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Rumalaa For Guru


Jul 18, 2004
Who told them that their Guru needs clothing?

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all!

Sikhs offer their Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Rumaalaas. Who told them that their Guru needs clothing?
Please explain.

Balbir Singh


Mar 26, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all!

Sikhs offer their Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Rumaalaas. Who told them that their Guru needs clothing?
Please explain.

Balbir Singh

Kee haal hai?

I hope u are fine... :D

To answer your question, offering rumaalaas - I assume it is a ceremony (not an empty ritual) to clothe oneself with remeberance of God just like we may use Simran bracelet... :)


Sep 16, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

I think Rumalas provode protection against physical climatic hazards to th such large size Granth .

How told sikh to offer rumalas? : I think there common sense to protect the Garnth Sahib


Jul 31, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

In addition to what khalsa ji said -

As I was asking people in the other thread that, are Hindu rituals that bad cos rituals are there in Sikhism as well, like offering Rumala Sahib.

I don't know who started this ritual or when was it started but I personally feel that it is not just an empty ritual. A mere act of offering rumala can really overwhelm a person with love for the Guru.

We bow before the granth and not before the idols because we have faith that it is our Guru present in physical form cos otherwise physical bowing is not required. Whenever I go to the gurudwara and I feel that it is the true guru present right in front of me, the body by itself bows in love.

So if we bow to the Granth cos we love the guru, we offer rumallas for the same reason. You can just stop offering rumallas if you want and that won't change anything. But if one is offering rumallas simply out of love for the Guru than there is nothing wrong in it.

I don't think rituals are bad, even hindu rituals are great but it depends on us as what is happening within us when we do a ritual and why are we performing them. As I said earlier that if Dhana could find his beloved with his faith in a stone then are rituals really that bad... ?

It is only blindly following a ritual which is bad. Rituals can't do anything on the physical plane, you can't achieve anything in the physical world by offering rumalas but if it fills yourself with love for Guru then I bow to this ritual as well.


Sep 16, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

I don't think rituals are bad, even hindu rituals are great but it depends on us as what is happening within us when we do a ritual and why are we performing them. As I said earlier that if Dhana could find his beloved with his faith in a stone then are rituals really that bad... ?

It is only blindly following a ritual which is bad. Rituals can't do anything on the physical plane, you can't achieve anything in the physical world by offering rumalas but if it fills yourself with love for Guru then I bow to this ritual as well.

Yes Brother My understanding also tells me the same that Rituals are not BAD per se but cane become blind over period of time and meaninigless but not for all

Jatinder Singh


Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and Jatinder Jee!

Quote "I think Rumalas provode protection against physical climatic hazards to th such large size Granth .
How told sikh to offer rumalas? : I think there common sense to protect the Garnth Sahib"

Parents also feel that the child needs clothing. They should protect him. This is the common sense.
In my view Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee is not our child nor the Guru is sensitive toward climatic hazards.


Quote from TGill Jee "As I was asking people in the other thread that, are Hindu rituals that bad cos rituals are there in Sikhism as well, like offering Rumala Sahib."
I think it should be an offer from Sikhs, not a ritual.

Quote "I don't know who started this ritual or when was it started but I personally feel that it is not just an empty ritual. A mere act of offering rumala can really overwhelm a person with love for the Guru."
May I ask if offering Rumaalaa is a technique of falling in love with the Guru?

Quote "You can just stop offering rumallas if you want and that won't change anything."
In my view, one can continue offering Rumaalaas to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee if he wants and that will not change anything. I do not know when and where the Gurus have instructed us to do so.

Quote "But if one is offering rumallas simply out of love for the Guru than there is nothing wrong in it."
I have heard one offers everything in love. Why some offer only a Rumaalaa?

Quote "I don't think rituals are bad, even hindu rituals are great but it depends on us as what is happening within us when we do a ritual and why are we performing them."
Please provide a reference that The Gurus also agree with this view.

Quote "It is only blindly following a ritual which is bad."
Have I understood it correctly? Some follow rituals with open eyes.

Quote "Rituals can't do anything on the physical plane, you can't achieve anything in the physical world by offering rumalas but if it fills yourself with love for Guru then I bow to this ritual as well."
Is this a universal technique?


