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Sikh News Round-up Of Racial Violence (Independent Race And Refugee News Network)


Jun 1, 2004
Round-up of racial violence (Independent Race and Refugee News Network)
Thu, 01 Sep 2005 15:56:24 GMT
Eight weeks after the London bombings racial violence attacks are still on the rise. 31 August 2005 : BBC News reports that international students at Nottingham University are scared to go out after Om Prakass Malik suffers serious facial injuries in an attack by two White men shouting racist abuse.
Jul 13, 2004
Jeez, whites are racially abused and you never hear about it in the news.

Although its more common for a white to racially abuse another, you NEVER EVER hear stories where a non-white attacks a white, leading asians/blacks to go around thinking "all whites are racist, no asians are, therefore I better stick with asians"... this crap gives us [whites] a bad name, and although you get people out there who are against racism fully and can belong to any race, the true anti racist who is one who speaks out against it even in his own home, even over the slightest ignorances, which I doubt many asian youngsters are doing to their elders, where as I do, I challenge verbal racism whenever I hear it, I teach and educate as much as I can and try myself to learn better.
Believe it or not there are actually asian areas in the UK where if a white person is seen they will get beaten up... this is what UK is turning into, some dirty ghetto ignorant culture, all about ego/lust/selfishness/carelessness and ignorance... UK is going down the loo and fast... such a horrible place to live!!

Excuse my random rant...


May 17, 2005
London, UK
Aman Singh said:
Round-up of racial violence (Independent Race and Refugee News Network)
Thu, 01 Sep 2005 15:56:24 GMT
Eight weeks after the London bombings racial violence attacks are still on the rise. 31 August 2005 : BBC News reports that international students at Nottingham University are scared to go out after Om Prakass Malik suffers serious facial injuries in an attack by two White men shouting racist abuse.

I read a few days after the london bombings that racial attacks in the UK had gone up by 600% bearing in mind that the figure 600% makes no sense, you can't get higher than 100%, you would think that if these figures where true then we who live here would have personly seen, or know somebody who has seen, or somebody who has been affected by this increase.

Personly speaking, I have not witnessed, not do I know anybody who has, or have heard of anybody who was invoveld, witnessed, or heard of any of these attacks. In fact the day after the first attack I saw, and continue to see as many Asians, Blacks, and all sorts of other ethnic groups on the tube system as normal, and nobody gave them a second look, let alone gave them trouble of any sort.

We all know that the press in all of it's forms do not tell us the truth all of the time(it is my personal opinion that they lie to us most of the time) I for one only take in about half of what I see on TV and read in the papers as true. The rest is media malipulation. Now I'm not one for conspirices theorys, nor do I have an answer why the press would do this, I just know that we can not fully trust what we read and see in the press.




May 17, 2005
London, UK
CaramelChocolate said:
Jeez, whites are racially abused and you never hear about it in the news.

Although its more common for a white to racially abuse another, you NEVER EVER hear stories where a non-white attacks a white, leading asians/blacks to go around thinking "all whites are racist, no asians are, therefore I better stick with asians"... this crap gives us [whites] a bad name, and although you get people out there who are against racism fully and can belong to any race, the true anti racist who is one who speaks out against it even in his own home, even over the slightest ignorances, which I doubt many asian youngsters are doing to their elders, where as I do, I challenge verbal racism whenever I hear it, I teach and educate as much as I can and try myself to learn better.
Believe it or not there are actually asian areas in the UK where if a white person is seen they will get beaten up... this is what UK is turning into, some dirty ghetto ignorant culture, all about ego/lust/selfishness/carelessness and ignorance... UK is going down the loo and fast... such a horrible place to live!!

Excuse my random rant...

Hey CC,

I'm afraid I also disagree with this. Not that racial attacks take place on both sides, because we all know that it does.

No I dissagree that it is getting worse. In fact quite the opposite is true from my personal perspective.

Where I live we have more children of mixed races being born, and the younger generation seem more inclined to have friends form every spectrum.

While 20 odd years ago, while I was at school, quite the opposite was true. Kids would mix only with other from their own culture, and racial tension was far higher. Remember the Brixton riots? I can remember seeing gangs of whites, chasing blacks down the street and vica-versa.

20 years ago, and please excuse the language, but the phrase 'paki bashing' was not only a well know phrase but also a pastime. I no longer hear it being said, nor do I see gangs of whites bashing up Asians, or those of Asian descent. In fact all of the violence I have seen over the past few years have been one gang of mixed youths against other of the same. This though will never change where the youth is concered.


Jul 13, 2004
Lee, you have valid points and I see your perspective. In London racial tension is not that high, but in areas like Essex where I go to college, Asians have had their houses spray painted "paki" and "terrorist" after September the 11th 2001. Recently after 7th of July 2005 a Gurudwara was petrol bombed in Gravesend, Kent and many Mosques outside London were attacked in a similar way.


May 17, 2005
London, UK
CaramelChocolate said:
Lee, you have valid points and I see your perspective. In London racial tension is not that high, but in areas like Essex where I go to college, Asians have had their houses spray painted "paki" and "terrorist" after September the 11th 2001. Recently after 7th of July 2005 a Gurudwara was petrol bombed in Gravesend, Kent and many Mosques outside London were attacked in a similar way.

Ahhh I see, not that I condone actons like that, but tell me CC have you lived there a long time? I ask because I understand that things like 11/11 and the London bombings are going to bring the worms out of the wood, so to speak;it gives the bigots an excuse.

I want to know if you feel that pre 11/11 and the London bombs, was this type of thing going on or like I say have the bigots made it an excuse for their ill behaviuor?


Jul 13, 2004
I don't live in Essex, just go to college there, but it is my general opinion that in areas like this you will get these racist attacks, but yeah I think they are using 9/11 and 7/7 to justify their ignorance and hate attacks.
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