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Punjabi: Russia and Ukraine War Like Situation

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
The Vagner Group is reporting successful but “heavy, bloody battles” today for control of Soledar and its salt mines. Vagner covets the mines for their extensive labyrinth of large tunnels to house troops and armored vehicles deep underground.

The mercenary group's battlefield claims are being confirmed by the UK Ministry of Defense (MoD) which reports most of Soledar has fallen to Russian forces after hundreds of “tactical advances” over a period of weeks. The MoD also claims Russian efforts over the past four days have focused on trying to encircle Bakhmut but without discernible success.

However, President Zelenskyy disputed Vagner’s claims. “UAF forces are holding ground despite widespread destruction. The fighting is fierce and the ground is covered with Russian corpses – not Ukrainians.”

In the meantime, Ukrainian General Valery Zaluzhniy is warning Russia is preparing for a new major offensive on the capital Kyiv with fresh troops.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Russia has mobilized 300,000 new troops, to flood the Bakhmut battle lines, for instance, with thousands of fresh troops. Russia may decide to attack from Belarus side, and have another go at Kyiv, to effectively neuter any efforts at Bakhmut or around Donetsk.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Ukraine has lost the war so far. NATO countries are bleeding, no doubt. A huge new attack from Russia is imminent. Instead of the US and NATO entering into diplomatic initiatives have chosen to send another weapons package of game-changing systems to Ukraine. These are:
  • 50 US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFV),
  • 40 German “Marder” IFVs, and
  • an unknown number of French AMX-10 RC light tanks.

This may be the beginning, but there may be more to come. As soon as these weapons are on the battlefield, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to conduct what is called combined arms warfare operations, for the very first time: All major weapons systems you need for an effective armored attack are now available to them:
  • Tanks (T 72 etc. plus AMX 10)
  • IFVs (Marders and Bradleys)
  • Anti-Air systems (German Gepards)
  • Artillery (Panzerhaubitze 2000 and others)
Without the Bradleys and the Marders, the Ukrainian infantry was simply unable to follow their tanks. Their vehicles were either too lightly armored to be used on a hot battlefield (the M113, for example) or they were unable to keep up with the tanks in heavy terrain (the Boxers, and all other wheeled vehicles).
Now every vehicle the Ukrainian Army needs to conduct a “classical” armored operation is heavily armored and on tracks. This means they can work together. We can expect major combat operations involving these vehicles in March or April. The Americans and Germans may decide to donate their modern Main Battle Tanks (Abrams and Leopard 2) to Ukraine.
This way The US, Germany, and France keep on the battlefield boiling and do not allow Ukraine to enter into negotiations. For the US it is a very profitable proxy war since sending finances and equipment, it is weakening Russia which remains the US main aim.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
The new emerging threat of a war zone from Russia, though the Ukraine war sanctions slowed its developments. Now its first flight is supposed to be in 2025. Will it work out?


Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Ukraine Paratroopers of the 77th and 46th Brigades are reported to still be on the western edges of Soledar on 13 th January but slowly are pulling out of what's left of the town.

Ukraine's Special Forces Captain Taras Berezovets said his men “... are on the western outskirts of Soledar. It made no military sense remaining there. It is completely destroyed. There is no single building that survived Russian shelling. The morale of the front-line troops remains high. But we believe a decision to formally withdraw will be made in the coming days. Our mission is holding on as long as possible and killing as many Wagner fighters as possible.”

The Captain went on to say most of the last two weeks' fighting had been block-to-block street fighting between small units of four to eight fighters.

Western analysts state a UAF withdrawal from Soledar will not affect the ability of the Ukrainian military to supply Bakhmut due to two major roads leading into the town still firmly in Ukrainian hands and Ukrainian fighter jets destroying the nearest Russian positions. However Kremlin claims to the contrary,


Sources: TASS, Sky News, Associated Press

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
On 16th January 2023 Saturday Russia's attack by Russian Missiles in the southeastern Ukrainian city of Dnipro has risen to 35, an official says. Rescuers searched for more victims in the rubble of an apartment building that was hit, Governor Valentyn Reznichenko said on Monday. At least 75 people were wounded and 35 others are missing after Saturday’s strike. About 1,700 people lived in the multi-story building. Residents said there were no military facilities at the site. If the death toll is confirmed, it would mark the deadliest attack in one place since a September 30 strike in Ukraine’s Zaporizhia region, according to the Associated Press-Frontline War Crimes Watch project. The attack appears to have been part of a barrage of Russian cruise missile strikes across Ukraine. Russia however denies this strike and the damage.


