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Sakhi - King Janak: How To Meditate

Jul 10, 2006
King Janak: How To Meditate

There was once a great sage and his disciple. The sage send this disciple to the court of King Janak to learn how to meditate. The disciple did not want to go. Here he was, a Brahmin, a monk who had renounced the world. What could a King who was only a Kshatriya teach him. But since the master had ordered him he went. When he reached the court of the King, he saw the King living a very luxurious lifestyle. He was disgusted; a great condemnation arose in him. What could such a person have to teach a monk. He bowed to the king. King Janak saw his mental state and said that if he wanted he "the monk" could return the very next day. On this condition the monk agreed to stay the night.

King Janak took every care of the monks needs. After having him fed and washed he personally escorted the monk to the bedroom where he was to spend the night. As can be expected the bedroom was luxurious and comfortable. The monk got into bed and tried to sleep. Just then he saw hanging above him a sword suspended from above from a thin thread. The slightest touch of breeze and the sword could fall injuring or even killing him.

The monk spent the entire night in a state of fear and extreme alertness since he knew that if he stopped being watchful for even a moment he might lose his life.
The next morning King Janak asked the monk if he had spent a comfortable night. The monk grew indignant and asked what was the meaning of having him sleep under a naked sward. He said that he had not slept the whole night despite being very tired from his long journey.

King Janak replied that this was exactly the lesson on how to meditate that he had wanted the monk to learn. The monk had to be alert and aware the whole night. It was a matter of life and death to him. This was the teaching of King Janak. King Janak said that despite living in luxury and all else he remained aware of the sword hanging over his head. The sword was invisible, but it was very real. It was his own impending death. Since King Janak kept the awareness of death in his mind, he was able to stay detached from his luxurious lifestyle. He knew that it could end any moment; that in fact it would inevitably end one day. In this manner he lived in the palace and yet was a hermit.

This is exactly the attitude to be brought when we are learning how to meditate or to life itself. You can remain unaware if you think that you will live forever. But how can you be unaware when you know that life can end any moment. You will be constantly aware and on your guard.

jaano sath hova(n)tho marano dhrisattaen mithhiaa
Know for sure that death will come; whatever is seen is false.
keerath saathh chala(n)thho bhana(n)th naanak saadhh sa(n)gaen 3
So chant the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; this alone shall go along with you in the end. 3
- SGGS ji 1360
May 17, 2007
Re: Sikh Sakhi - King Janak: How To Meditate

King Janak: How To Meditate

There was once a great sage and his disciple. The sage send this disciple to the court of King Janak to learn how to meditate. The disciple did not want to go. Here he was, a Brahmin, a monk who had renounced the world. What could a King who was only a Kshatriya teach him. But since the master had ordered him he went. When he reached the court of the King, he saw the King living a very luxurious lifestyle. He was disgusted; a great condemnation arose in him. What could such a person have to teach a monk. He bowed to the king. King Janak saw his mental state and said that if he wanted he "the monk" could return the very next day. On this condition the monk agreed to stay the night.

King Janak took every care of the monks needs. After having him fed and washed he personally escorted the monk to the bedroom where he was to spend the night. As can be expected the bedroom was luxurious and comfortable. The monk got into bed and tried to sleep. Just then he saw hanging above him a sword suspended from above from a thin thread. The slightest touch of breeze and the sword could fall injuring or even killing him.

The monk spent the entire night in a state of fear and extreme alertness since he knew that if he stopped being watchful for even a moment he might lose his life.
The next morning King Janak asked the monk if he had spent a comfortable night. The monk grew indignant and asked what was the meaning of having him sleep under a naked sward. He said that he had not slept the whole night despite being very tired from his long journey.

King Janak replied that this was exactly the lesson on how to meditate that he had wanted the monk to learn. The monk had to be alert and aware the whole night. It was a matter of life and death to him. This was the teaching of King Janak. King Janak said that despite living in luxury and all else he remained aware of the sword hanging over his head. The sword was invisible, but it was very real. It was his own impending death. Since King Janak kept the awareness of death in his mind, he was able to stay detached from his luxurious lifestyle. He knew that it could end any moment; that in fact it would inevitably end one day. In this manner he lived in the palace and yet was a hermit.

This is exactly the attitude to be brought when we are learning how to meditate or to life itself. You can remain unaware if you think that you will live forever. But how can you be unaware when you know that life can end any moment. You will be constantly aware and on your guard.

jaano sath hova(n)tho marano dhrisattaen mithhiaa

Know for sure that death will come; whatever is seen is false.
keerath saathh chala(n)thho bhana(n)th naanak saadhh sa(n)gaen 3
So chant the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; this alone shall go along with you in the end. 3

- SGGS ji 1360

good story- Always learn from others experience.

nit nit riday sumaal preetam aapna

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji ki Fateh


Mar 17, 2005
Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji Ki fateh

Thank you for an excellent example of how to cultivate Awareness. Dhyan and variations of this shabad appears some 1600 times in the SGGS, withiout Dhyan there is no Bhagti. It saddens me to read the comments about not using such stories to illustrate dhyan and that doing "paath" at 2.- 2.30 is meditation. Please try and understand the essence of Sikhi, NOT from a christianised point of view, but the mystical traditions to Guru Nanak.

