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USA Sikh Community Frustrated One Month After Shootings


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
ELK GROVE, CA- The families of two elderly Sikh men gunned down on March 4th are frustrated there have been no arrests almost 30 days after the brutal crime.

Surinder Singh lost his life, his friend, Germej Atwal is still hospitalized fighting for his life.

"My father is making slow progress, he is on a ventilator," said Kamaldit Atwal, the victim's son.

Police say someone gunned down the two as they were walking on Stockton Boulevard. There were no witnesses. Police are calling the case a hate crime but admit they have no suspects.

"It's very sad because it happened in broad daylight," said Atwal.

Police may have received a possible sighting of a tan colored Ford F-150 pick-up truck seen in the area.

Police are offering a $44,000 dollar reward for information leading to an arrest.

By Cornell Barnard, cbarnard@news10.net


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Give them time...its a super human task..but i bet my last cent on them...

just look at the "other side"...in the world's LARGEST DEMOCRACY..it has taken way past 25 YEARS..a QUARTER CENTURY....and some of the worst offenders have died naturally...but not a single one of the big wigs..or middle wigs..brought to justice....barring a scanty few small time gangsters who were made scapegoats and slapped on their wrists to make shedding crocodile tears look real !! There the Justice Authorites just cant seem to book anyone - big or small....but looks like they are wiating for the eye wittnesses to die/fade away/get fed up/get intimidated/and the siksh to "forget the whole thing and move on....After 25 years of fruitless waiting.... Sikhs For Justice filed cases in the Courts of NEW YORK.....sad isnt it....looking for a semblance of justice half way across the world in a token way...becasue real justice is denied in the Land of democracy !!thats life..:interestedsingh:
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