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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Dear forum members,

This thread is in the Hard Talk Section because sarbloh is hard and so is truth. And in the past several days the Internet audience of Sikhs worldwide has been treated to and mistreated by a mystery. It is a mystery that has all the elements of a Jacobean drama in which political interests are served by an ongoing series of allegations of religious misconduct, disloyalty to basic religious tenets, slander and blasphemy.

I will explain why this saga seems like Jacobean drama to me, a former Roman Catholic, later. For now I will limit myself to some basic observations, followed by some simple questions.

For the past several days, video clips of Professor Darshan Singh have been posted on sites around the Internet, from Canada to India, from Freemont CA to Punjab, from sites devoted to the study of Dasam Granth to the World Sikh News online. These are clips taken from a longer, complete digital file of an entire presentation by Professor Darshan Singh on the subject of the Dasam Granth. The original file has not been produced, cannot be produced, or rather, the individual in possession of the original file will not produce it.

What is so terrible about this. Well, "truth" has become yet again the most obvious victim in the "fog of war." For this is cyber-warfare and its outlines fall only slightly short of a cyber-jihad.

  • Where is the original video file?
  • What reservations or inhibitions stand in the way of producing the original video file?
In the available video clips, by not-so-skillful film editing, Professor Darshan Singh, former Jathedar of Akal Takht, is made to seem quite the heretic, and most certainly a traitor to beliefs and tenets of Sikhism.

Anyone who has been following the debate about the authenticity of the Dasam Granth is fully aware that efforts to assassinate the character of Professor Darshan Singh are not new. The debate has however taken a new turn and is no longer a debate. Supporters of Professor Darshan Singh have asked for a copy of the original video file and they have been refused. I am told informally that the original has been erased and cannot be recovered, and that a complete copy is in the possession of an individual who refuses to share what may be the only complete copy.

I end with these questions.

  • What is the motive of parties who stoop to character assassination of Professor Darshan Singh?
  • Do motives reach beyond religious devotion and piety to something larger? Perhaps political and financial gain, influence, control?
  • Does this debate, which appears to be only 3 years old, in actuality stretch back in time to some earlier controversies in the Panth? Perhaps as far back as 1902, or more recently to the era of Indira Ghandi?
  • Does Professor Darshan Singh know more than he has ever divulged? Perhaps he is doing his best to keep the discourse focused on religion knowing full well that something else is at stake, and it isn't pretty?
  • What are the stakes for winners and losers?

Hardip Singh

Jan 14, 2009
Re: Professor Darshan Singh: A Case of a Missing Video File & Modern Mystery for Sikh

The only reason is professor sahib has strongly condemned the role of RSS interferring in the Sikh affairs, which is not suiting to Badal/RSS/other DG supporters worldwide. Hence, this character assicnation atempts are there. This momvement will be getting hot more in Punjab as the SGPC elections are approching and these parties will like to damage professor's reputation beforhand.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Professor Darshan Singh: A Case of a Missing Video File & Modern Mystery for Sikh

In an age of political and religious turbulence this poem was written (possibly by Sir Walter Raleigh) as a satire of the the political lust and greed of the English court.

In the English of the day the term "give the lie" or "give them the lie" meant spare no effort to confront someone with their lies and lying ways.

<table id="table21" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 100%;"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="30">
</td> <td style="width: 100%;" valign="top"> <table align="right" border="0" width="200"> <tbody><tr> <td><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js?pub=yenimedya"></script> <!-- AddThis Button END --></td></tr> </tbody></table>

The Lie </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
</td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top" width="100"> <!---->
<table bgcolor="#f1f2f2" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="122px"> <tbody><tr> <td>
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</td> </tr> </tbody></table>​
<table bgcolor="#f12f00" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="122px"> <tbody><tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#f1f2f2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#f1f2f2" valign="top">
</td> <td bgcolor="#f1f2f2">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#f1f2f2">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#f1f2f2" valign="top">
</td> <td bgcolor="#f1f2f2">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#f1f2f2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#f1f2f2" valign="top">
</td> <td bgcolor="#f1f2f2">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#f1f2f2">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#f1f2f2" valign="top">
</td> <td bgcolor="#f1f2f2">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#f1f2f2"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table>​
</td> <!--</span>--> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table id="table23" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td valign="top" width="30"> </td> <td style="width: 100%;" valign="top"> Go, soul, the body's guest,
Upon a thankless errand;
Fear not to touch the best;
The truth shall be thy warrant:
Go, since I needs must die,
And give the world the lie.