If doing Paath was meditation, why are all Gurdwaras in state of conflict? to mention but one point. Please check how simple TM meditation in Washington DC, Lebonon, Merseyside UK plus another 60 other research studies demonstrated that meditation reduces Crimes rate in surrounding areas, reduce stress and conflict in the lebanon war. WE NOT KNOW how to meditate I m sad to say.

Meditation is essential and the Sikhs need to learn this. I have been studying meditation for over 18 years and have been able to see where meditation was replaced with the usual "prayers" type workship.

Meditation is simply directing ones awareness to either insight (Visapanna) or object, (Shabad/ mantra), The process needs to be done in a loving way, intentionally, with an attitude of observation and acceptance.

To me the situation appears something like this, illustrate via example:

We go and purchase some flatpack furniture,
we extract the instructions, we cover them in clothes, we place the instructions on a manji sahib, we read them, we sing about them, we do katha of the instuctions, we wake up realy in the morning and read them... unfortaunately, our flat pack remains flat! No one bothers to build the furniture, this is the situation with many of us, we read paath, we do kirtan, we listen to katha, yet we dont follow the instructions.

I would suggest that colleagues read about Consciousness, read about what meditation really is (Please check Zazen as they are propbably the only holders of this secret in its origional form. Dhyan when it went to China was known as Chan and as it migrated to Japan it become Zen, both India nd China appear to have lost the origional) and compare with SGGS.

man rae sabadh tharahu chith laae ||Guru Nanak Dev ang 18
O mind, swim across, by focusing your consciousness on the Shabad

bhaaee rae raam kehahu chith laae || Guru Nanak Dev ang 22
O Siblings of Destiny, chant the Lord's Name, and focus your consciousness on Him

eikas sio man maaniaa thaa hoaa nihachal cheeth ||
When the mind accepts, and is satisfied with the One, then the consciousness becomes steady and stable

maerae man eaekas sio chith laae ||
O my mind, focus your consciousness on the One.

chandhan cheeth vasaaeiaa mandhar dhasavaa dhuaar ||
Like the essence of sandalwood, He permeates her consciousness, and the Temple of the Tenth Gate is opened

In your mind, by your words, and within your heart, meditate on the Lord, and He will be pleased. In this way, repeat the Name of the Lord. ||1|| Guru Amar das ang 669

Dhyan is about awareness and Intent. Understand what awareness is first and cultivate the refinement of this awareness to penertate the VIBRATION of shabad ( Remember, Dhunn Surt Chela) DHunn is vibration, Surt is Awareness and Chela is that which follows.





Mar 17, 2005
You state..." I agree with U that Dyan is important for Bhagti But dyan itself is a very tough practice for those who fail to follow the Hukums of Guru Ji.To have dyan one needs a calm mind.Right"

Your comments clearly illustrate the lack of understanding about Bhagti and Dhyan.

"You say.... To have Dhyan one needs to have a calm mind! " This is absurd... my friend Dhyan is the means by which one cultivates a calm mind. Not the otherway round. Dhyan has NOTHINg to do with thinking, its about reflexive attentive awareness, willingly directed at the vibration of the Primal sound in an attitude of acceptance and observation.

"Thora Sonvey thora hi Khavey Gursikh Sohey Sahaj Samavey" in your opinion is to get a calm mind?

In the famous Zen masters quotation, eat little, sleep little, walk little, eat, walk and sleep, but dont wobble!

Sahaj is balance NOT Calm. Sahaj is equipose that is cultivated from within, NOT placed via an ego.

You say "Also remember that nothing can be achieved by mere talking.Everything is achieved by ACTUALLY FOLLOWING N FACING THE DIFFICULT PART." while earlier on you stated that Dhyan was very difficult....hmmmm.

I have a question for you. You say that khalsa is distinct etc etc...

If Guru nanak and all the other Gurus, Bhagtas etc removed our identities, i.e. no caste, no gender inequitity, no dependancy on parents, wife, husband, nation, colour, race, creed etc... then why would Guru Gobind Singh Ji give us a "distinst indentity"? Think about this before you react

This in my opinion is a misquotation. "Also U cannot find anything by going deeper n deeper into Gurubani as nothing can be achieved by trying to find its depth n precision as GuruJi Himself said

Valoo Niki Khaneo Tikhee"

using Tuks outside of their context is a dangerous way of making YOUR point, NOT the GURUS.

The above tuk infact endorses that as one travells this journey within, one finds its to be deep, profound, and most importanly, beyond teh grasp of intellect.

I m afraid your post is not coherent, its self-contradictory and most dangerously, its misleading. You mention Guru Gobind Singh Ji, yet fail to acknowledge that he sat in Dhyan for Eons at Hemkunt sahib. Sikhi isnt about being high on testorone, its a balanced inner and outer apporach of experincing life in the moment of now.

You state "When guru Gobind Singh Asked for Five heads no one among Five loved ones asked Guru Ji why u need my head.".

Do you not think that this act of Initiation (Armit sanchaar) contained within it a quality standard? Guru Gobind Singh Ji ASKED for amrit from the 5 Pyare. I assume you ve taken Amrit, would you be able to give Guru Gobind Singh Ji Amrit is he asked YOU today?