Dear all, thanks for your posts. Ego of some may feel fine while offering a Rumaalaa to the Guru.
Does the Guru also need a Rumaalaa? Did He ask for it once?

Balbir Singh


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Henri Frederic Amiel:
We are never more discontented with others than when we are discontented with ourselves.

Albert Einstein:
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.​

Blaise Pascal:
We know the truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart.​



Jul 31, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Had Guru Nanak been in front of me and I ask him "If you can please accept this offering of love from me"... Would it be any different from now if I ask Guru Granth Sahib to please accept my offering cos I love him so dearly and feel liking something as a token...

Even if Guru Nanak kicks me and throws my rumala out I will come again and cry in front of the Guru to please accept it as my token of love....

I don't know how to ask the Guru whether he want rumala or not... But I can cry in his love till he accepts me and my token... I know he will not say no...


Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and Begum Jee!

One does not need to read philosophers to enliven truth. True Simran is above all.

Some have an ego. Many philosophers have a gathering of egos, multiple personality. They use the word 'we' for 'I' when they want to express their ego.
I respect Albert Einstein. He knew that no one could set him as a judge of truth and knowledge, so the above statement from him.

Please write something about the topic.


Dear TGill Jee, please listen. The True Guru is singing about people who offer clothing to wear.

ਅਨਿਕ ਬਸਤ੍ਰ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਪਹਿਰਾਇਆ ॥
अनिक बसत्र सुंदर पहिराइआ ॥
"anik bastar sundar pehraa-i-aa."
Many robes are decoratively worn.

ਜਿਉ ਡਰਨਾ ਖੇਤ ਮਾਹਿ ਡਰਾਇਆ ॥੨॥
जिउ डरना खेत माहि डराइआ ॥२॥
"ji-o darnaa khayt maahi daraa-i-aa. ||2|| SGGS 190-17
Like scaring in the field are frightened.

Quote "Even if Guru Nanak kicks me and throws my rumala out I will come again and cry in front of the Guru to please accept it as my token of love...."
Gurdev accepts everything from everyone that is not a bribe but from the pure heart.

Quote "I don't know how to ask the Guru whether he want rumala or not... But I can cry in his love till he accepts me and my token... I know he will not say no..."
Never challenge the Guru. He resolves faster when one is humble.


Knowing why a person likes to offer clothing to the Guru at all would be interesting.

Balbir Singh


Sep 16, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

ਜਿਉ ਡਰਨਾ ਖੇਤ ਮਾਹਿ ਡਰਾਇਆ ॥੨॥
जिउ डरना खेत माहि डराइआ ॥२॥
"ji-o darnaa khayt maahi daraa-i-aa. ||2|| SGGS 190-17
Like scaring in the field are frightened.

Balbir Singh Ji

Can you elaborate this vaak lit bit more as I could not understand


Jatinder Singh


Jul 31, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

The shabad from the true guru is really sweet...

But Does that mean Guru is asking us to stop wearing beautiful clothes? I don't think so. I think it just mean that nothing is of any use without his naam....

You are asking "Why" rumallas and I ask you "Why not" ?


Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and TGill Jee!

Quote "The shabad from the true guru is really sweet...But Does that mean Guru is asking us to stop wearing beautiful clothes?"
The Sabad is not about your wearing (pahir-ay) beautiful cloth. The wonderful Sabad is about putting on (pahiraav-ay) someone else beautiful clothes.

The mind, busy with True Naam, is never busy with decorating anything with clothes.
Also, no one can decorate the Sabad Guru with perishable material.

Quote "I think it just mean that nothing is of any use without his naam...."
That is right. The True Guru is happy with HIS Naam chanted by the true Sikh first. I am not sure if Guru is happy with people offering HIM, CLOTHING, without knowing what is true Naam.


Quote from Jatinder Jee "Can you elaborate this vaak lit bit more as I could not understand."

In reality a farmer fears birds but he produces his dummy figure, decorates it with decorative cloths and places it in the field to frighten the birds.
So is the human being fearing of bad times and losses create the dummy protection putting decorative clothes on it.


I feel it is worth offering God and the Guru masks, one hides behind. The tradition is long to become truthful while visiting the true Guru, also by giving up the clothing and becoming au naturel while receiving Naam.

