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Sardar Ji! Aisa Hona Hee Thaa

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004

Here is an abbreviated translation of an article by Baba Inderjit Singh Bedi of the Sikh Vichaar manch printed in the Sikh Calendar 2005 Published by the International journal of Sikh Affairs edmonton Canada.

Place: Gurdwara Akal Garh, Ludhiana.
Date: Feb 1985 - after the Genocide of Sikhs in 1984

On 31st October, 1984, the killer of over 10,000 innocent Sikh Pilgrims Mrs Indira gandhi was assassinated by two of her Sikh Body Guards . This incident by two proud Singhs proved to the World that whoever attacked the Akal Takhat, always suffered a terrible fate. Indira Gandhi's son Rajiv then orchestrated an India wide Massacre of Sikhs, in which according to non governmental estimates nearly 25000-27000 innocent Sikhs were mercilessly massacred or burnt alive on the streets by roving gangs of mobsters. Thousands of Sikh Girls were assaulted and kidnapped and raped by these Govt sponsored hooligans . After this horrrible acts of carnage, thousands of Sikh Families fled Delhi and other aprts of India for refuge in Punjab. A few thousand of these refugees were housed in Ludhiana Camps. A Special Relief Society was formed under my patronage so that these people could be cared for. The Offices of this Society were at the Gurwara sahib Akal Garh ludhiana.

In 1985, when the Indian Armed Forces retreated from Punjab leaving Sikh Corpses in its wake, a group of five Muslim brothers from Delhi came to Ludhiana to see for themselves the situation on the ground. This Group had visited Amrtisar and Jalandhar and were happy to see that the refugee Sikhs were being well taken care of. One of the elderly muslim memebers of thsi group, heaved a heavy sigh and told me: Sardar ji, Aisa Hona Hee Thaa. ( Sardar Ji, this was bound to happen ) When he was asked as to why he held this opinion...he elaborated.

Sardar Ji, he said..There is not a Single Sikh leader capable of thinking about the future. In 1947, the outgoing British Administration sat down to discuss independent India with the Official representatives of the Hindus, Muslims and SIKHS. In Punjab there were the SIKH Princely States of Nabha, patiala, Jind, Kapurthala, Faridkot and kalsian - 6 states in which the SIKHS were the MAJORITY. The Moga sub Division also had a Sikh majority population. IF these areas had been amalgmated..a SIKH HOMELAND could have been formed in 1947. The Sikhs already had a viable Govt., Armed Forces, police.. a READY MADE STATE...but all the Sikh maharajas did not listen to the Sikh Leaders and instead threw their support behind Patel. A good opportunity was lost..the simple Sikhs had trusted the sewwt talking but deceitful hindu leaders... the Sikh maharajs lost their Kingdoms and a Sikh homeland died even before birth. Your GURU JI had said again and again, continued the elderly Muslim veer..DONT FOLLOW BIPRAN REETS. Disnt the Sikhs realise that Nehru, Gandhi, Patel, Malviah, Raja gopal Acharaya were all BIPRANS ? Then WHY did the SIKHS take their side ? The SIKHS refused to listen to their own GURU...while Muslims like Jinnah and Sheikh Abdullah "listened" to this GURU HUKM..and one got Pakistan , the other got Article 370 written into the Indian constitution...the Gullible Sikh leadership put their TRUST in the VERBAL "promises" of the Bippars. You Sikhs had it coming...You all didnt listen to your GURU JI....and so how could GURU JI help you...THAT is why all this had to Happen..Aisa hona hee thaa.

Whenever God gives wealth to a Sikh, he goes far away out of town to make his bungalow/ kothee and gets cut off from his other brothers. When a Muslim gets wealth, he builds his house right in the middle of the Muslim Quarter, so as to be enar his muslim brothers in time of need. Our streets are narrow and often closed on one end....anybody attacking us cannot escape easily. IF nayone dares enter our quarter and kill one, we make sure we kill ten of them. We keep knives to defend ourselves from gangsters and mobs..BUT SIKHS inspite of beign Commanded by your GURU JI to Keep a KIRPAN at all times....how many of you keep even asmall knife on your person ? IF every Sikh ahd followed His GURU JI's command and kept a kirpan on his person, this wouldnt have happened.

