
NEW DELHI: A woman witness on Tuesday alleged before a trial court trying senior Congress leader Sajjan Kumar in a 1984 anti-Sikh riots case that she used to get threats and was often picked up by the police. "It is incorrect to suggest that I never received any threat. I have been making several complaints regarding the threats received by me and my mother, but I do not have the copy of the same.

"Police officers used to pick us at any point of time and used to leave us as and when they used to desire and even used to take our belongings," Nirpreet Kaur, whose father was killed in 1984 anti-Sikh riots, told Additional Sessions Judge Sunita Gupta. Kaur (42) made her statements during her cross-examination by defence counsel Anil Kumar Sharma and S A Hashmi.

To a question whether she had made any complaint with regard to the threats since 1984 till the date, Kaur said she did not go to the police station as she herself apprehended threat while her mother made one or two complaints. The witness also rejected the suggestion that she was an active member of the then banned Sikh Students Federation since her school days. In her statement earlier, Kaur had admitted that she was implicated in two "false" cases of TADA, remained in jail for many years. In one case, she was acquitted while in another case, she was discharged. In Punjab also, she claimed she was implicated in a case pertaining to TADA and later discharged, the witness had said.

Her cross-examination remained inconclusive and is likely to continue on Wednesday.

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