Balbir Singh


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Blaise Pascal:
We know the truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart.

I was hoping that TGill Saheb, could throw some light on this statement by Blaise Pascal.​

TGill, you truly have a remarkable talent of expressing emotions in words. I like reading your 'feelings for the Guru' comments. Here's an audio for you.​

Some will say it is not relevant to the topic. Brahmins gave Dhanna Bhagat a rock to pray to, and he had the devotion which has resulted us to pay our respect to him for centuries to come. TGill saheb, you have inspired me by your previous references to Bhagat Dhanna in your various posts. Thank you.​



Jul 31, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

begum ji,
I don't know what pascal was thinking when he said this. So I don't think I would be right person to expain it, it would be pascal himself :)
Begum ji please refer me as TGill only, TGill saheb seemed way too respectful for me !!

Padha Suna Seekha Sabhi
Miti Naa Sanshay Shool
Kahe Kabir Kaso Kahu
Ye Sab Dukh Ka Mool

Quote Balbir ji: The mind, busy with True Naam, is never busy with decorating anything with clothes.
Also, no one can decorate the Sabad Guru with perishable material.

- I don't know, but can mind be ever busy in True Naam ?
- No one can decorate shabd Guru but Guru nanak has given us, who don't know shabad yet, a physical guru in the form of Granth. Is that false ? If someone loves the Guru and offers in love and guru accepts the
offering, why is that bad ?

Quote Balbir ji: The True Guru is happy with HIS Naam chanted by the true Sikh first. I am not sure if Guru is happy with people offering HIM, CLOTHING, without knowing what is true Naam.
- Can a person achieve true naam without Guru's own will, is it possible ? If he can't then how can he chant that true naam without Guru's grace... but till then he can love the Guru atleast !!


Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and TGill Jee!

Quote "I don't know, but can mind be ever busy in True Naam ?"
Yes. It becomes true when one receives Naam as Gur Prasaad.

Quote "No one can decorate shabd Guru but Guru nanak has given us, who don't know shabad yet, a physical guru in the form of Granth. Is that false ?"
Please provide a reference from Guru Naanak Dev Jee. I will be grateful.

Quote "If someone loves the Guru and offers in love and guru accepts the offering, why is that bad ?"
Perhaps the cloth merchant and the Bhaaee Jee at Gurudwara are more happy with such deals. True love does not need any token or proof for the offerings.

Quote "Can a person achieve true naam without Guru's own will, is it possible ?"
The Grace of God provides True Naam through the Guroo. The true Gurus do not have own Will.

Quote "If he can't then how can he chant that true naam without Guru's grace... but till then he can love the Guru atleast !!"
Love is the result of true Naam. Love is not the pre condition.

In the sixth class the Sanskrit teacher told the students a story, 'Gataanu Gatiko Lokah'. A pilgrim on the bank of Ganges buried his clothes in sand before going for a dip. To recollect his clothes after the holy bath easily he made a Symbol of Shiva and did his Poojaa with flowers.
People saw the Symbol and thought it was the sacred place to do Shiva's worship.
They surprised the pilgrim when he saw thousands of Symbols after he returned to collect his clothes. He shook his head and whispered 'Gataanu Gatiko Lokah'- The world moves following others.

One reaches God following no one but accompanying the Sabad Guru.

Balbir Singh


Jul 31, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

You got a point here but we all know this that for some people rumallas and all such thing have become a business. What are you trying to tell balbir ji, please elaborate? Shall we stop offering rumallas to Guru even if we feel like offering it with love ?

Quote :
Quote "I don't know, but can mind be ever busy in True Naam ?"
Yes. It becomes true when one receives Naam as Gur Prasaad.

- I asked "can mind be busy in true naam?", cos I was under impression that true naam is beyond mind and one achieves it as Guru's prasad. So I thought mind can't be busy in true naam... Please correct me, balbir ji!!

Quote "No one can decorate shabd Guru but Guru nanak has given us, who don't know shabad yet, a physical guru in the form of Granth. Is that false ?"
Please provide a reference from Guru Naanak Dev Jee. I will be grateful.

- I thought Guru Gobind Singh ji was tenth Nanak and that's why I used Nanak for Guru Gobind. Do I still need to provide reference ?

