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Ravidass Followers Declare Separate Panth And Granth

Jan 30, 2010
<TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD class=contentheading width="100%">Ravidass followers declare separate religion, released separate religious granth </TD><TD class=buttonheading width="100%" align=right> </TD><TD class=buttonheading width="100%" align=right> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="70%" colSpan=2 align=left>Punjab Newsline Network </TD></TR><TR><TD class=createdate vAlign=top colSpan=2>Sunday, 31 January 2010 </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

JALANDHAR: Taking a leaf out of Sikh religion, the followers of Bhagat Ravidass have declared 'Ravidassia', a separate religion and affirmed Guru Ravidass their sole master. They have also released a separate religious granth 'Amrit Bani Guru Ravidass' which will replace Guru Granth Sahib in all Ravidass temples.
The Ravidass followers made this announcement in Ravidass temple in Kashi in Banaras district of Uttar Pardesh which would serve as highest temporal seat for the community. The community as sought recognition of Ravidassia's a sepearate community.
The new holy granth which contains the 'Bani' of only Bhagat Ravidass (included in Guru Granmth Sahib) was released by Sant Niranjan Dass head of dera Sach Khand Ballan in Jalandhar district. The Balla dera had came to lime light when last year few Sikh miscreants attacked on Ravidass temple in Viana in Austria and dera preacher Swami Rama Nand of Balla dera was killed. The Sikhs had objected that due respect was not given to Guru Grnath Sahib in the Ravidass temple.
Cerain sections of Ravidass community were opposing to domination of Sikhs over them and were trying to eastablish separate identity for their community. Recently, a famous Punjabi singer Miss Pooja had also released a song on these lines for setting up separate religion for Ravidassias.
The reports reaching here said that the community leaders at Kashi have also released the logo of community on which word 'Hari is written. The slogan to address Ravidassia will be 'Jai Gurudev'.
The declaration of separate religion by Ravidassia is bound to have its impact on Sikh politics particularly in context of Punjab. It is considered a majoir set back for the Shiromani Gurdawara parbahandak Committee (SGPC) supreme Sikh body which was trying to keep Ravidassia community in the Sikh fold. The critics of SGPC blamed it on SGPC for their failure to give due respect to Ravidassia community.
Meanwhile, Sandeep Singh national general secretary of youth wing of SAD (Panch Pardhani) on Sunday said that agents of Hindu forces in the Ravidass community have taken such decision to disintegrate followers of Guru Ravidass from Sikh religion. He said that there is no place for communalism and casteism in Sikh religion. He warned of consequences of such steps which would be harmful for the dalits. He hoped that the awakened dalits of Punjab would not fall prey to motives of people working against their interests.

My Personal comment : I dont have un neccessary RSS phobia but believe me or not this is a RSS conspiracy.RSS is behind this and similarly RSS was involved in the large scale violence in Punjab after killing of Ramanand in Vienna.That is why Badal did not take any action against the perpetrators of violence.

Not only this I swear I personally saw a photo of Ramanand(now dead),Niranjan Das along with some BJP/RSS leaders in some temple in UP.One of them was former BJP leader and CM when Babri Masjid was demolished Kalyan Singh who is now in Samajwadi party and has repeatedly said that he is proud for demolishing it.
May be those BJP/RSS leaders were there for some occasion but they were there in UP with Sachkhand Balaan leaders.

Unfortunately I have not been able to find that picture on the internet again.If some one has it then please post it.

It is possible that RSS and Ballaan dera people have removed the photo from the net as they have removed the blashphameous article against Darbar Sahib,Amritsar and Muslim Peer Faqeers from RSS website.

Before some starts thinking that Im a congress or Amrinder or Sarna supporter let me inform that all political parties in India including BJP,Congress and even Communist have the same Baahmanvaadi RSS soch.It is just a friendly match between the parties to fool people particularly minorities.
Jan 30, 2010
Can anyone blame them?

However, they are getting an incomplete picture of Ek Onkar. They are welcome to that.

Also are they any better than the Jatt Sikhs they blame for repressing them?

Problem is they are the ones who are getting reservations whereas Jatt Sikhs are not .Jatt Sikh farmers are still committing suicides in Punjab

This is the "Divide and Rule" policy and vote bank politics of Baahmanvaadi forces.


Apr 3, 2005
This will create division between Ravidasia's .Many have faith in Guru granth sahib.If some orthodox fanatic Ravidasia 's want to get out of sikhism then its very good.For a religion you need history,sacrifices .From where these Ravidasia's will get that?

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
This will create division between Ravidasia's .Many have faith in Guru granth sahib.If some orthodox fanatic Ravidasia 's want to get out of sikhism then its very good.For a religion you need history,sacrifices .From where these Ravidasia's will get that?

what you will find is the ones that like to smoke will become members of the new Ravidasi cult.

I remember many of them used to resent the fact I used to tell them off for smoking.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! Isn't that the way of the world. "So ...we got new religion! And is works just fine!"

Explanation: Often we will have break-away sects here of various Protestant groups. And the permiss:}{}{}:able vice (smoking or whatever other vice it may be) is often a drawing card.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! Isn't that the way of the world. "So ...we got new religion! And is works just fine!"

Explanation: Often we will have break-away sects here of various Protestant groups. And the permiss:}{}{}:able vice (smoking or whatever other vice it may be) is often a drawing card.

