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Nov 23, 2010
Has anyone seen this Site? http://satguru.weebly.com/satguru-nanak-sahib-in-tula-valley-of-mexico.html

The Tula Valley is in the state that I live about 30 kilometers away . This article was sent to me by a Pujabi friend here in Mexico. He is all excited
I and I don't know how to tell him that It's just palin silly.
Here is The line they a quoting and it bare no resemblance whatsoever to what they are saying

ਰਤਾ ਸਚਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਤਲ ਹੀਅਲੁ ਸੋ ਗੁਰੁ ਪਰਮਲੁ ਕਹੀਐ
]रता सचि नामि तल हीअलु सो गुरु परमलु कहीऐ ॥
Raṯā sacẖ nām ṯal hī▫al so gur parmal kahī▫ai.
He is said to be the Guru, with the scent of sandalwood, who is imbued with the True Name to the bottom of His Heart.

I don't understand why people have to look for mircles and and unbelievable travels etc. when the true mircle of Guru Nanak is the message of Gurbani.

Satguru Nanak Sahib in "Tal Heal" or "Tula Valley of Mexico.

Due to the depth of Gurbani, we are unable to take the historical element in a Holy Shabads.This happened in case of the Holy Shabad of Parbhati Mahalla-I, Holy Page No. 1328-29 of SGGS.Satguru Nanak Sahib and Bhai Sahib Mardana Ji, visited this valley, because there were two epidemics there in this valley.First, the slaves are coming from Africa via Spain and Portugal.Secondly, people were crying with the disease of small-pox.(ref. Indians in New Spain,translated and edited by Dr. Elizabeth Andros Foster, 1950). Slaves were forced to change their religion.Satguru said that no body should be forced to change his or her religion. All the creatures, including human beings are created by God alone. He(God) knows that which person should go to which religion and society.People of that area used to worship different gods.Satguru advised them to worship only One Almighty God, who is the Creator, Nourisher and Destroyer only.Satguru advise them to live in tents, drink the hot water,always related to His Name, Earn honestly, and share this income among the needy ones. Earlier they used to take bath in the cold water, and they did not know the remedy of this epidemic. They were in the habit of bathing frequently, whether well or ill, and continued to do so even when suffering from small-pox, they died in heaps, like bedbugs.Many other died of starvation(ref. PP 38 of "The Indians in New Spain").Satguru told them the alternative of this starvation as being the sharing of their income among the needy ones. People of that area became Satguru's friends. They behaved well with the "Indian Chief" and His assistant (Ref."The Discovery And Conquest of Mexico(1517-21), by A.P. Mandsley).Even the Hernando Cortez became the friend of Almighty Satguru.He offered Him and Bhai Sahib, a ride to Cuba and Trinidad, upto Rio-De Genario(Brazil), whch Almighty Satguru accepted. On their way, they stopped at Maya region and Yucatan region. They hold a Diwan at a Temple in Mugeres Island. Cortez gave Satguru and Bhai Sahib a ride from Mugeres Island.At that times, ships went to Cuba via Mugeres Island, because this island had many inhabitants( ref PP 58 of Ancient Cities of Mexico, by Wiliam H. Holmes, 1894). Satguru held Diwan at Havana and Port-of Spain.The Holy Shabad He uttered at Tula and Mugeres Island, confirrms----" Prabhati-Mahalla-I" Amrit Neer Gian Man Majan, Ath Sath Tirath Sang Gahe.Gur Updesh Jawahar Manik Sewe Sikh So Khoj Lahe.Gur Saman Nahin Tirath Koe. Sar Santokh Tas Gur Hoe.Rahao.Gur Dariao Sada Jal Nirmal Milian Durmat Mael Hare.Satgur Paeay Poora Nawan Passu Preton Dev Kare.Rata Sach Naam TAL-HEAL So Gur Parmal Kahie. Ja Ki Vas Vanaspat Saure Taas Charan Liv Rahie. Gurmukh Jee Pran Upjahe Gurmukh Siv Ghar Jaie. Gurmukh Nanak Sach Samaie Gurmukh Nij Padh Paie."
Tal Heal in SGGS is Tula Valley Of Mexico.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Satguru Nanak Sahib in "Tal Heal" or "Tula Valley of Mexico.