Thank you for YOUR advice, I ll stick to researching SGGS, taking my advice ONLY From MY GURU, practicing Dhyan,( Simran), eat when my body needs food, sleep when my body needs sleep and Trust with Wisdom and gratitude the moment of this Experince of NOW that I have been blesssed with.

faith without wisdom is blind faith. After all we are known as Sikhs... meaning to LEARN....

May 17, 2007
Sangat Ji,

Dhyaan/Chit is already given to us, we are only misusing it. So Guru Ji tells us to come under God's Will. Dhyaan jehra dasa dishaanva val udda firda hai usnu sahi pase launa hai.

mystic Ji you made some very Good points. Thankyou

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
May 30, 2007
You state..." I agree with U that Dyan is important for Bhagti But dyan itself is a very tough practice for those who fail to follow the Hukums of Guru Ji.To have dyan one needs a calm mind.Right"

Your comments clearly illustrate the lack of understanding about Bhagti and Dhyan.

"You say.... To have Dhyan one needs to have a calm mind! " This is absurd... my friend Dhyan is the means by which one cultivates a calm mind. Not the otherway round. Dhyan has NOTHINg to do with thinking, its about reflexive attentive awareness, willingly directed at the vibration of the Primal sound in an attitude of acceptance and observation.

"Thora Sonvey thora hi Khavey Gursikh Sohey Sahaj Samavey" in your opinion is to get a calm mind?

In the famous Zen masters quotation, eat little, sleep little, walk little, eat, walk and sleep, but dont wobble!

Sahaj is balance NOT Calm. Sahaj is equipose that is cultivated from within, NOT placed via an ego.

You say "Also remember that nothing can be achieved by mere talking.Everything is achieved by ACTUALLY FOLLOWING N FACING THE DIFFICULT PART." while earlier on you stated that Dhyan was very difficult....hmmmm.

I have a question for you. You say that khalsa is distinct etc etc...

If Guru nanak and all the other Gurus, Bhagtas etc removed our identities, i.e. no caste, no gender inequitity, no dependancy on parents, wife, husband, nation, colour, race, creed etc... then why would Guru Gobind Singh Ji give us a "distinst indentity"? Think about this before you react

This in my opinion is a misquotation. "Also U cannot find anything by going deeper n deeper into Gurubani as nothing can be achieved by trying to find its depth n precision as GuruJi Himself said

Valoo Niki Khaneo Tikhee"

using Tuks outside of their context is a dangerous way of making YOUR point, NOT the GURUS.

The above tuk infact endorses that as one travells this journey within, one finds its to be deep, profound, and most importanly, beyond teh grasp of intellect.

I m afraid your post is not coherent, its self-contradictory and most dangerously, its misleading. You mention Guru Gobind Singh Ji, yet fail to acknowledge that he sat in Dhyan for Eons at Hemkunt sahib. Sikhi isnt about being high on testorone, its a balanced inner and outer apporach of experincing life in the moment of now.

You state "When guru Gobind Singh Asked for Five heads no one among Five loved ones asked Guru Ji why u need my head.".

Do you not think that this act of Initiation (Armit sanchaar) contained within it a quality standard? Guru Gobind Singh Ji ASKED for amrit from the 5 Pyare. I assume you ve taken Amrit, would you be able to give Guru Gobind Singh Ji Amrit is he asked YOU today?

Thank you for YOUR advice, I ll stick to researching SGGS, taking my advice ONLY From MY GURU, practicing Dhyan,( Simran), eat when my body needs food, sleep when my body needs sleep and Trust with Wisdom and gratitude the moment of this Experince of NOW that I have been blesssed with.

faith without wisdom is blind faith. After all we are known as Sikhs... meaning to LEARN....

I totally disagree with ur extreme level of foolishness.Whatever I have written is all proved by me.I have followed Guru strictly without raising any questions or using my own mind n learned.U simply speak n speak n only use ur mind to make guess work.Sikhi is not a guess work.Follow n u will get it.Otherwise fools r born -says Guru.

BTW I am not at all in favor of ur brahamini style.Also good luck for ur success.BTW success is millions of miles away without actually following Guru's Tough paths.

Also Stop confusing people around by going ur way.In ur comments u r trying to prove guru ji wrong.
Sahaj is balance of mind n only part of a calm mind.Ur way of conquering mind all by self is no way possible however hard u try.U will have to follow Guru's words.Btw u r badly confused by going too much indepth n finally lost.
Sikhs don't need to go indepth of guru's shabad but follow what guru says.
No sikh on this planet can figure out the greatness n depth of the Lord Guru.So follow.That's all u need.

Agan Agan Kahe Sheat Nah Binas Hai.-Bhai Gurdas Ji

By saying fire fire cold never runs away.One has to lit the fire by little hard work to overcome coldness.

Khand Khand Kahe muh mithoo Nah Savad Aaveh-Bhai gurdas Ji

By saying sweet sweet one's mouth doesn't taste sweetness.One has to put sweet food in his mouth to feel sweetness.

Without following u will never experience what guru said.U will never get what guru want to give u just by talking.Everything one gets is thru GURU KRIPA.

GURU = GU + RU = darkness + Light = one who shows us light when we r lost in darkness.


So Simple.