What I would like to ask these fellows is before the Guru Granth Sahib ji, where were Bhaghat Ravidas's writings?

Does it not occur to them that these ten Guru's would have suffered tremendous ridicule for even wanting to include Bhaghat Ravidas's writings in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji?

For saving the Bhaghat's teachings this is how they see fit to reward the ten Guru's?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
The fact of the matter is that Bhagat Ravidas did not have any place at the table of Hindu religion. He was not even allowed to enter into the Mandirs.

Our visionary Gurus found something of a spiritual substance that complimented the Gurmat ideals in his poetry and gave him the rightful place that he deserved. Hence, his stature as no one but a low caste cobbler in Hinduism got elevated and which also helped tremendously the people of his caste who were disdained by the stiff upper lipped Hindus.

Let's wish them all the best as they want no part of Sikhi now which brought them to this level.

Sikhi has not lost anything by the Ravidassies' divorcing themselves from this pragmatic way of life.

I hope that they gain something spiritually by choosing their own path.

I wonder if Mr. Tiwari's -RSS- next request after demanding to take the Gurbani of the Muslims out of SGGS would be to take out the Gurbani of the low caste Hindus because besides being the outcasts, they also relish onions and garlic.

Tejwant Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I wonder if Mr. Tiwari's -RSS- next request after demanding to take the Gurbani of the Muslims out of SGGS would be to take out the Gurbani of the low caste Hindus because besides being the outcasts, they also relish onions and garlic.

Tejwant Singh

In the past 3 or 4 days, this has sparked a storm of debate on listservs and mail groups. it is burgeoning in every direction -- only a few supporters of SGGS are carrying the burden against it. The language used on the RSS side is beyond vulgar and threatening.


Jul 18, 2009
Dharmashtere Australiashtre
It was bound to happen sooner or later. Infact, I thought it had already happened last year.

As much as people blame RSS in this, I personally think this has much more to do with BSP. By creating a separate religion for Chamars and Dalits, Mayawati has a new market in other states.

I don't blame them either. There is a huge population of dalits that could be interested in this. Ambedkar has some effect by converting hindus to buddhists however it was not that great.

Anyways, good luck to them.
Jan 30, 2010
First of all let it be clear that Sikhism and Sikhs are not against Bhagat Ravidaas per see.

It is rather a section of followers of Bhagat Ravidaas who have disowned Guru Granth Sahib ji.

We are already hearing of condemnation of "Ballaan Ravidaasia community" from other followers of Bhagat Ravidaas in Jalandhar.Further we are hearing of a strong presence of police in Jalandhar today.

The Sikh community and Khalsa have suddenly seen attacks on Sikhism from various quarters recently .However,these incidences have been helpful in understanding who actually our friends and foes are.

Ultimately "Raaj Karega Khalsa,Aaki rahay na koye,Khuaar hoay sab milengay bachay saran jo hoye "

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
First of all let it be clear that Sikhism and Sikhs are not against Bhagat Ravidaas per see.

It is rather a section of followers of Bhagat Ravidaas who have disowned Guru Granth Sahib ji.

We are already hearing of condemnation of "Ballaan Ravidaasia community" from other followers of Bhagat Ravidaas in Jalandhar.Further we are hearing of a strong presence of police in Jalandhar today.

The Sikh community and Khalsa have suddenly seen attacks on Sikhism from various quarters recently .However,these incidences have been helpful in understanding who actually our friends and foes are.

Ultimately "Raaj Karega Khalsa,Aaki rahay na koye,Khuaar hoay sab milengay bachay saran jo hoye "

Hmm I think we must also ask question why these Ravidasi's felt they could not embrace Sikhi? Is it our fault? They blame the Jatts, but does it go deeper?

The Ravidasi Sardars I know are fine upstanding people, and their faith in SRM is unshakable. I wish I could say this about all the Ravidasi community.
Jan 30, 2010
Hmm I think we must also ask question why these Ravidasi's felt they could not embrace Sikhi? Is it our fault? They blame the Jatts, but does it go deeper?

The Ravidasi Sardars I know are fine upstanding people, and their faith in SRM is unshakable. I wish I could say this about all the Ravidasi community.

Main persons who left the Sikh panth were those who did not like rehat maryada of Sikhism.Those who wanted to smoke,drink and abuse and indulge in all sorts of manmatt.SGGS ji imposes some restrictions on what a Sikh should and should not do.

It is the dera people who have disowned the Guru Granth Sahib and not the other way around.

Now the ballaan dera ppl are free to do whatever the bahmans are doing all over India.Best of luck with their new alliance with RSS.Atleast these ballaan dera people have openly aligned themselves with RSS but on the other hand we have certain people in Sikhi swaroop who are aligned with RSS but it is difficult to recognise them.

From now onwards ballan dera ppl please dont call any of your mandirs as Gurdwaras

It is also a fact that not all Ravidaas community members have left Sikhism.
May 24, 2008
Dera Ballan has done a great disservice to the cause of the so-called Ravidassis by announcing their breaking away from Sikhism which could be their only true saviour & pushing them into CASTE-INFESTED GUTTER known as Hinduism ( Brahminism ) because this so called new sect will not surivive for more than ten years , will face the same fate as Kabir Panthis .
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