I wonder if you guys know that the Big Multi nationals actually employ hundreds in specialized DEPARTMENTS that go through the "Brand names" suggested" for New products to make sure they dont mean anything offensive in any language..or have sensitive racial religious overtones etc.

This process is thoroughly applied for example when Toyota Motors wnats to introduce a New Model..maybe known as " Maa Dee " or say "Bhen Dee".....and this name will set off an alarm..that in India it may be construed as offensive !!

In the olden days it would be quite all right if Toyota only sold MaaDee BhenDee in japan because in japanese probably it means something positive..but if Toyota hopes to see it in India..the name is a Big NO NO...and this is because LANGUAGES all over the world have words that sound and mean different.

This article is one of those where the langauge of SGGS is being misconstrued to mean the same in Mexican a s it does in the Original Langauge...Ja Karta Sirthhe kau sajjeh in japuji is NOT the Capital City of Jakarta in Indonesia...although one may write a simialr article about Guru nanak ji claiming that the Creator sat down in Jakarta to create the Universe.

This site is actually full of utter RUBBISH. The creator is making mountains not out of molehills but out of SPECKS OF DUST


Apr 7, 2013
Re: Satguru Nanak Sahib in "Tal Heal" or "Tula Valley of Mexico.

To be honest these days there will be sites popping up information about Guru Nanak traveling all the way to South America or Africa all over the place. It's just made up for excitement.

Last year, The Vatican Council made a statement that Guru Nanak Ji did make a visit to Rome and made a clear announcement of that. So we know Guru ji did visit there. But now on the web, there are numerous claims without any actual evidence that Guru ji traveled all the way to South America or to Uganda and etc....

Brother Onam

Jul 11, 2012
Re: Satguru Nanak Sahib in "Tal Heal" or "Tula Valley of Mexico.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh
This article is so badly written, I'm having a hard time even making sense of what they're trying to say. Almost pure gibberish. If they have a point they're trying to make, they'll have to write it better.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Re: Satguru Nanak Sahib in "Tal Heal" or "Tula Valley of Mexico.

Did Guru Nanak Sahib Ji really go to Rome?

Guru Nanak Sahib did go atleast as far as Turkey and Mecca, but I'm yet to come across some reputed historian's account of Guru Sahib's visits to Africa and Rome (though I'm pretty convinced he never went to Rome).


Apr 7, 2013
Re: Satguru Nanak Sahib in "Tal Heal" or "Tula Valley of Mexico.

Did Guru Nanak Sahib Ji really go to Rome?

The Vatican Museum holds papers recording back to 1518 A.D. Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana Ji visited Rome and told Leo X about how slavery is wrong and etc.

Source: http://dailysikhupdates.com/2013/09/17/more-evidence-of-guru-nanak-dev-jis-visit-to-europe-confirmation-by-the-vatican/

Now the evidence seems legitimate, but nothing to be excited about. I think its time for everyone to learn and understand Guru Nanak''s teachings rather than try to find out new places Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana visited. I think Guru ji would agree with this.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: Satguru Nanak Sahib in "Tal Heal" or "Tula Valley of Mexico.

I think you are absolutely wrong, we should follow the latest probes to Mars for fresh news of where the first master visited, as these places are hugely important to Sikhi, as are the clothes he was wearing, and various trees he may have touched along the way, I do believe on Mars, he saved a colony of mutants from a collapsed mountain, in fact, his handprint is still on the mountain!

I think it is how Guru Nanakji would have liked to have been remembered, as a wandering magician who visited many many far places only a magician could have managed to visit.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Satguru Nanak Sahib in "Tal Heal" or "Tula Valley of Mexico.