You SIKHS like to spend money on ALCOHOL and SHOW OFF...BUT Muslims spend money on MEAT,KEBAB and Palao which make for STRONG BODIES. ONLY GOOD strong FOOD can produce Strong bodies. That is why our young men are stronger than Sikh youngsters. In the evening when we hear the call of the Azan... we run towards the masjid....SIKHS run towards BARS to drink and be merry.

Today your Sikh leaders are so engrossed in building GOLD DOMES, Marble Gurdawras. All this money could be spent on setting up factories for the employment of unemployed Sikh youth. Rich Muslims and Rich Christians NEVER put GOLD DOMES on Masjids and Churches...there is NOT a sngle Gold domed mosque or church in the World. The GOLD DOMES of Sikh Gurdwaras serve only to collect the Birds droppings. Didnt your GURU JI command you to put SARB LOH khandas and Kirpan-Chakaras on Gurdwaras...When SIKHS disregard GURU Ji's HUKMs then Aisaa hona hee thaa..

Just like the Sikhs, the JEWS also suffered for nearly 2000 years without a home land..but even living in the wilderness for 2000 years the JEWS kept a strong tie to their LANGUAGE, RELIGION and CULTURE. About One KROR Jews were massacred but they never lost hope and in 1948 they succeeded in creating a homeland. Jewish Women dont DRINK and dance on the streets...their women Parade in MILITARY PARADES, they pilot fighter aircraft, drive jeeps, fire cannons... the Jews have created gardens out of deserts....Sardar Ji, a lesson can be learnt from the JEWS

SIKHS had 10 GURUS...they married, had children. IS there any historical proof that any GURU JI danced the BHANGRA at His wedding.... danced on the streets, drunk ?? Isnt such behaviour BANNEd in Sikhism ? We have seen SIKHS dancing on the streets of delhi... SIKH women wearing short sleeveless blouses showing arms, midriffs, naked backs, half naked legs, loaded with gold jewellery, holding glasses of drink in their hands..have been seen dancing on the streets of delhi. Mobsters and gangsters see such beautiful half naked women, and mark them..as who is to be carried off and made a victim of their sexual desires....Many have disappeared forever. A lot have been sold off in Arab lands, some end up in the Brothels of Bombay. I heard that 200 years ago SIKHS rescued 16,000 of HINDU WOMEN from Muslim Invaders...BUT now couldnt rescue their own women from HINDU Gangsters in their own country.....When You disregarded the GURU Ji's HUKM....and fell so low..Aisa Hona Hee thaa.

The Old man continued: We have vsiited throuh out Punjab...all the news media tell lies about the sikhs..Indian TV, radio, Newspapers all lie. Thousnads of Sikh Youths have been arrested illegally, shot dead adn teh TRUTH is hidden from view. Sikhs are portrayed as criminals, looters, etc. It has been made impossible for Sikhs to live with honour in India. IF only you SIKHS could take the GOLD DOMES of just the Gurdwaras in DELHI and sell it to buy and set up a SIKH NATIONAL NEWSPAPER...there could be some attempt to show the world the true picture. How can Sikhs put their case before the world without a Press. Sikhs should have a DAILY PUNJABI/English/hindi/Urdu Nespaper...BUT when the GURDWARAANAGEMENTS themselves "misappropriate GOLAK FUNDS" fro their own benefit...then AISA HONA HEE THAA.

When i heard these words of truth from my muslim brothers.. I couldnt help myself from praising the wisdom of these words. When I think of these I curse those Boot Lickers who place garlands around photos of Indira gandhi, attend rajiv Memeorial services, put garlands around the necks of HKL bhagats, bootas, and their chamchas....giving out SIROPAS and SRI SAHIBS to them.... these "sikhs" blacken their own faces but also the face of the entire Sikh Community. They steal the GURU's Golak for their own businesses, factories, ...after having suffered such humiliation, kidnappings and rapes of thousands of daughters, killing of thousands of sons, ..SIKHS can still Drink and Dance the Bhangra on the streets as if nothing ever happened...Sikh Women continue to dance half naked, glass in hand.....and the Sikh SANGAT continues to put forward people who continue vast GOLD DOME and MARBLE GURDWARA projects.... daily licking of the boots of Govt administarators continues shamelessly..YET daily Complaints are also heard,,GURU JI DOESNT HELP US... WHY ??