Quote "If someone loves the Guru and offers in love and guru accepts the offering, why is that bad ?"
Perhaps the cloth merchant and the Bhaaee Jee at Gurudwara are more happy with such deals. True love does not need any token or proof for the offerings.

- We all know Bhaee ji and cloth merchant are more happy in such deals but then if I feel like offering it to the true Guru with love, what shall I do ?
A saint is sitting and I offer something with love. Then some roudy comes and snatches that offering from the saint and runs away. Does that mean I should not offer to the saint if I feel like doing it... !!
If it keep on happening then I will ask saints permission to give a lesson to the roudy. But offering, if I love and offer it, is there something wrong ? I don't know, please clarify ?

Quote "Can a person achieve true naam without Guru's own will, is it possible ?"
The Grace of God provides True Naam through the Guroo. The true Gurus do not have own Will.

- Oh sorry, I don't believe in God, for me Guru is everything, even God !! Can I please call it as " By Gurus grace", Balbir ji... please.

Quote "If he can't then how can he chant that true naam without Guru's grace... but till then he can love the Guru atleast !!"
Love is the result of true Naam. Love is not the pre condition.

- Balbir ji, please provide a reference from Gurudev. I will be grateful.

One reaches God following no one but accompanying the Sabad Guru.
- Who doesn't know this Balbir ji, but how to accompany the Sabad Guru, thats the question ?


Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and TGill Jee!

Quote "Shall we stop offering rumallas to Guru even if we feel like offering it with love ?"
The true Gurus never asked someone to offer a Rumaalaa. Still, many have started following. Whom?

Quote "I was under impression that true naam is beyond mind and one achieves it as Guru's prasad. So I thought mind can't be busy in true naam... Please correct me, balbir ji!!"
The Guroo does not go beyond a person's mind and delivers true Naam there. One may come to know it or go on asking about it.

Quote "I thought Guru Gobind Singh ji was tenth Nanak and that's why I used Nanak for Guru Gobind. Do I still need to provide reference ?"
I feel Guru Naanak Dev Jee is also the first Guru Gobind.
Also, Guru Gobind Singh Jee never said or wrote that the Guru of Sikhs is a Granth. The popular sentence 'Guru Maanyo Granth' is also not from Gurdev.

Quote "We all know Bhaee ji and cloth merchant are more happy in such deals but then if I feel like offering it to the true Guru with love, what shall I do ?"
Just accept it. It is a tradition that has nothing to do with spiritual development as such. Rituals in a religion are the beginning. Fanaticism is the result.
Also, people in love feel to get the right to put off the clothes (masks).

Quote "But offering, if I love and offer it, is there something wrong ? I don't know, please clarify ?"
Offering any material thing is a self satisfying game. The true Guru is happy when one is blessed with Simran.

Quote "Oh sorry, I don't believe in God, for me Guru is everything, even God !!"
Surprise. Some do not believe in God. Still, for them God is everything.

Quote "Can I please call it as " By Gurus grace", Balbir ji... please."
The true Gurus are constantly praising God and His Grace known as Gur (technique). They never said something was existing like the Guroo's Grace.
Be careful. One learns such things from the business preachers.

Quote "Love is the result of true Naam. Love is not the pre condition.
- Balbir ji, please provide a reference from Gurudev. I will be grateful."

ਸੇ ਲਾਲ ਭਏ ਗੂੜੈ ਰੰਗਿ ਰਾਤੇ ਜਿਨ ਗੁਰ ਮਿਲਿ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਗਾਇਆ ॥੩॥
से लाल भए गूड़ै रंगि राते जिन गुर मिलि हरि हरि गाइआ ॥३॥
"say laal bha-ay goorhai rang raatay jin gur mil har har gaa-i-aa." SGGS 1003-13
They become red dyed in fast color who with Gur sing Hari Hari.

Quote "One reaches God following no one but accompanying the Sabad Guru.
- Who doesn't know this Balbir ji, but how to accompany the Sabad Guru, thats the question ?"
It is the high goodly time. Come to know true Simran.