May 17, 2007
FiveLovedOne, interesting name- Guru Ji made Five Pyaare- I was reading your posts, appears to be one and only one person- unfortunately lost in Ego of some of his/her false achievements.

Try to come out of this 5 mania. You have to have 5 Sikhs to be FiveLovedOnes my friend. Ik ta Guru Ji ne vi nahee kabuleyaa-Panj kabooley han.

Guru Sahib Da Pavan bachan Hai- boojhey naahee ek sudhaakhar o saglee jhakh jhakhaaeeay

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
May 30, 2007
FiveLovedOne, interesting name- Guru Ji made Five Pyaare- I was reading your posts, appears to be one and only one person- unfortunately lost in Ego of some of his/her false achievements.

Try to come out of this 5 mania. You have to have 5 Sikhs to be FiveLovedOnes my friend. Ik ta Guru Ji ne vi nahee kabuleyaa-Panj kabooley han.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

It is not about five persons or appearing as one person.It is all about following at self level the guru's hard ways.It has been more than 20 years since bluestar operation has happened but still sikhs r unable to find way to uproot the Indian govt.Nothing can be achieved by mere talking my friend.Everything is easy by following guru's hard paths by keeping ur head at Guru's feet with complete surrender to Guru's hukums.
guru's paths r very difficult.One has to go ahead by keeping his head on their palm as shown to us all by Brave Baba Deep Singh Ji.
One has to surrender fully to guru's hard ways by giving up their own heads.One has to give up lot of their sleep which is a difficult issue for sikhs of today.What u said Ego is in fact not an ego but a proud that I feel when i do what guru says.
Come on take 1/2 an hour nap in night n another nap of 1/2 an hour during day(This is what a soldier needs when at war or in battle) n obey guru 's hukum of sleeping less n then see the results.U r badly following world sleeping way of at least 6 hrs(soldier sleeping 6 hrs-crazy) sleep during night.
Talking is easy my friend but following is hardest.Calling people around an egoist is easy but following guru's hard way is very difficult.
feeling proud by strictly following Guru is a feeling that only I can understand n the feeling of chardi kala that one gets is far beyond description.

all is Guru's kripa.

Sat Shri Akal

May 17, 2007
Ok you call yourself a PURE FiveLovedOne. Guru Sahib gave Panj Pyaare the darja of Guru. OK DO SOMETHING FOR SIKH JAGAT- I really want to see this SelfStyledFiveLovedOne's parupkaar. Tell the Sangat any one of your kaarnaama. Have you done anything other than depriving yourself of food and sleep and feeding yourself with ceaseless exercise. Seems like an obsessed person. I believe that's why you only talka bout khana and sauna, that's all. Ego and Pride, aren't the same thaalee de chatte batte.

Guru Di bakhsheesh da koi andaaza hai tuhaanu my friend. All this happens to a person when Amrit Di Dhaara is felt, not that a person should do all this to feel the absolute. Ulta raah far ke beh gay ho tusi, JapJi Sahib Da paath dhyaan naal pareyaa karo, Waheguru/Satguru Mehar karnge- as Bhai Gurdas Ji says: Charan Sarn Gur Ek Paindaa jae chal Satguru kot paindaa aagey hoi let hai.

Guru Sahib De pavan kathan-
Hasandeaa khelandeyaa pehnandeyaa khavandeyaa vicheay hove mukat.

Guru de charana ch beh ke vekho nimaane ho ke- Sutte peyaan vi bhagti hi hovegee.

FiveLovedOnes Ji, Jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru -lakh lakh gera aakheeay ek naam jagdish
Anant anant vaari jap Waheguu Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
May 30, 2007
Ok you call yourself a PURE FiveLovedOne.Well My username is fiveLovedones.I can in no way compare myself to five loved ones.there is noone born in the history who could compare their sacrifice.They have laid the foundation of Sikhi.Message of those loved one is the basis of sikhi till today n will be in future.Give ur head N SURRENDER (get beheaded) to ur guru 's Hukums n get Guru's blessings(Amrit).TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE LOGIC BEHIND. Guru Sahib gave Panj Pyaare the darja of Guru. OK DO SOMETHING FOR SIKH JAGAT- I really want to see this SelfStyledFiveLovedOne's parupkaar. Tell the Sangat any one of your kaarnaama. Have you done anything other than depriving yourself of food and sleep and feeding yourself with ceaseless exercise. Seems like an obsessed person. I believe that's why you only talka bout khana and sauna, that's all.(becoz Guru stresses a lot about it.Also both r very important part of ur body n mind.Also remember that today sleep n food r the main cause of all diseases n cancers my friend.Guru already knew it n so cautioned his Sikhs at many places in Gurubani) Ego and Pride, aren't the same thaalee de chatte batte.(badly wrong here.Pride is the one that brings u close to guru if u have understood the fact that it is Guru that showed u the way n noone else.Every moment U feel great,healthy,happy n in chardi kala U will always feel proud of ur great guru n pride will be like guru's blessing to U.Mind remains calm n meditates on Lord with great ease-No practice of any sadhna needed as some fools talk about."Bule Shah rab da kaya pona edroo putna tey edar lona".No Sadana needed for this.Little practice is enough.It is afterall Guru who showed u the way that noone else could in this world.All modern saints,sants,deras,tongis can only mislead us.
Btw ego is an enemy of one self n pushes a sikh away from guru.)