SIKH Brthers..Please remeber..Logan Raam Khilona Jaan is NOT correct. GURU JI is NOT a PLAYTHING. As long as SIKHS dont follow GURU JI's HUKM and leave BIPPARWAAD, we cannot expect help from GURU JI..He has already warned us: Jab eh Geh bipran ke reet main na karoon in ke parteet !!! Sacha Satgur Kia kareh..Jo SIKHN mein Chook
Andheley tek na Janeeih..JO BAANS bajaii FOOK.

This article was originally published by the SANT SIPAHI Monthly.

Posted by:

Jarnail Singh Dhillon "Arshi" MALAYSIA.
Guest editor,
International Jouranal Of Sikh Affairs
Edmonton Canada.



Sep 16, 2004
Re: Sardar Ji..aisa Hona Hee Thaa

Dear Jarnail Singhj ji

Excellent !!!!!!! Topic THE best so far read by me

It happened to cover all most 80 % of teh things that always trouble my mind day and night but I seldom found a oppertunity and place to say all these things
It has been a great relief Thanks a lot

Whenever God gives wealth to a Sikh, he goes far away out of town to make his bungalow/ kothee and gets cut off from his other brothers. When a Muslim gets wealth, he builds his house right in the middle of the Muslim Quarter, so as to be enar his muslim brothers in time of need. Our streets are narrow and often closed on one end....anybody attacking us cannot escape easily. IF nayone dares enter our quarter and kill one, we make sure we kill ten of them. We keep knives to defend ourselves from gangsters and mobs..BUT SIKHS inspite of beign Commanded by your GURU JI to Keep a KIRPAN at all times....how many of you keep even asmall knife on your person ? IF every Sikh ahd followed His GURU JI's command and kept a kirpan on his person, this wouldnt have happened.

As the history is witness of this that at time just before Khalsa raj in northern india there were just 25000 sikhs fighting for themselves and also for hindu community to prtect their basic human rights and it just tok 150 years to reverse teh figgre stats

25000 sikhs were killed my a mobs all over the country . Now the same singhs of Guru Gobind were mudered and they could not do anything . teh same race of Super humans 150 years just has become less than a human what is the reason or cause behind that ??

it is rightly said by the muslim chap that we failed to follow GURU JI hukam and bipranwad has crept deep into our roots
1. we dont care learn shatar vidhya which was integral part of SIKHS in past
even living in punjab I have hardly seen any emphasis given on this by any body

2. Most of us has become weaklings not caring about our Physique .And also problem of vegitarian sikhs , I know taht every body would not agree taht it is neccessary to eat non veg food but I dont think any body can convince me on that point on medical grounds , In almost every sport and game you cant compete unless you eat non veg and this is the one of the main reason for shamefull indian perfirmance of india in sports
Today your Sikh leaders are so engrossed in building GOLD DOMES, Marble Gurdawras. All this money could be spent on setting up factories for the employment of unemployed Sikh youth. Rich Muslims and Rich Christians NEVER put GOLD DOMES on Masjids and Churches...there is NOT a sngle Gold domed mosque or church in the World. The GOLD DOMES of Sikh Gurdwaras serve only to collect the Birds droppings. Didnt your GURU JI command you to put SARB LOH khandas and Kirpan-Chakaras on Gurdwaras...When SIKHS disregard GURU Ji's HUKMs then Aisaa hona hee thaa..
3. We are so obssesed with gold plating of Gurdwara domes and i would say we have even surpassed Brhamin wad in this aspect .
When Harmandir Sahib was built in amritsar there was no gold platting but when Khalsa raj came Ranjit singh used his exceess resources to gold plate it
But Now when even in punjab BHUKH MARI is spreading our religious leaders make it apoint to keep the gold shining and hardly care about decreasing shine of Khalsa in punjab . Due to massive migration of Bihari worker ( many lakhs) in punjab the daily wage worker has been forced out of work and they have no work and most liable to take refuge to simplar way of living by cutting their hair and taking drugs ,and hardly leaves time for them to cultivate sikhi in themselves and their children BUT WHO CARES we just want our golden temple to be shining with gold rest GOD will take care of

