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Christianity Sikh Children At Christian School

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
I just read this story from the Gurbani Learning Zone, and it brought tears to my eyes. Please can't someone do something?:8-:)

(Moderators, I wasn't sure where to put this, please move it to where it belongs. Thank you.)

jasbir <jasbir@ckmorgan.com.au> wrote:

An actual event happening in india.

In a village in tarn taran sahib a plot of land owned by a sikh family was transformed into a war ground.it is today a war zone.i have been there and seen it with my own eyes and i would tell all sikhs all over the world to go visit and see this place especially in india.

In jan of last year a sikh father converted to christianity and gave his land to start up a christian school.very soon 200 sikh children enrolled and began classes. The wife who refused to become a christian saw and felt the threat and started praying for help.

Whosoever knocks the door of almighty waheguru in his ardas shall
receive. Soon guruji started to work through her to comfort her. In
desperation she went to baba sewa singh ji of khadoor sahib to ask for help for us. To her it was not her alone who felt the danger but all of us.

Danger from what? Every child in the school is a sikh not a patit sikh but a full Sikh looking like little baba ajit singh and baba fateh singh ji. Every child had a full jhura. All children were between the ages of 4 to 12 years. All looking so beautiful children of guru gobind singh ji. Baba sewa singh ji said he will pray and do beanti to akalpurakh.

God acts in mysterious ways and someone told her to go to see the Akaal Purkh Ki Fauj organisation [parent body of GLZ - editor]. These guys visited the village and were horrified at what they saw. It cant be no, it cant be, but it was and it is today for all sikhs to see and be horrified.

Please forward this mail to all the childern of guru gobind singh ji so that they know and if they go and see and feel the pain the way i felt it only 3 Weeks ago.

Luckily the wife mata narinder kaur, tel 919855409054, had 4 acres next to the husband's 40 acres and it had a school building on it which she offered free to APKF to do something. As destiny would have, a school was started and many children left the christian school and joined the sikh school. Soon 90 percent moved to the sikh school but 3 weeks ago when i was there the irony was the only thing seperating the christian school from the sikh school was one fragile wall 1.2 metre high only partly built. I stood and looked across into the christian school and saw about 200 very young sikh boys and girls playing during recess time and learnt that there are thousands of children in the area and it would take a monumental effort to
school all of them. The capacity of the sikh school is 230 and waiting list of 200. Maybe there is someone or someones out there who can take this fight on to win. I will always be on their side. The time has come for us to wake up to be united. We need everyone who can afford to contribute towards educating our 200,000 children in punjab who are yearning for education but cannot afford.



Jasbir Singh
tel : +613 - 9482 7688
fax: +613 - 9482 7899
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Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
kaur-1 ji,

I haven't really heard anything . The only response at Gurbani Learning Zone is this:

singh sahib jio
kindly let me know the complete address of such a great school
i have to do a photography for my compaign - "Khalsa mero roop hai khas"

d s kapoor
If I get any more information I'll post it.


If the locals are too stupid to care of it, the hell with them.
Did I misunderstand or did you just say the hell with our children?:shock:

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