Say to the court, it glows
And shines like rotten wood;
Say to the church, it shows
What's good, and doth no good:
If church and court reply,
Then give them both the lie.

Tell potentates, they live
Acting by others' action;
Not loved unless they give,
Not strong but by a faction.
If potentates reply,
Give potentates the lie.

Tell men of high condition,
That manage the estate,
Their purpose is ambition,
Their practice only hate:
And if they once reply,
Then give them all the lie.

Tell them that brave it most,
They beg for more by spending,
Who, in their greatest cost,
Seek nothing but commending.
And if they make reply,
Then give them all the lie.

Tell zeal it wants devotion;
Tell love it is but lust;
Tell time it is but motion;
Tell flesh it is but dust:
And wish them not reply,
For thou must give the lie.

Tell age it daily wasteth;
Tell honour how it alters;
how she blasteth;
Tell favour how it falters:
And as they shall reply,
Give every one the lie.

Tell wit how much it wrangles
In tickle points of niceness;
Tell wisdom she entangles
Herself in overwiseness:
And when they do reply,
Straight give them both the lie.

Tell physic of her boldness;
Tell skill it is pretension;
Tell charity of coldness;
Tell it is contention:
And as they do reply,
So give them still the lie.

Tell fortune of her blindness;
Tell nature of decay;
Tell friendship of unkindness;
Tell justice of delay:
And if they will reply,
Then give them all the lie.

Tell they have no soundness,
But vary by esteeming;
Tell they want profoundness,
And stand too much on seeming:
If arts and schools reply,
Give arts and schools the lie.

Tell faith it's fled the city;
Tell how the country erreth;
Tell manhood shakes off pity
And virtue least preferreth:
And if they do reply,
Spare not to give the lie.

So when thou hast, as I
Commanded thee, done blabbing--
Although to give the lie
Deserves no less than stabbing--
Stab at thee he that will,
No stab the soul can kill.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Professor Darshan Singh: A Case of a Missing Video File & Modern Mystery for Sikh

I Promised to explain about a Jacobean drama. Well, Sir Walter Raleigh was executed for his alleged involvement in a plot against King James (and his Jacobean Court), when his sole crime was to meet once with a Lord Colbham. One of the judges at his trial later said: "the justice of England has never been so degraded and injured as by the condemnation of the honorable Sir Walter Raleigh."

Here is how his death was dealt with.

"Raleigh was beheaded at Whitehall on 29 October 1618 . "Let us dispatch", he asked his executioner. "At this hour my ague comes upon me. I would not have my enemies think I quaked from fear." After he was allowed to see the axe that would behead him, he mused: "This is a sharp Medicine, but it is a Physician for all diseases and miseries". According to many biographers — Raleigh Trevelyan in his book Sir Walter Raleigh (2003) for instance — Sir Walter's final words (as he lay ready for the axe to fall) were: "Strike, man, strike!"

' The corpse was to be buried in the local church in Beddington, Surrey, the home of Lady Raleigh. "The Lords", she wrote, "have given me his dead body, though they have denied me his life. God hold me in my wits".After Raleigh's execution, his head was embalmed and presented to his wife. She died 29 years later and it was returned to Raleigh's tomb at St. Margaret's, Westminster Raleigh's body was finally laid to rest in St. Margaret's Church, where his tomb may still be visited today. "

Source is Wikipedia - Sorry, but as good as any on this point. (The relevance of this post and the poem to the continuing attacks on Professor Darshan Singh is this. England, from the time of Henry VIII to William of Orange, was embroiled in bloodletting over religion and religious dogma -- yet history shows that most of this had more to do with politics, political authority and money than religious beliefs and values. Religion was used to justify almost any atrocity, and in particular religion was used to bolster claims on the throne, and the money that could be gained by confiscating the land and wealth of the "heretics.")

So now back to Professor Darshan Singh and "his side kicks."