Many have disappeared forever. A lot have been sold off in Arab lands, some end up in the Brothels of Bombay. I heard that 200 years ago SIKHS rescued 16,000 of HINDU WOMEN from Muslim Invaders...BUT now couldnt rescue their own women from HINDU Gangsters in their own country.....When You disregarded the GURU Ji's HUKM....and fell so low..Aisa Hona Hee thaa.
Whenever God gives wealth to a Sikh, he goes far away out of town to make his bungalow/ kothee and gets cut off from his other brothers. When a Muslim gets wealth, he builds his house right in the middle of the Muslim Quarter, so as to be enar his muslim brothers in time of need. Our streets are narrow and often closed on one end....anybody attacking us cannot escape easily. IF nayone dares enter our quarter and kill one, we make sure we kill ten of them. We keep knives to defend ourselves from gangsters and mobs..BUT SIKHS inspite of beign Commanded by your GURU JI to Keep a KIRPAN at all times....how many of you keep even asmall knife on your person ? IF every Sikh ahd followed His GURU JI's command and kept a kirpan on his person, this wouldnt have happened.
have never read all these so obvious and naked truth from our near past

We always disscus that 25000 sikhs were killed in 1984 but never think whay it was like that why these 20000 sikhs were not able to kill even 10000 of the people killing them before dying. Khalsa was not like that just few years back Even A single khalsa managed to take care of thousands of hindus against muslim in kabul . What has happened .This the real iSsue to think about
And would like to say that nothing has changed even today if something nonesense happens in india again it will take no time to maasacare sikhs on the same scale as nothing has changed since 1984 we are the same weak bipran sikhs . I was four year old KID in 1984 in amritsar when all this happened And I remember asking my father why do sikhs in delhi never fought back to save their children ,,,,,and obviously my father had no reply but jsut he told me may be have lost everything taught to us by guru ji

The Old man continued: We have vsiited throuh out Punjab...all the news media tell lies about the sikhs..Indian TV, radio, Newspapers all lie. Thousnads of Sikh Youths have been arrested illegally, shot dead adn teh TRUTH is hidden from view. Sikhs are portrayed as criminals, looters, etc. It has been made impossible for Sikhs to live with honour in India. IF only you SIKHS could take the GOLD DOMES of just the Gurdwaras in DELHI and sell it to buy and set up a SIKH NATIONAL NEWSPAPER...there could be some attempt to show the world the true picture. How can Sikhs put their case before the world without a Press. Sikhs should have a DAILY PUNJABI/English/hindi/Urdu Nespaper...BUT when the GURDWARAANAGEMENTS themselves "misappropriate GOLAK FUNDS" fro their own benefit...then AISA HONA HEE THAA

THE PRESS This the Most important thing that we need urgently . Media is making fool of sikhs since last 20 years so cansee it every where in BOLLYWOOD Movies , TV Serials . And this the most pwerfull medium that taking our young generation away from their home culture because they dont have their own movies and serials and SO nO role models and start accepting the fact that to be smart is ti be non sikhs and see 150 years back to be sikh was most prestigious thing because he was most Skilled most brave among all the people s

When i heard these words of truth from my muslim brothers.. I couldnt help myself from praising the wisdom of these words. When I think of these I curse those Boot Lickers who place garlands around photos of Indira gandhi, attend rajiv Memeorial services, put garlands around the necks of HKL bhagats, bootas, and their chamchas....giving out SIROPAS and SRI SAHIBS to them.... these "sikhs" blacken their own faces but also the face of the entire Sikh Community. They steal the GURU's Golak for their own businesses, factories, ...after having suffered such humiliation, kidnappings and rapes of thousands of daughters, killing of thousands of sons, ..SIKHS can still Drink and Dance the Bhangra on the streets as if nothing ever happened...Sikh Women continue to dance half naked, glass in hand.....and the Sikh SANGAT continues to put forward people who continue vast GOLD DOME and MARBLE GURDWARA projects.... daily licking of the boots of Govt administarators continues shamelessly..YET daily Complaints are also heard,,GURU JI DOESNT HELP US... WHY ??

