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Promises Made To God


Aug 24, 2006

Hoping someone could help with my question....

Certain people have wishes that they pray to God for and then their prayers are answered. Then they do something in return. Is this bargaining with God? I am asking this because I am in this situation.

Is this wrong?



Nov 15, 2006
This is one confusing topic. As I pondered over this myself, I realised that I cannot actually Give anything to God because he creates everything i Have. Its all his. Also he has given so much already even without me asking that i can never repay him. So, I think that a true gift to God would be our care and respect for him and just trying to be a caring and loving person to him and others around us. That way we are allowing his love and gifts to be spread. By choosing to do sava or giving to the needy and just promising to stay a good person allows me to be like a helper in his world making him God feel proud. So whatever you feel from your heart is considered giving back to God, do that.


Oct 10, 2006
nahh, i belive that u pray for it n if u deserve it or if it is in gods will He will deliver. i myself pray to be a better person every day n that i dont find life hard. when i apply for i job, i pray i get it, in the past there have been times when i have or havent, when i want money, i pray for means to get it, sometmes i do, sometimes i dont....... but at least ive actually ASKED for help. asking for something is HUMBLING yourslef and realising that u cant do everthing (and in reality anyyything) yourself.

soooo many people- (successful business men, and generally high acheivers and rich ppl) get a hugeee ego boost by thinking theyve acheived something themselves, i know sooo many ppl who are reluctant to ask god for anything cos they inwardly want credit to make themselves feel good.
the way i see it, at least u aint one of those ppl and have faith that god can actually do anything for you if it within reasonable grounds. maye this is why we need to pray for things to happen for us. if we dont prayfor the start things always seem to inevitably turn sour....

the main point is, ASKING is a HUMBLING act....n that can only be a good thing! godbess.


Oct 10, 2006
oh and instead of doing something good in return, do it all the time, cuz the only reason ur alive and well, or not sleeping outside in a state of starvation in ethopia is cos gods giving u gifts every single second. ur blessed and u can neverrrr everrr fully repay god for all hes given u but u can do as much as u can within reason. thats the way i see it!


Nov 15, 2006
People always ask for material things but we should be asking to never forgot God's name instead...it is so much more valuable and is stated quite a bit in the Guru Granth Sahib


Dec 26, 2006
Wolverhampton - UK

Hoping someone could help with my question....

Certain people have wishes that they pray to God for and then their prayers are answered. Then they do something in return. Is this bargaining with God? I am asking this because I am in this situation.

Is this wrong?

This is all down to karma.

"The body is the field of karma in this age; whatever you plant, you shall harvest." - SGGS p78

I would not call this bargaining with God, i belive the reason you have been granted what you wished for is due to some previous positive actions or deeds. E.g. Sewa, giving to the less fortunate, working hard, earning an honest living...

The only way to 'repay' God is continuing with these positive deeds and actions. :)
Jan 17, 2007
KAUR1981 ji


Hoping someone could help with my question....

Certain people have wishes that they pray to God for and then their prayers are answered. Then they do something in return. Is this bargaining with God? I am asking this because I am in this situation.

Is this wrong?

As Sikhs we are taught by our Gurus to stay within the will of the Lord. (Bhaana). We are also taught to be content with what we get (Sabar- Santokh), because, we get what we deserve, by nature, our guardian, based on our past karams.

We tend to be very impatient in our lives. If we truly believe in God and that we are Gods children, then do you not think he knows what our needs are? Just as a mother knows about the need of her child. Nature provides what we need. God is a giver, a provider but nature shall demand the accounts. Sometimes it is better to sit tight and wait for the nature to take its course. What you are at present striving for, may be it is in the pipeline coming your way. And if it does not then it may be a blessing in disguise because God knows best. God works in mysterious ways.

There is no right or wrong in asking, but your request will be judged based on your spiritual bank balance. Yes, your wish can be provided in advance but at a cost. (Most of us do not even know how to ask. This too is an art.) For which we pay very dearly. Our lives rotate in the cycle of Birth and Death for the very reason that we have not paid our dues to nature and we keep asking for things in advance. Do we not at times think, do I really need this right now ? ...........Do without it if you can. Praying for materialistic items is a Sin, it is a persons weakness.

We suffer in the hands of nature because or expediture is greater than our income. If you have to pray then do so by all means, but not on the basis of one prayer - one item. But 10 days of intense "Unconditional Simran" in advance for one item. This is the ony way you will keep abreast of the will of Nature.

All this may sound amusing to some but the idea is to deliver a message. Actually, what is being said is the "Utimate Truth". The last laugh will be on those that laugh now.

Trust in God.:)



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