Jun 6, 2018
In this ongoing War , Modi Government has done a great job in repostioning Brand India globally .Russia is under American Sanctions and no one can trade freely with Russia except India which buys Russian Oil on preferred terms converts it into finished products at big refineries & sell it to Western Powers . Two Opposing military superpowers of the world claim India to be its Ally
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Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
West is reporting that Russia is losing ground to Ukraine while Ukraine is actually losing in many areas. The West is not reporting truthfully. For example, they said that Ukraine was winning in Mariupol, but we all know now that the Ukraine forces have surrendered. And the West won’t even admit that the Ukraine forces had surrendered. Instead, they reported that the Ukraine forces had been evacuated. They won’t report the truth that Ukraine had lost Mariupol and that the trapped fighters in Azovstal finally surrendered to Russia. The West would never report as given below

1. Russian forces are pounding the town of Severodonetsk from the north and northeast, while several groups have entered the city where heavy fighting is raging.
Earlier today, the Russians destroyed the bridge between Severodonetsk and Lisichansk.
In practice, this means that the Russians have cut off supplies to Ukrainian forces in Severodonetsk.
"They blew up the bridge where we were transporting weapons, supplies, and ammunition to Severodonetsk," a Ukrainian soldier told the Telegram in a video.
Now the situation is very difficult for the Ukrainian soldiers of Severodonetsk as they have no retreat corridor. They will be forced to surrender unless the Russians open a new escape route for them.

2. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense in a message to the Telegram, high-precision and long-range Kalibr naval missiles destroyed a large consignment of weapons and military equipment delivered by the US and European countries to a group of Ukrainian troops in Donbas.

3. In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 174 aircraft, 125 helicopters, 966 unmanned aerial vehicles, 315 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3182 tanks, and other armored combat vehicles, 402 installations of multiple launch rocket systems, 1614 field artillery guns, and mortars, as well as 3054 units of special military vehicles.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Putin is often pointed out for not ensuring proper training of his forces and his knowledge of Ukraine and the plans of the USA and NATO. Putin basically knew everything because nothing was classified. They knew Americans were in Ukraine for years training together for this day. They knew the Americans left a week before the invasion. They knew Europe and North America were going to impose new sanctions. That they would help arm and supply Ukraine as they started sending supplies and equipment weeks before the invasion. What Putin didn't expect was Zelensky staying in Ukraine and his people behind him. They never expect Ukraine to be United and Stronger than ever during the invasion. It is the steadfastness of Zelensky and his people standing beside him that made the situation worst for Russia and the war has been prolonged.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010

Ukraine announced that there was to be a second mobilization of some 500,000 soldiers by Russia. Putin has denied such a mobilization. The second mobilization is not underway to fight in the war. The second mobilization has not even started. Hence no further major conflict is immediately expected.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
As per a German study, Russia employed fighters from the countries given below
  • Syria
  • Serbia
  • Hungary (all were Orban supporters)
  • Libya
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Cuba (all were communists)
  • Spain (all were communists)
  • Italy (all were Forza Italia supporters)
  • Central African Republic
  • Uganda
  • Belarus
  • Estonia (all had full or partial Russian descent)
  • Latvia (all had full or partial Russian descent)
  • Lithuania (all had full or partial Russian descent)
  • Georgia (most came from Abkhazia)
  • United States (all were Trump supporters and white supremacists)
  • Germany (all were Alternative für Deutschland supporters)
  • Finland (all were neonazis)
The number of foreign fighters are decreasing day by day


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Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
A Cat Fight
President Zelensky said in a speech this past Thursday at the World Economic Forum that he's not quite sure if Vladimir Putin is still alive. His remarks appeared later on Twitter.
"Today, I don't quite understand who to speak with and about what. I'm not sure the President of Russia, who sometimes appears against a green screen, is the right one. I don't quite understand if he is alive, if he is making the decisions, or who is making the decisions there. I also do not quite understand how you can promise European leaders one thing, and the next day start a full-scale invasion of the state. I just don't quite understand who we're dealing with. When we say 'peace talks' - I don't quite understand with whom," said Zelensky.
President Zelensky's comments were largely taken as a jibe at Putin for leading a reclusive life inside the Kremlin.
However this understandably struck a nerve with the Kremlin who promptly trotted out spokesperson Dmitry Peskov to shoot back, “It is clear that both Russia and Putin are a big problem for Ukraine and for Zelensky. And it is clear that, purely psychologically, Mr. Zelensky would prefer that neither Russia nor Putin exist. The sooner he realizes that Russia exists and will exist, the better for such a country as Ukraine."

Sources: NDTV, Ukrainska Pravda, Kyiv Post

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Does Russian Iskander Missile compare US Patriot?
The Patriot missile has a speed of between Mach 2.8 and Mach 4.1, depending on model. The Iskandar missile has a speed of Mach 6 to 7.The Kh-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic aero-ballistic air-to-surface missile travels at Mach 10 to 12.The Patriot is too slow to intercept the Iskandar or the Kinzhal. The Iskandar or the Kinzhal can take out the Patriot. air defence complex. This ih why Putin said that .Russia will destroy Patriot Defence System in Ukraine


Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Is the Russia-Ukraine war ending?