When I came to london in2003 I was shocked to see people preparing for march in rememrance of 1984 roits Because I have never seen such thing happening in amritasr in last 10 years where more than 90 % sikhs live It is really shame on us . Now people in punjab just want to be so humble that they want to hurt sentiments of their hindu brithers by marching on such aoccasion . If this is the way we are going to remember our lost brother then this means we need abigger leason yet to wake up from sleep may few lakhs of us has to die in similar fashion then only we can wake up:8-:)

Well I just said what was boiling inside me from long time and ask forgiveness if i have said something which is not acceptable to our dear gursikhs




Dec 20, 2004
Re: Sardar Ji..aisa Hona Hee Thaa

Mr. Janrail Singh,
It was interesting to read the article that u posted. Can you write in a short summary what would you like us Sikhs to do ?

Then we can debate on the issues ....


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Sardar Ji..aisa Hona Hee Thaa

singhaj said:
Mr. Janrail Singh,
It was interesting to read the article that u posted. Can you write in a short summary what would you like us Sikhs to do ?

Then we can debate on the issues ....

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji ki Fateh.
Here goes:
1. We are at this low point because we have disregarded the GURU's HUKMs..on a.) Self Discipline - that is we dont do amrit vela/nitnem/
b.) We have degenerated into slouches who like to drink and dance in public
c.) We have become ritualistic, superstitious lot who depend on Sants/babas for a "quick fix" salvation magic formulas and waste our time in idle rituals which are a waste of funds
d.)We have neglected our own Language
e.) We have not pushed for Computers and Internet as a Vital Tool for the 21st century....almost NIL Gurdwaras and Punjabi Schools are having any compters and connected to the Internet
f.) We have neglected Gatka and other Martial Arts which was a requirement of the GURU ...but look at how others are attending Tae kwan do tai chee/karate etc by the millions. Apart from the health benefits these build character
g.) We spend far too much on SHOW OFF weddings and langgars - drains the entire community
h.)We have turned into a community of turncoats and traitors..look at how many so called Sikh Leaders can be bought over..that is a result of our moral degradation..because beleive it or not this also works on the Computer principle of GIGO _ Garbage in Garbage Out...I mean IF the entire Pool of the Community is full of spineless backless people...then whoever rises to become a Leader from that Pool will soon be bought over/turn traitor and start making for himself....we have had such a long list of leaders...not one can stand as uncoruptible/morally strong/
h.) We are wasting so much Community Funds on Gold domes marble gurdwaras...serious funding for schools, orphanages, factories, Press and media stations, for the upliftment of the community is not coming through.We as a community have far outpaced the Hindu mandirs of old that attracted the Foreign invaders due to their Gold Domes. India is world known as the greatest HOARDER of GOLD... adn now the Sikh Community is the Worlds leader in HOARDING GOLD.....which has absolutley NO BENEFIT to the Community and locks up the money in an unproductive asset.
i.) we argue no end about a complete NON ISSUE of meat VS Vegetarianism..with every Sant baba stressing this at every diwan endlessly..BUT NO ONE dares even mention ALCOHOL and its sister BHANGRA which are the twin banes of every "SIKH" wedding. Sikhs are consuming more and more Alcohol per capita..and ALCOHOL is NOT a NON ISSUE as MEAT because ALCOHOL is Clearly and uneqivocally BANNED and CONDEMNED in GURBANI. Alcohol and MEAT are interconnected....why the undue stress on one and not the other -GURBANI has no problem with MEAT as a FOOD...but alcohol is no where regarded as a "food" and not permitted under any circumstances....but we "allow" alcohol by ignoring it and under the influence of brahmnawaad lay too much stress on MEAT.


