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Reservations In Jobs


Oct 29, 2010
truly this time is klyug. According to sikh tenets Sikh religion is castless. But todays politicians have included SC, ST, BC, and OBC in sikh religion. If we have to go by these tenets either these persons are forced out of sikh religion (if they want to keep there SC/ST/BC/OBC certificates) or their certificates become illegal and void (if they want to embrace sikh religion).
Second thing is that Guru Gobind Singh proposed middle name 'Singh' for males and 'Kaur' for females. But in this kalyug males are using 'Singh' as their surname/family name and females using 'Kaur' as their surname/family name. The surname 'Singh' is used by Rajput's division of Hindu's caste system, Jats of Haryana, etc. This also leads to anomaly. (for example) if Balwant Singh and Manmohan Kaur are married to each other then after marriage the name of Manmohan Kaur converts to Manmohan Kaur Singh.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Kalyug

all those Scheduled Caste certificates and all are of SOLELY ECONOMIC VALUE !! To get admission to quota based educational institutes, scholarships, banking loans housing etc etc...NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION..per se...

Its the fault of the STATE for furthering this sort of nonsensense. Period. There are POOR in every religion/segment of society....who can say that 100% of all so called High Castes..Brahmins, khatrees, jatts etc are RICH ??? There may be hundreds of thousands of Brahmins who cant afford a decent meal daily ?? so why deny them an education/state housing/scholarship simply becasue they DONT HAVE a...SCHEDULED CASTE CERT. What will happen..the Brahmin will BRIBE a Govt Officer to issue him a SC cert..and thats how Jatts I know have SC certs...


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Kalyug

all those Scheduled Caste certificates and all are of SOLELY ECONOMIC VALUE !! To get admission to quota based educational institutes, scholarships, banking loans housing etc etc...NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION..per se...

Its the fault of the STATE for furthering this sort of nonsensense. Period. There are POOR in every religion/segment of society....who can say that 100% of all so called High Castes..Brahmins, khatrees, jatts etc are RICH ??? There may be hundreds of thousands of Brahmins who cant afford a decent meal daily ?? so why deny them an education/state housing/scholarship simply becasue they DONT HAVE a...SCHEDULED CASTE CERT. What will happen..the Brahmin will BRIBE a Govt Officer to issue him a SC cert..and thats how Jatts I know have SC certs...

Gyani ji

From one angle you are right but we have to look from another point of view.
The culture of education was among few castes so Like Brahmin ,Bania etc
That is why you will find very high percentage of these castes in all jobs.On the other hand schedule caste and schedule tribes are very poor and could hardly afford any education.If you end reservation for them then it is nearly
impossible for them to get selected in any job.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Kalyug

Kanwardeep ji,
RESERVATIONS cut both ways...they also contribute to mediocracy...and the SC could be breeding mediocres....I know becasue in Malaysia we have such reservations/privileges/quotas for the natives...who promptly SELL off their licenses/misuse scholarships to buy handphoens and prostitutes or alcohol drugs/go overseas and marry/live alife instead of studying...etc etc..the policy produced a whole generation of lazy good for nothing bums..who DEMAND MORE HELP....from 30% rep they now wnat 70% becasue their population increased !!! The remaining 30% work hard, pay taxes and run the country for these BUMS.....and get NOTHING..no reservations, no scholarships..no licenses..no qoutas...NOTHING.
Across the board...help is usually useless...as has been proven in malaysia...


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Kalyug

Kanwardeep ji,
RESERVATIONS cut both ways...they also contribute to mediocracy...and the SC could be breeding mediocres....I know becasue in Malaysia we have such reservations/privileges/quotas for the natives...who promptly SELL off their licenses/misuse scholarships to buy handphoens and prostitutes or alcohol drugs/go overseas and marry/live alife instead of studying...etc etc..the policy produced a whole generation of lazy good for nothing bums..who DEMAND MORE HELP....from 30% rep they now wnat 70% becasue their population increased !!! The remaining 30% work hard, pay taxes and run the country for these BUMS.....and get NOTHING..no reservations, no scholarships..no licenses..no qoutas...NOTHING.
Across the board...help is usually useless...as has been proven in malaysia...

Gyani ji

I am no fan of reservations.Ambedkar himself said that reservation is like a cruch which if you give it to community then it can never learn to walk,so he
said that reservations should be abolished in 15-20 years.

On the other hand if you look at inequalities in society then there could be case for reservation.A Child growing up in two income family of Hi fi metro gets so much facilities that it is nearly impossible for any Rural kid to compete with them.Because of this rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming poor,so one cannot judge on the basis of merit as one very sharp Iq person cannot score good marks in entrance examination because he was unable to afford expensive tutors.That is Why reservation is O.K for communties which are very backward and with time they should be phased out.Unfortunately What is going on is that many communnities Which were never oppressed have entered in the list of reserved categories and because of their numbers
politicians bowed to their demands.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I normally compare Punjab becasue of my roots and love for my Land of My Gurus...and Malaysia where i get my livelihood...Over here the Govt is run by the Community that also has a majority of Farmers...so what the Govt does is PRO-FARMERS 1000%..they get ALL the incentives..free land opened by Govt..free or subsidised fertilisers, Bonuses that amount to 100%..one sack of Rice Produced... but payment for TWO SACKS and free Transport thrown in....on top of all the other free (really free not like free electricty gimmick in Punjab that is robbing with left hand what right hand gives )...and WHO PAYS ?? The URBAN CONSUMER....who can "afford" to pay the highly exhorbitant rates charged..for the rice...(Imported rice ia much cheaper..BUT regulated to help local rice farmers...so Urban consumer can get cheap rice but is not allowed to...in Punjab the AARRTEE and URBANISED BUYERS are ALLOWED FULL PLAY TO EXPLOIT THE FARMER !!)
IN Punjab..its a Farmers Friendly Party that runs the State (Only in name) becasue the URBAN Partner actually wears the Pants and has the BaXXs to demand and get away with what the URBAN Consumer wants) and so the Farmers face RUIN year in and year out..their produce gets ROTTEN in the Mandis..they get JOKES thrown in their faces..(RS 20 Bonus !!!)..and the Farmers get FREE ADVICE on national TV by State employed "Agriculture experts" who tell them do this..do that..and change advise each season..and their FAT CAT Bodies on Stage/TV clearly shows they ENJOY the BEST of URBAN benfits but havent seen the AGONY of the Farmers they advise so readily....I have YET to see any of these "agriculture PHds and experts..agitating for salry increaes..or on strike becasue they are not paid...BUT Daily 24/7 i see Farmers blocking trains, roads, dharnaas,,with grain lying by the million tons in the Rain..rotting away..becasue its NOT MINE>.os why worry ?? who cares...?? The world is not Fair..I know.....How can the children of those Farmers ever get to school even..let alone excel ?? Definitely it will be the Children of all those "agriculture expert Phds: on TV who stay in Urban areas who will excel and become PHds and sit on the same TV stages..and the Framers kids will be on railtracks and roadways...
Maybe i am too cynical..maybe i dont know many things..but it saddens me when I see my kinsfolk suffering to feed the Vast Indian BILLION HUNGRY..and going to bed hungry themselves....POLITICIANS ??? without DHARMA ??