Guru Piayario Jios...
two important news items in todays
RSS...Rahstriya sikh Sangat.."namesake" of the hindutva RSS..invited SGPC supremo AS makkarr and the Takhat jathedars to their separate 300th Anniversary of SGGS Gurgadee Himachal pardesh
And also suggested that they (RSS) be counter invioted to SGPC celebrations and Takhat Samagams so thet the RSS can also share their version of Sikhi/Gurmatt witht The Sikhs...
at a Gurdwara controlled by the SGPC..and linked to Guru hargobind Ji.. nearby Amrtisar..Chherta Sahib...there is a PROMINENT SIGNBOARD outside the Gurdawra publicising the defamatory and Anti Gurmatt and false history of Guur hargobind Ji...... Gurbilas Patshhi Chhevin book
And Third but not least..the SARB LOH GRANTH Support WEBSITE shows the Sikh Guurs as followers/descendants of Shivji, Parbati and SARBLOH DEVTAS.... this "Granth" is Third in line for equal importance to SGGS after the fact some Jathas parkash and give EQUAL names to all three..AAD Darbar (SGGS) DG Darbar and Sarb loh darbar !! meaning all three Granths are equal and SGGS is NOT GURU.
two important news items in todays
RSS...Rahstriya sikh Sangat.."namesake" of the hindutva RSS..invited SGPC supremo AS makkarr and the Takhat jathedars to their separate 300th Anniversary of SGGS Gurgadee Himachal pardesh
And also suggested that they (RSS) be counter invioted to SGPC celebrations and Takhat Samagams so thet the RSS can also share their version of Sikhi/Gurmatt witht The Sikhs...
at a Gurdwara controlled by the SGPC..and linked to Guru hargobind Ji.. nearby Amrtisar..Chherta Sahib...there is a PROMINENT SIGNBOARD outside the Gurdawra publicising the defamatory and Anti Gurmatt and false history of Guur hargobind Ji...... Gurbilas Patshhi Chhevin book
And Third but not least..the SARB LOH GRANTH Support WEBSITE shows the Sikh Guurs as followers/descendants of Shivji, Parbati and SARBLOH DEVTAS.... this "Granth" is Third in line for equal importance to SGGS after the fact some Jathas parkash and give EQUAL names to all three..AAD Darbar (SGGS) DG Darbar and Sarb loh darbar !! meaning all three Granths are equal and SGGS is NOT GURU.