Putin wants to end the war and consolidate his winning. Zelenskyy wants to get back what has been lost with the help of funds from the US and NATO. Some NAO nation's wars are to end immediately while a few want to take Russia to a logical end of bowing down. The US wants to weaken Russia as much as it can and hence wants to continue the war.
Putin, exploring many options to end the war. He has explored the cease-fire option. He wants to consolidate his winning in the Donbas region of East Ukraine. He has explored the peace negotiations option. He has explored, attempting to obtain a decisive victory in the Bakhmut option. But so far, none of his options have worked out, favorably for Putin. Since Zelenskyy is in no mood to talk, rumors are there that Putin will mobilize another 500,000 soldiers to destroy what remains of Ukraine and break the will of Ukraine. Rumour mill is also working that in case Ukraine does bow, a nuclear attack may make him bow. Russia may also nuke some NATO nations, primarily Germany, Poland, and France. No one knows where 50,000 soldiers will come from. Even every Russian is not in agreement with Putin. Light protests have been there and sloganeering to stop the war. No one knows whether such an action on his part would trigger even more protests in riots throughout his country, particularly in Moscow and St. Petersburg. A recent report this week indicated that even those on his military staff are split about continuing the war. There are some on his staff who do not believe that the war is winnable and want to cut their losses.
Some experts believe that the war will come to an end this summer. However, the conditions that will lead to the conclusion of the war are happening. Russia is running short on soldiers, as well as all types of supplies and war materiel. Zelenskyy has been able to carry all his people along despite the worst. But that does not mean that he is in a capacity to take on Russia forever even with the support of the US and NATO. A lot of calculations but no immediate solution. May God give some sense to the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, the US, and NATO all partners in the war game.

I do believe we will see a last gasp, an effort by Putin, similar to the Battle of the Bulge. There will be nuclear threats.Once this battle is over, all we will see is the agonal breathing and seizures from his army. The death rattle will take over and Putin‘s army will eventually succumb.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Currently, 326 thousand Russian troops are fighting in Ukraine, - Kyrylo Budanov. According to the head of the GUR, this figure is approximate. Budanov also said that Russia has about 9% of its stockpile of Kalibr sea-launched cruise missiles. As per The Tribune 3 Feb 2023, Russia has gained in Donetsk defeating Ukrainian troops around the settlement of Vasylivka in Ukraine's Donetsk region to the north of Bakhmut, which has been the focus of fighting for months.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
May expand its operations to Molotov
Moldova is probably already by the Russians. The military forces in Transnistria are likely more powerful than the entire Moldova military. The Russians went in 1990–1992 somewhere during the Transnistria civil war and never left. In case Ukraine is able to contain Russia, Moldova to may approach Ukraine and NATO for its independence from Russian influence.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
How did Ukraine retake Snake Island?
Ukraine has minor naval assets that enabled it to retake Snake Island. The Russians also withdrew, so the recapture did not require an amphibious assault. Russia’s problem was that it had no way to protect or resupply Snake Island. Its navy could not safely operate in the area because of Ukrainian anti-ship missiles fired from the mainland, which was demonstrated dramatically when the Moskva was sunk. The island itself is also within range of Ukrainian artillery on the mainland. The importance of Snake Island is easy to grasp based on geography.


Odesa is the key Ukrainian port. Russian anti-ship missiles based on Snake Island interdicts all Ukrainian export shipments out of Odesa, and much more effectively than any naval blockade. Having retaken the island, ships can now sail in and out of Odessa. Russian naval assets trying to operate in the area are now exposed to Ukrainian missiles that may be present on Snake Island. Islands are like unsinkable aircraft carriers or missile boats in naval warfare.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Russia moves Nuclear weapons close to Ukraine borders

Putin released a video with the alleged nuclear weapons being moved closer to Ukraine as detected by Ukraine. Putin’s prior threat of nuclear war exists though nominally. Putin has now moved a few nuclear weapons around to make NATO the US and Ukraine believe that a Nuclear threat from Russia exists. It may also be to increase his level of credibility. A video shared online of a train in Russia carrying equipment belonging to a Russian military unit that handles nuclear weapons. The video, which a U.S. official said could not be independently confirmed, shows an armored personnel carrier with a cannon attached, as well as another vehicle belonging to the unit, being transported on the train.
"Such videos are never released by chance. I'm 100% sure that there was a purpose behind posting or releasing such a video," Konrad Muzyka, an aerospace and defense consultant focused on Russia and Belarus, said. How the US, NATO, and Ukraine take it is yet to be ascertained. Doubts are raised as to if Putin has hypersonic missiles as he claims, why does he need to move the warheads closer to Ukraine?

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
The US supplied HIMARS to Ukraine is found to be an inappropriate system for counter-battery fire. And the Russians have moved from massed artillery to dispersed artillery in twos and threes. This was, due to a threat from drones and not from HIMARS. HIMARS is much more effective in taking out the deport where artillery shells and replacement barrels are held. This is because the actual explosive charge in a single HIMARS rocket is quite small. But these days Russian artillery fire is down about 75% from mid-summer. This is likely because of a combination of logistics problems, the destruction of depots, and running out of shells. Most of the shells being used are now coming from 40+-year-old stocks. The Russians are having serious problems with misfires and shortfalls in these old shells, likely because of cavitation. An analysis of shell craters indicates that about 70% of Russian artillery shells are duds, exploding on contact rather than in the air overhead. That is likely from bi-metallic corrosion and rust in the fuses due to their age.