Balbir Singh


Jul 31, 2007
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Quote "Shall we stop offering rumallas to Guru even if we feel like offering it with love ?"
The true Gurus never asked someone to offer a Rumaalaa. Still, many have started following. Whom?

- Why would Guru ask for anything for that matter, he is the giver of everything. It can be loving devotion of a child that he offers something to Guru. Rumallas can be one, or someone can come up with something innovative.

Quote "I was under impression that true naam is beyond mind and one achieves it as Guru's prasad. So I thought mind can't be busy in true naam... Please correct me, balbir ji!!"
The Guroo does not go beyond a person's mind and delivers true Naam there. One may come to know it or go on asking about it.

- Is it ? please provide reference from Gurudev that Guru delivers naam in mind. I will be grateful.

Quote "I thought Guru Gobind Singh ji was tenth Nanak and that's why I used Nanak for Guru Gobind. Do I still need to provide reference ?"
I feel Guru Naanak Dev Jee is also the first Guru Gobind.
Also, Guru Gobind Singh Jee never said or wrote that the Guru of Sikhs is a Granth. The popular sentence 'Guru Maanyo Granth' is also not from Gurdev.

- Are you trying to say that Guru Gobind Singh never made Granth the Guru. Please clarify !

Quote "We all know Bhaee ji and cloth merchant are more happy in such deals but then if I feel like offering it to the true Guru with love, what shall I do ?"
Just accept it. It is a tradition that has nothing to do with spiritual development as such. Rituals in a religion are the beginning. Fanaticism is the result.
Also, people in love feel to get the right to put off the clothes (masks).

- We all know fanaticism is the result cos of blind people, why do you think sikh dharam was created. All religions breed fanaticism. There are few who are not fanatic. Please define spiritual development and how is love different from it.

Quote "Can I please call it as " By Gurus grace", Balbir ji... please."
The true Gurus are constantly praising God and His Grace known as Gur (technique). They never said something was existing like the Guroo's Grace.
Be careful. One learns such things from the business preachers.

- What is 'Gur Prasad' Balbir ji, can you please elaborate on this !

Quote "Love is the result of true Naam. Love is not the pre condition.
- Balbir ji, please provide a reference from Gurudev. I will be grateful."

ਸੇ ਲਾਲ ਭਏ ਗੂੜੈ ਰੰਗਿ ਰਾਤੇ ਜਿਨ ਗੁਰ ਮਿਲਿ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਗਾਇਆ ॥੩॥
से लाल भए गूड़ै रंगि राते जिन गुर मिलि हरि हरि गाइआ ॥३॥
"say laal bha-ay goorhai rang raatay jin gur mil har har gaa-i-aa." SGGS 1003-13
They become red dyed in fast color who with Gur sing Hari Hari.

- Balbir ji where is love and naam refered here. Is it hari rang, sahaj rang or prem rang or they are all same. Please clarify !!
Also please let us know what do you think of this shabad:
ibnu ipAwrY Bgiq n hoveI nw suKu hoie srIir ]
bin piaarai bhagath n hovee naa sukh hoe sareer ||

pRym pdwrQu pweIAY gur BgqI mn DIir ]6]
praem padhaarathh paaeeai gur bhagathee man dhheer ||6||

ijs no Bgiq krwey so kry gur sbd vIcwir ]
jis no bhagath karaaeae so karae gur sabadh veechaar ||
ihrdY eyko nwmu vsY haumY duibDw mwir ]7]
hiradhai eaeko naam vasai houmai dhubidhhaa maar ||7||
Panna - 429

There are many more such shabad's. Let me know if you need references.

Quote "One reaches God following no one but accompanying the Sabad Guru.
- Who doesn't know this Balbir ji, but how to accompany the Sabad Guru, thats the question ?"
It is the high goodly time. Come to know true Simran.

- Balbir ji, how to do the "true simran". How will I come to know it, please let us/me know that as well.


Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and TGill Jee!

Quote "Why would Guru ask for anything for that matter, he is the giver of everything."
The True Guru says. God is the Giver.
The preacher, interested in a dhandhaa (business), says that the Guru is the giver of everything.
The preacher installs first the Guru into a symbol of inertia. Then he invites all to visit him for offerings.