Guru Di bakhsheesh da koi andaaza hai tuhaanu my friend.(Guru's baksheesh is felt by those who do it n not those who simply criticize followers.BTW I am not pointing to U.I am talking only in general) All this happens to a person when Amrit Di Dhaara is felt,(Amrit di daara is felt by those who sacrifices their sukh araam n take just a nap sleep(remember u r a saint soldier n not just a saint) as per guru's baachans-"Thora sonvey Thora he Khavey Gurusikh Sohe Sahaj Samavey" n meditate on Guru's Naam,do 5 paath n then listen to Guru shabads as day light breaks.While whole day remember god.U should stress more on the fact why Guru has called this very early time only Amrit-vela why not other times of the day.Understand the logic behind it.Try to understand how time could be Amrit to anyone.To understand this do it n find out.Only then u will experience real power within u n feeling of chardi kala will engulf u whole day.U will get a mind to think globally n not sticking to ur family or ur own community.Guru will change u to a leader.Live guru's way.) not that a person should do all this to feel the absolute. Ulta raah far ke beh gay ho tusi(if guru 's way appear ulta to U,then I will be more happy that I am following it.Guru's ways r the best for me atleast who takes hardship n understand what guru means.If waking up very early in the morning is ulta vela for U then i will follow it with more force becoz my Guru called it Amrit Vela.It really provides Amrit power to his sikh.Don't believe me.Come on.Do it n get it.Without doing u will never know what I mean.Without doing it u r always in darkness n only imaginative of what will happen.U may think that maybe I will go weak by sleeping less.ha ha...........worldly science follower), JapJi Sahib Da paath dhyaan naal pareyaa karo, Waheguru/Satguru Mehar karnge- as Bhai Gurdas Ji says: Charan Sarn Gur Ek Paindaa jae chal Satguru kot paindaa aagey hoi let hai.So u think that I get up very early in the morning to watch TV.my dear friend I have given u quotes from Gurubani.These r not my ways.All r guru's.wake up for guru n whole day Guru will himself will stay with U n serve u with Amrit power.Do it n know it.

Guru Sahib De pavan kathan-
Hasandeaa khelandeyaa pehnandeyaa khavandeyaa vicheay hove mukat.I agree.but still one cannot ignore guru's hukums n lifestyle.All this what u said r only small part of gurusikh's life.One can listen to songs for a while but not whole day n whole life.Understand this concept.
Obeying guru's hukum decides sikh's life.Without following saint + soldier life all above goes waste.Remember.without fighting in battle field for weak n oppressed n leading the life of a slave ( to Indian govt. now) and without naam simran n following guru ji 's Hukums all above leads to nothing.If u r doing these 2 things n doing what u mentioned thru gurubani ,all r excepted.otherwise all becomes dukh finally.

Guru de charana ch beh ke vekho nimaane ho ke- Sutte peyaan vi bhagti hi hovegee.So u mean a soldier should sleep n meditate.
Sing praises of lord in battle field -Said guru Gobind Singh Ji to his Khalsa force.No battle ! then prepare for it days n night to become a tayaar bar tayaar khalsa.Sit in guru lap(mind stuck at guru's feet chanting his Naam) while preparing as a soldier.u will really enjoy guru's charan there.U r afterall founded by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.remember what he made u- SAINT + SOLDIER.

Chant name of lord while exercising,playing shastars,at work,playing n others."Haath pau doye kaam kar chit niranjan Naal-Bagat NaamDev Ji."

FiveLovedOnes Ji, Jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru -lakh lakh gera aakheeay ek naam jagdish
Anant anant vaari jap Waheguu Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Remember all matters guru talk about r equally important even if it is Khana n sauna.both r very extremely important for ur body n mind.Exercise is another thing that Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj stressed a lot by engaging his sikhs in weapons practice days n nights.So they were undefeatable.TOUGH LIFESTYLE WAS THE ONLY FACTOR THAT ALWAYS MADE THEM THE WINNERS OF THEIR AGE.THEY NEVER SAT FOR LONG N CHANTED LORD'S NAAM BUT IN THE BATTLEFIELD INSTEAD.

One thing cannot be more better or important than others when guru Himself stresses so much on it n made it part of their life as well.read history for examples.BTW if u cannot change urself it is fine.wait till suffering comes.Finally u will blame age as the factor.No it is ignorance of guru's bachans for years.:D
In olden days old people never suffered from blood pressure n diabetes while today even young r suffering.reason ignorance of guru's words n sticking to their lifestyle whole life.


May 17, 2007
FiveLovedOnes Ji

your words:
FiveLovedOnes said:
No Sadana needed for this.Little practice is enough.

But you say that saadna is needed to cut food, sleep and exercise.

So according to you: Mind that is like Mast Haathian da jhund, is easy for you to control with little practice, but the hard part is food, sleep and exercise.

amazingly your analogy doesnt make any sense .

I still believe and say
everybody including you FiveLovedOnes Ji, jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru
Varamvaar, anant vaar

instead of wasting your energy in channelling you thoughts on food, sleep and exercise- read and contemplate on Gurbani- the rest follows.