<sup id="cite_ref-11" class="reference"></sup>
Last edited by a moderator:
May 23, 2009
Controversial Discourse by Prof Darshan Singh Ji

Controversial Discourse
Sikh clergy to listen to CD today
Varinder Singh
Tribune News Service

Amritsar, November 16
Five Sikh high priests, led by Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh, will listen to a CD containing the alleged blasphemous remarks uttered by the former Akal Takht Jathedar, Prof Darshan Singh, during one of his recent discourses in New York, at a meeting at Akal Takht tomorrow.
The CD was given to the Akal Takht Jathedar by “sangats” of New York in support of their complaints against Darshan Singh during the former’s visit there.
Sources said after listening to the CD, the Sikh high priests would decide whether to summon Darshan Singh at Akal Takht to clarify his position or not.
Damdami Taksal has also lodged a complaint with the high priests against Darshan Singh.
“We will decide upon any action after listening to the recording of a programme of Darshan Singh at our meeting tomorrow. We have received a number of complaints in this regard from New York and other places,” said Giani Gurbachan Singh.
However, Darshan Singh said he was ready to appear before Akal Takht whenever asked to do so and “not before any person in particular”. “It seems that some sort of action is being contemplated against me under pressure from certain quarters. I am ready to present myself before Akal Takht. I will invite the entire panth to come there and answer all questions asked to me in their presence,” said Darshan Singh.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Controversial Discourse

satnam ji

I just read of this on another Sikh forum. However the posters were not specific and seemed to think a video was being sent to Akal Takht. Do you know if any measures will be taken to verify that the CD was not doctored or tampered with? The video that is going the rounds on the Internet shows signs of heavy editing.

P/S I am wondering what "sangats" means here. There was recently a meeting of the Council of European Sikhs -- as reported at panthic.org. The purpose to look into the "slander" of another person. I will post his name. When I checked, they were mostly from sangats in England, and not representative of England nor of Europe for that matter. So it was some English sangats. Not a European sangat. ;)

Here it is. They were looking into Harjinder Singh Dilgeer.


Jun 1, 2004
Re: Controversial Discourse

Here is the full length video of Prof Darshan Singh ji

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width: 400px; height: 300px;" data="http://www.patshahi10.org/plugins/content/jw_allvideos/players/mediaplayer_4.0.46.swf">
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<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always">
<param name="flashvars" value="file=http://www.santsipahi.net/video/darshan rochester/darshanblasphmy.flv&amp;autostart=true&amp;fullscreen=true">


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Controversial Discourse

Aman ji

Good to hear that there is a full-length video. Supposedly the complete video was not available -- a week or so ago. Can you tell if it was edited or the 24 karat version?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Controversial Discourse

If it is on patahai10.org it is probably edited. Sorry if I am being too cynical and I hope that I am wrong about that.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Re: Controversial Discourse

Controversial Discourse
Sikh clergy to listen to CD today
Varinder Singh
Tribune News Service

Amritsar, November 16
Five Sikh high priests, led by Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh, will listen to a CD containing the alleged blasphemous remarks uttered by the former Akal Takht Jathedar, Prof Darshan Singh, during one of his recent discourses in New York, at a meeting at Akal Takht tomorrow.
The CD was given to the Akal Takht Jathedar by “sangats” of New York in support of their complaints against Darshan Singh during the former’s visit there.
Sources said after listening to the CD, the Sikh high priests would decide whether to summon Darshan Singh at Akal Takht to clarify his position or not.
Damdami Taksal has also lodged a complaint with the high priests against Darshan Singh.
“We will decide upon any action after listening to the recording of a programme of Darshan Singh at our meeting tomorrow. We have received a number of complaints in this regard from New York and other places,” said Giani Gurbachan Singh.
However, Darshan Singh said he was ready to appear before Akal Takht whenever asked to do so and “not before any person in particular”. “It seems that some sort of action is being contemplated against me under pressure from certain quarters. I am ready to present myself before Akal Takht. I will invite the entire panth to come there and answer all questions asked to me in their presence,” said Darshan Singh.

You know with all these witch hunts going on, Sikhism is going to be fragmented into so many pieces that there will be no Sikhi left.

The true Sikhs will become a minority sect and the rest a sect of Vaishno's. :confused:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Controversial Discourse

If anyone does not believe Gyani is telling it like it is, then go to the site and take a look for your self.

And Randip ji -- I have exactly the same fears, though i wouldn't personally use the word "true" I know what you are getting at. Unfortunately Akal Takht is too bound up in political interests within Punjab and the ruling caste (sic) to make completely independent judgments.

I have several thoughts that it may not turn out bad in the end.

1. Professor Darshan Singh ji was once Jathedar himself. It would be almost ludicrous to turn him out of the panth without making Sikhism looking like a religion whose beliefs twist and turn and blow with every breeze.

2. There are too many sangats in the US, possibly Canada though I am unsure of this point) that are not going to buy an excommunication or even a stern punishment, because they can read with their own eyes and are too impregnated by the western ideal that discussion and debate are good, not bad.