Quote "It can be loving devotion of a child that he offers something to Guru. Rumallas can be one, or someone can come up with something innovative."
Please do not divert the child away from God by training him to offer Rumaalaa. Offering material things are for material purposes or pleasures.

Quote "Is it ? please provide reference from Gurudev that Guru delivers naam in mind. I will be grateful."
This is your interpretation.

Quote "Are you trying to say that Guru Gobind Singh never made Granth the Guru. Please clarify !"
The Guroo's words become the true Guru when one receives true Naam Simran, not before that by imitating preachers.

Quote "Please define spiritual development and how is love different from it."
Spiritual development is possible with true Naam Simran. Definition of it is for text books.

Quote "What is 'Gur Prasad' Balbir ji, can you please elaborate on this !"
'Gur Prasaad' is receiving the Gur as Prasaad. It is the Godly Sweetness.
It has nothing to do with Halwaa (KaRah Prasaad).

Quote "Balbir ji where is love and naam refered here. Is it hari rang, sahaj rang or prem rang or they are all same. Please clarify !!"
Some are working hard to understand the Guru's words by analyzing through mind. I am not sure if they can understand another explanation too.

Quote "Balbir ji, how to do the "true simran". How will I come to know it, please let us/me know that as well."
Try to seek the company of a True Sadhu or Saint. Beg for it.

Balbir Singh


Jul 18, 2004
Re: The True Guru is Revealing

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and TGill Jee!

Thanks for the wonderful Sabad from Gurdev.
Gurdev has mentioned the word 'piaaray' for Naam. In the same Sabad Gurdev is singing.

ਆਵਹਿ ਇਸੁ ਰਾਸੀ ਕੇ ਵਾਪਾਰੀਏ ਜਿਨ੍ਹ੍ਹਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਪਿਆਰਾ ॥
आवहि इसु रासी के वापारीए जिन्हा नामु पिआरा ॥
"aavahi is raasee kay vaapaaree-ay jinHaa naam pi-aaraa." SGGS Ang 429-15
Come business people of this class whom Naam is dear.

This is my understanding for the referred Vaak from Guru Amardaas Jee.

ਬਿਨੁ ਪਿਆਰੈ ਭਗਤਿ ਨ ਹੋਵਈ ਨਾ ਸੁਖੁ ਹੋਇ ਸਰੀਰਿ ॥
बिनु पिआरै भगति न होवई ना सुखु होइ सरीरि ॥
"bin pi-aarai bhagat na hova-ee naa sukh ho-ay sareer."
Without Beloved (Naam) worship does not happen, nor well-being of the body.

ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਪਦਾਰਥੁ ਪਾਈਐ ਗੁਰ ਭਗਤੀ ਮਨ ਧੀਰਿ ॥੬॥
प्रेम पदारथु पाईऐ गुर भगती मन धीरि ॥६॥
"paraym padaarath paa-ee-ai gur bhagtee man Dheer." ||6||
Love-matter is received. Gur Worship settles in mind.

ਜਿਸ ਨੋ ਭਗਤਿ ਕਰਾਏ ਸੋ ਕਰੇ ਗੁਰ ਸਬਦ ਵੀਚਾਰਿ ॥
जिस नो भगति कराए सो करे गुर सबद वीचारि ॥
"jis no bhagat karaa-ay so karay gur sabad veechaar."
Whom HE engages in worship he contemplates Gur Sabad (Naam)

ਹਿਰਦੈ ਏਕੋ ਨਾਮੁ ਵਸੈ ਹਉਮੈ ਦੁਬਿਧਾ ਮਾਰਿ ॥੭॥
हिरदै एको नामु वसै हउमै दुबिधा मारि ॥७॥
"hirdai ayko naam vasai ha-umai dubiDhaa maar." ||7||.
In heart one Naam abides killing ego, duality.


This is another treasured Vaak from Gurdev to satisfy your curiosity.

ਬਿਨੁ ਨਾਮ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਪਿਆਰੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਵਸਹਿ ਸਾਚਿ ਸੁਹੇਲੀਆ ॥
बिनु नाम प्रीति पिआरु नाही वसहि साचि सुहेलीआ ॥
"bin naam pareet pi-aar naahee vaseh saach suhaylee-aa." SGGS Ang 242-11

Balbir Singh