I think you are absolutely wrong, we should follow the latest probes to Mars for fresh news of where the first master visited, as these places are hugely important to Sikhi, as are the clothes he was wearing, and various trees he may have touched along the way, I do believe on Mars, he saved a colony of mutants from a collapsed mountain, in fact, his handprint is still on the mountain!

I think it is how Guru Nanakji would have liked to have been remembered, as a wandering magician who visited many many far places only a magician could have managed to visit.

Harry Ji...

when One of the British Historians visited Punjab in 1885..the Hand Stone" in panja sahib was a small slab placed beside the SGGS....later it was placed beside the fountain..and now its CEMENTED deep inside the Fountain...there is NO BOULDER per se...the hand was carved out of a slab by the orders of maharaja Ranjit singh...BUT many still beleive it was huge boulder that would have killed Guru ji if it had not been stopped mid air...and the huge force made a hand imprint...I wonder HOW LONG Guru ji held it there in MID AIR...????...Did Guru ji DROP it fast..or if he had held it longer..maybe His ARM would be embedded in it..we would ahve had A BAAHN SAHIB ( ARM SAHIB) instead of just Panja sahib..!! a sobering thought..lol...the Spiritual master becomes the Master BOULDER THROWER in the Olympics of panja.....

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: Satguru Nanak Sahib in "Tal Heal" or "Tula Valley of Mexico.

I have to confess, I just don't get it, Guru Nanakji took a stand completely against superstition, magic,etc, he taught us not to be gullible, to apply the rules of the universe and live within them, to use our brains, our intellect, our discretion, logic, so can someone please explain why Sikhism is absolutely infested with those that seem to have gone the other way?

Things just get more ridiculous with each day, I can almost hear the conversations

hey look at that, its a hand imprint on a piece of rock, whats that all about
ahh thats a tribute to a great man, he stood for logic and reality, he stood for the fact that every person has the ability to be great, and that to be great, one just has to align oneself with the way of the Creator, that superstitions and miracles do not exist.
wow sounds like a very intelligent man, Im impressed, so whats with the hand imprint
well, that is to remember the miracle he performed whilst a boulder flew towards him
well he did perform a few miracles
err but you said he stood for logic, fact, and not miracles
look you clearly do not understand Sikhsim,you are too young, now bow down to the hand and pray for a new mercedes before the queues build up again

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: Satguru Nanak Sahib in "Tal Heal" or "Tula Valley of Mexico"!

first meeting of the Khalsa following the death of the tenth master

Ok boys look, our Guru is now the SGGS and we must spread the word of truth throughout India, the world.


We must use the lives of our Gurus as inspiration to those that doubt the truth


We must document the stories of those lives so that future generations can take inspiration and do the same


That the Gurus were mere mortals who lives by what they preached, one man, one wife, work hard, stand up for yourself, and live life by the truth, your only reward being the connection to Creation.


voices began to argue back

hang on a minute, the Muslims get the virgins in paradise, the Hindus have the Karma Sutra, You cannot have them with one wife

and where are the miracles and rituals and fun stuff, sounds pretty boring to me

What do you mean no afterlife, I get loads in Hinduism

No reward?? you mean do it for what? love?


Some of them may have had more than one wife, thats pretty interesting, happy now??



I suppose you could say there is an afterlife



Yeah theres magic ,loads of magic, boulders and stuff, people coming back to life, cats and dogs living together, 40 days of darkness, locusts, and errr,


errr travel, yeah travel thats pretty glamorous, errr Guru Nanakji, he did err Europe, errr Africa, Oz, and uhmmm

Did he do Mexico?????

oh Yeah Mexico, course he did Mexico, flew there, using a magic horse, uhmm a unicorn


ok lets do this!
Nov 23, 2010
Re: Satguru Nanak Sahib in "Tal Heal" or "Tula Valley of Mexico"!

oh Yeah Mexico, course he did Mexico, flew there, using a magic horse, uhmm a unicorn

Probably much safer than travelling with Hernan Cortes as some of his men
had the last name of Matamoros. Translation; Kills Moors.