Charan chalo maarg gobind

Jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru anant vaari

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
May 30, 2007
FiveLovedOnes Ji

your words:

But you say that saadna is needed to cut food, sleep and exercise.

So according to you: Mind that is like Mast Haathian da jhund, is easy for you to control with little practice, but the hard part is food, sleep and exercise.

amazingly your analogy doesnt make any sense .

I still believe and say
everybody including you FiveLovedOnes Ji, jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru
Varamvaar, anant vaar

instead of wasting your energy in channelling you thoughts on food, sleep and exercise- read and contemplate on Gurbani- the rest follows.

Charan chalo maarg gobind

Jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru anant vaari

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Let time be ur best teacher.Wait n watch the game turning if u don't follow simple rules of guru.:)
May 17, 2007
Let time be ur best teacher.Wait n watch the game turning if u don't follow simple rules of guru.:)

Your thinking is tying you with Time- KAAL. Guru is the only one who can save you from this bandhan.

Guru de lar lag javo- man Bach Karam -through all the three

Guru is always afresh, within us, Guiding us, around us, protecting us.

Japi javo anant vaari- Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru

Bani paro te vichaaro te jeevo guru ka pavan bachan

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Mar 17, 2005
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Beautifully put, our fivebelovedones appears to be lost in his enthusiam.

There are 7 layers of ego defined, the most subtle yet dangerous one is the Dharmic ego, ego driven by "thoughts" that one is following GOD's rules! The guys in Glasgow thought the same too.

Followers of Buddha are called Buddhists
Followers of Christ are called Christians
Follwers of Mohammed are called Mohammadans
We are not called Nanakist, or Nanakians, Nanakdans... we are known as SIKHS... those always in a process of learning through humility, not arrogance. If you feel you KNOW, that how can you learn anything else? You can only fill something that is empty, not that which is full of its own content.

Sikhs are probably the only people who have been given PERMISSION to question their Guru. Remember sakis of Guru Gobind Singh ji as Ucha da Peer?? The Amrit initation, whe Guru Gobind Singh Ji was questioned by the 5 Pyare? Even Guru Nanak asks, Kiv sachara Hovia? See, its a question!

One can not question Islam, Mohammed or Koran.... its called Blind faith, blind leading the blind. In order to learn you need to have a question, the question starts simply..... who am i? My essense. Jot saroop, that is what we need to investigate. The mind can only be conquered by the Mind through the use of concentrative meditation focused on the vibrations of Shabad.

We are called Sikhs for a reason, we are in a contant state of learning, to learn we need to start with a recognistion that we DONT KNOW.

Of course the relationship between Guru and Sikh is a profound one that is based on acceptance, humility and an exchange of energies, teachings and understandings. However, the GURU (teacher, or the one that takes you from darkness to light, from a state of not knowing to knowing, avidya, ignorance to vidya, knowledge), is essential but we need to FOLLOW the gurus teachings, not retrace his footsteps. Each one of us has our own path specific to us, we need to allow the Guru to show us the direction.

The Guru is pointing his finger at the moon to show us the moon, and we we wish to do is to look at his finger.

Finally, there are four types of Sikhi. The first is Exeperinec, its like putting your hand in the fire, experiencing the pain.
The second is knowledge, when someone standing beside you, who sees you putting your hand into the fire, sees your pain, therefore has KNOWLEDGE of the suffering, BUT NOT the experience
The third type is belief, when one tells aother and it is accepted as truth, dont go near the fire it burns.
The fourth is ritual, when you dont go near fire, but dont know why.

I have attached a simple meditation by Bhai Kirpal Singh from Malaysia. If you wish try it, if not... so be

Vibrational Celestial Meditation, based on Gurbani by Bhai Kirpal Singh -

Besides the particular phrases used for the Mantra chantings all the other basics of Meditation covered below are applicable to all communities, besides the Sikhs.
Chant or just say the Holy phrase, SATNAAM SRI WAHEGURU a few times. Before undertaking any task, uttering the Lord's Name invokes the Blessings of the Divine. Also by doing so, ones attention is elevated and lifted towards God Almighty.

Protective Prayer
If you know the hymn, "TAATI VAAO NA LAGAEE PARBRAHEM SARNAEE", then it is good to recite or chant it, as this hymn invokes pervasive protection. It is necessary to protect oneself from the lower elemental negative forces, which are rampant in the troubled world of Kali Yuga, the Black Age.

Preparatory Chantings
Now comes the main part, the chanting of the Mantras. There are three Mantras to be chanted. The MOOL MANTRA

is chanted three times. This incidentally, is one of the most potent passages ever revealed to man by God. Then comes the NAAM MANTRA -
which is chanted 5 to 6 times and finally the GURMANTRA,
is chanted. This last mantra is recited as the inner promptings make us do so. One may ask, in what precise manner are these Mantras chanted. With deep devotion, love and reverence chant the three Mantras in kirtan form, in slow solaceful melody. Do not be in a haste. With long intonations and short pauses in between, sing each word spreading it through the entire breath-span so that their transcendental vibrations manifest in your being. As you come to WAHEGURU, WAHEGURU, the Gurmantra, if you have not already relaxed and submitted, then let go and reduce yourself to nothingness, a vacuum, with body and mind completely and wholly sacrificed on the alter of God.