I am aware that all the issues discussed in this article are dear and near to each and every one of us...no matter if one is a "pakka Amrtidharee" and one is less pakka or even has short hair etc....every SIKH or person who has some SIKHI blood in his veins is hurt by the condition our community is in.

Off hand this is what we all have to attempt FIRST and Foremost..

1. As I said We as a community have wandered so far away from our roots that we are a "lost" community...no direction, no commitment.

All of us should make an comitment to go back to our roots - the basic simple sikhi stressing love and compassion that the Guurs practised. Now a days we have become more and more intolerant of differing views. we must make a concerted effort to get back in touch with our LANGUAGE - Punjabi...then can only we learn for ourselves what our GURUS have written for us. Guru Ji says this is: PIO DADEH DA KHAZANAH... the Treasure of our Forefathers....and we have the "treasure MAP"..but we dont have a clue as to what it all means. Any sane person that gets hold of a "treasure map" will do his utmost to try and decipher what the map says.... we are content ot keep this Valuable Map wrapped up in valuable Rumallas, do chaur sewa, matha tek, build GOLD Palkis, Gold Domes,....BUT are not at all interested in OPENING the MAP to "read" and "understand" what it says so that we can avail ourselves of the vast treasure. This is the KEY to understanding the Divine Message of sarbatt da bhalla, tolerance and Love that GURU JI preached..IF we cant bring ourselves to LOVE fellow SIKHS..how can we even pretend to say we "love" all humankind ?? That LIE that we live in day in and day out is weakening our spirit. The Sikhs of 200 years ago LIVED GURBANI...so a Single Sikh could fight 125,000...TODAY we LIVE a LIE, pretence, dikhawa.bhekh,...thats why 125,000 SIKHS ( LIONS) perished at the hands of mobs of sheep . We DONT understand GURBANI... thats why we have different Jathbandis, deras, taksals, different amrits, maryadas, ... we say we dont have "castes"..but we have created NEW Castes...Hazoori Singh, Taksali Singh, AKJ Singh, SGPC Singh....ON TOP of our OLD CASTES of Jatt Phhappa ravidassia chhembaa etc.which continue to "run underground" This is because we have failed miserably to grasp the MESSAGE of GURBANI...and ultimately this fault is traceable to US...because we failed to STUDY GURBANI ourselves and instead depend on others...some baba Ji/maharaj ji/ Sant Ji/ brahmgianai ji/ etc etc to "TELL" us what gurbani means. IN Guru Jis times people who were not even SIKH knew Gurbani by heart.... today many Sikhs dont even know what is Japji sahib..or the names of the 10 Gurus ..

2. Every SIKH must make a concerted effort to study and use the modern mediums of COMPUTERS and INTERNET. This is the strongest modern weapon to fight superstition and illiteracy in Religion. No Sikh should have an excuse not to know computers and the internet...this is the best way to spread knowledge and create networking among us

This is a brief summary of the ills of our community. There are many others but let them be exposed as well.

With Love and respect towards all

Jarnail Singh


Sep 16, 2004
Re: Sardar Ji..aisa Hona Hee Thaa


Related News Links Aggrieved widows of '84 anti-Sikh riot victims threaten to immolate themselves in Chandigarh on June 3 to put an end to their 'miserable lives' - The Hindu Online Newspaper


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Sardar Ji..aisa Hona Hee Thaa

Mr. Janrail Singh,
It was interesting to read the article that u posted. Can you write in a short summary what would you like us Sikhs to do ?

Then we can debate on the issues ....


so what happened to the debate ??
its been a loooooooooooooooooooong long time....
i am waiting...


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Gyani ji,
How can one debate the reality? It's depressing but recognising the problems is the 1st step to dealing with them. The more people take note, the more can be changed and that gives me hope.
Gyani ji, you always have the perfect way to drive stark reality home!
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