May 30, 2007
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Beautifully put, our fivebelovedones appears to be lost in his enthusiam.

There are 7 layers of ego defined, the most subtle yet dangerous one is the Dharmic ego, ego driven by "thoughts" that one is following GOD's rules! The guys in Glasgow thought the same too.

Followers of Buddha are called Buddhists
Followers of Christ are called Christians
Follwers of Mohammed are called Mohammadans
We are not called Nanakist, or Nanakians, Nanakdans... we are known as SIKHS... those always in a process of learning through humility, not arrogance. If you feel you KNOW, that how can you learn anything else? You can only fill something that is empty, not that which is full of its own content.

Sikhs are probably the only people who have been given PERMISSION to question their Guru. Remember sakis of Guru Gobind Singh ji as Ucha da Peer?? The Amrit initation, whe Guru Gobind Singh Ji was questioned by the 5 Pyare? Even Guru Nanak asks, Kiv sachara Hovia? See, its a question!

One can not question Islam, Mohammed or Koran.... its called Blind faith, blind leading the blind. In order to learn you need to have a question, the question starts simply..... who am i? My essense. Jot saroop, that is what we need to investigate. The mind can only be conquered by the Mind through the use of concentrative meditation focused on the vibrations of Shabad.

We are called Sikhs for a reason, we are in a contant state of learning, to learn we need to start with a recognistion that we DONT KNOW.

Of course the relationship between Guru and Sikh is a profound one that is based on acceptance, humility and an exchange of energies, teachings and understandings. However, the GURU (teacher, or the one that takes you from darkness to light, from a state of not knowing to knowing, avidya, ignorance to vidya, knowledge), is essential but we need to FOLLOW the gurus teachings, not retrace his footsteps. Each one of us has our own path specific to us, we need to allow the Guru to show us the direction.

The Guru is pointing his finger at the moon to show us the moon, and we we wish to do is to look at his finger.

Finally, there are four types of Sikhi. The first is Exeperinec, its like putting your hand in the fire, experiencing the pain.
The second is knowledge, when someone standing beside you, who sees you putting your hand into the fire, sees your pain, therefore has KNOWLEDGE of the suffering, BUT NOT the experience
The third type is belief, when one tells aother and it is accepted as truth, dont go near the fire it burns.
The fourth is ritual, when you dont go near fire, but dont know why.

I have attached a simple meditation by Bhai Kirpal Singh from Malaysia. If you wish try it, if not... so be

Vibrational Celestial Meditation, based on Gurbani by Bhai Kirpal Singh -

Besides the particular phrases used for the Mantra chantings all the other basics of Meditation covered below are applicable to all communities, besides the Sikhs.
Chant or just say the Holy phrase, SATNAAM SRI WAHEGURU a few times. Before undertaking any task, uttering the Lord's Name invokes the Blessings of the Divine. Also by doing so, ones attention is elevated and lifted towards God Almighty.

Protective Prayer
If you know the hymn, "TAATI VAAO NA LAGAEE PARBRAHEM SARNAEE", then it is good to recite or chant it, as this hymn invokes pervasive protection. It is necessary to protect oneself from the lower elemental negative forces, which are rampant in the troubled world of Kali Yuga, the Black Age.

Preparatory Chantings
Now comes the main part, the chanting of the Mantras. There are three Mantras to be chanted. The MOOL MANTRA

is chanted three times. This incidentally, is one of the most potent passages ever revealed to man by God. Then comes the NAAM MANTRA -
which is chanted 5 to 6 times and finally the GURMANTRA,
is chanted. This last mantra is recited as the inner promptings make us do so. One may ask, in what precise manner are these Mantras chanted. With deep devotion, love and reverence chant the three Mantras in kirtan form, in slow solaceful melody. Do not be in a haste. With long intonations and short pauses in between, sing each word spreading it through the entire breath-span so that their transcendental vibrations manifest in your being. As you come to WAHEGURU, WAHEGURU, the Gurmantra, if you have not already relaxed and submitted, then let go and reduce yourself to nothingness, a vacuum, with body and mind completely and wholly sacrificed on the alter of God.


Becoming Judge of others is easy but becoming ur own judge for a while is difficult.Btw being judgemental is good but not for others but to ur own self.
Thru Guru's vision understand urself first n explore the blessings of Guru as u follow him n let the light explored go to others.
If one's findings doesn't suit ur lifestyle or ur views then u should not be a part of this community/forum.Here everyone should come as a teacher as well as a student.teach others what u have learned by truely following Guru's words n at the same time be a good student to learn from others.If u have this attitude in u U will learn n benefit.Afterall Sikhi is flexibility to follow guru n his hard lifestyle.It is thru hardship strong warriors r born n raised.BTW i appear different in this site becoz many people expect me to be speaking language of a gursikh n gurmukhi all time.Not needed to prove oneself a gursikh or Guru Gobind Singh 's Lion.
Be what u r the Guru's way.That's what is the current need of everyone now.Be ur own judge first.Learn n teach others.Nothing can be achieved by being rigid.Surrendering is essential for learning n following.

Sufferings follow at the end n its end is no way near till one actually starts following Guru's words/paths.
Start understanding other first before giving them the lessons.Before that it is important to understand oneself n be a good judge of oneself.:)


Mar 17, 2005
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

There is NO judgement here, nor do I intent to judge. However, I feel your error lies not in MY judgement but your egocentic understanding, Ahambudi that contradicts Gurbani.

you state..."Start understanding other first before giving them the lessons.Before that it is important to understand oneself n be a good judge of oneself".

While Gurbani states "Why do you go looking for God in the forest? Although he is unattached, he
dwells everywhere. He is always with you as your companion. Like the fragrance
which remains in the flower, and like the reflection in the mirror, God dwells deep
Within; search for Him Within your own Heart, O brother. Outside and inside,
know that there is only One God; the Guru has imparted this wisdom to me.
O servant Nanak, WITHOUT KNOWING ONES OWN SELF, the moss of doubt is not removed (sggs 684).

Sabh kish ghar mahi baahari naahee. Baahari tolai so bharam bhulaahee: Everything is Within the home of the Self; there is nothing beyond. One who searches outside is deluded by doubts (sggs 102).
Vichi kaaiaa nagar ladhaa har bhaalee: Searching within the body-village, I have found the Lord (sggs 1134).
Pritam basat rid mahi khor: My Beloved lives in the cave of my heart (sggs 1121).
Satgur meraa sadaa sadaa na aavai na jaayi. Oh abinaasee purakh a sabh mahi rahiyaa samaayi: My True Guru is eternal; beyond birth and death. He is the Imperishable Creator; He is permeating and pervading among all (sggs 759).
Chet suchet chit hoyi rahu tayu lai pargaas ujaaraa: When you are conscious in your Consciousness, you will be enlightened and illuminated (sggs 339).
Mann tu jot saroop hai apnaa mool pashaan: O my mind, you are That — the true image of the Divine Light — know your Reality (sggs 441).

KNOW YOURSELF, not the other! that is our ego centric problem, we are too busy knowing "others", there is NO-other in Gurmat, in fact, if you read Bhai Gurdas ji, the defining quality of a Gurmukh is the one who only sees the One.

Without MEDITATION or Dhyan how can you know yourself, please let the sangat know so we can all follow your teachings rather than Gurbani?



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Harjap ji said, Guru is always afresh, within us, Guiding us, around us, protecting us.

Makes things a lot easier! Meditation, prayer, sadhana, thinking, thought, centering, working through the day.
May 30, 2007
Be more practical than just theoretical.
Being Practical is sikhism
being theoretical is brahaminism.

If U say u have taken Amrit U will have to prepare all time like a soldier for the battle which can sprung out any time.worship n chant the name while preparing.Soldier always sleep less.Eat desired.U first need to be a soldier n then incorporate saint within U which is far easier way to become a saint-warrior.While reverse is difficult i.e first become a saint n then a soldier.Many fail in this way.Become a soldier n exercise days n nights n get chardi kala.With this chardi kala if u sit n listen to Gurbani U will understand n follow more easily with great ease.Remember this.If don't believe in me then do it n figure out urself.U will become a saint-warrior more easily this way.

Brahamins sit in temples n keep chanting name of their many gods,never prepare for battles n think of odd ways to earn their bread.They r more theoretical.They simply praise their religion n religious teachings.Ego always haunt them.They sleep a lot.They eat a lot.Days n night their mind is stuck in eating,sleeping n enjoying.They r unable to chant the name of Lord with their sick body n mind.

So it is time to think what is the difference between sikhs n brahamins.Make sure that u r distinct (Khalsa ways n lifestyle must be distinct from the rest of the world) n nothing of urs should resemble paths of brahamins otherwise u will become slaves of slaves.This is the current situation of sikhs today.So think many times R U REALLY FOLLOWING TOUGH SIKHI PATHS THAT GURU GOBIND SINGH JI MAHARAJ SET FOR HIS SIKHS WARRIORS.

KHALSA SOHE JO NIT KARE JANG.(need to be a warrior)

JO LAIN HAIN NIJ BAL PAH LAIN HAIN.(need to become a warrior for this hukum)



Sat Shri Akal All of U.


Mar 17, 2005
The real battle is within oneself, battle against your ego and its craving for existence and nonexistence.

To be taar paar taar is about being ready to see your mind with bare attention, at anytime.

To be a sikh is to study the self
to study the self is to lose the self
to lose the self is to be one with the other - merger in One!

You know that, you do what YOU THINK is right. Time will tell.
Enough time wasted here



Jul 7, 2007
The real battle is within oneself, battle against your ego and its craving for existence and nonexistence.

To be taar paar taar is about being ready to see your mind with bare attention, at anytime.

To be a sikh is to study the self
to study the self is to lose the self
to lose the self is to be one with the other - merger in One!

You know that, you do what YOU THINK is right. Time will tell.
Enough time wasted here


Good post. The ego is common to us all, doesn't matter if you follow a religion or not. But I dont think it is a battle against the ego, by battling you just feed the ego.

By being aware of the ego, that is a persons "self image"...when a person identifies with something, the ego gains in strength. Thats why seeking happiness in external things, does not bring lasting happiness and fufillment.

A human being is not their thoughts or beliefs, rather the consciousness that is aware of these thoughts. A person does not need anything external to fill a void, nor does the person need to search for anything. You can not become something that you already are.
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