3. In the US diaspora, Sikhs see themselves as beyond the ways of dogmatism and internal bickering experienced by fanatics in the other religions around them. Those are the same fanatical groups that target, persecute and even murder Sikhs because of their turbans. Even new immigrants in a short time come to realize that open-minds are healthier than closed-minds. And there is too much financial support SGPC would stand to loose. But more important than financial is the very real loss of support of their leadership.

4. A gurmatta has not been called but is the prescribed way of dealing with divisive arguments and only as they pertain to divisions over Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Is this debate over Bachitar Natak on that level? Can the Akal Takht bring itself to bypass the democratic processes of Sikhism itself? Akal Takht would have to answer these questions out in the open to convince many sectors of the panth that they have any legitimate right to take action against Professor Darshan Singh. Surely they know this. They are cunning enough to know it.

5. Professor Darshan Singh - if called - would answer and travel to Akal Takht without any fear or reservation. I think he will be a convincing witness to watch. Whatever would come of the discussion would have so much grace that both sides would save face. I am sure of it.

6. There is a certain amount of media hype surrounding the actions of the Akal Takht these days coming from newspapers with Hindutva leanings. It is in the interest of Hindutva minds to turn this matter into hysterics.

These are only some of my thoughts. If the outcome were to appear negative for Professor Darshan Singh - and I don't think it would be without something creative coming from it. Remember that Akaal is Creative and Supportive and Destructive. Only the right thing will be the result. We cannot know what it will be yet.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Controversial Discourse

I want to point out another twist in this story. Satnam ji in the starting post reported this observation.

Five Sikh high priests, led by Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh, will listen to a CD containing the alleged blasphemous remarks uttered by the former Akal Takht Jathedar, Prof Darshan Singh, during one of his recent discourses in New York, at a meeting at Akal Takht tomorrow. The CD was given to the Akal Takht Jathedar by “sangats” of New York in support of their complaints against Darshan Singh during the former’s visit there. Sources said after listening to the CD, the Sikh high priests would decide whether to summon Darshan Singh at Akal Takht to clarify his position or not.

Damdami Taksal has also lodged a complaint with the high priests against Darshan Singh.

Now here is something to think about. In the opening days and hours of this breaking news story what you read above is exactly what was being posted on various web sites. I read several reports similar to this. Sangats in New York were disturbed. What sangats? A day later, an important discrepancy emerges.

It is not "sangats of New York." That makes it seem as if many sangats in the US are disturbed. It was one sangat -- in Rochester, NY state - only one sangat.

As this story emerges let us see if we don't find that more misleading details are fed to the public in order to distort what is actually happening. For example, the main controversy has now become buried in a verbal game of ping-pong over a translation, who said what, and who wrote what, in the Charitropaykayan.
Jul 18, 2007
Re: Controversial Discourse by Prof Darshan Singh

I think the Akhal Takht jathedars need to resolve this one way or the other. But it seems they are in quite a predicament that they just want to stay quiet and hope for it to go away.

Either they agree with Prof Darshan and then need to ensure the Sikh community dont get divided because of the decision.

Or punish Prof Darshan which like a penji in the previous posts said, makes us look like fools who keep changing our views whichever way the wind blows.

Also, having Jathedar Iqbal Singh who is completely against Prof Darshan to begin with wont really help there being a civilised affair.

I mean the Jathedars seemed to be stumped at the Raam Rahim Dera case and looked particulary silly because they kept convening meetings that did not do anything but frustrate the Sikh nation. All because they had interests on both sides.

It seems like blindfolded Sikh's have finally discovered the meaning of the word "Blasphemous" and seem to be using it whenever they hear something they dont want to!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Controversial Discourse by Prof Darshan Singh

SaintSolider1699 ji

Thanks for a clear explanation. You summed a lot up and added some things I was not aware of. I did not realize that Iqbal Singh was another problem in the mix. Great post.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Controversial Discourse by Prof Darshan Singh

the trouble is Akal Takhat meet behind CLOSED DOORS..where the "decision" is delivered by the Badal Press secretary via unopeend ENVELOPE... and read out by the Jathedars.

Dont beleive me...?? The so called Hukmanma aginst the Rozana Spokesman calling it nati-panthic/no sikh should read it/buy it/or be employed in it..etc etc..was in Fact written by Harbir Bhanver Press secretary of Akali Dal badal, and printed out on Akal Takhat Letter Head. THIS is WHY the Jathedars can NOW DENY they ever issued such a Hukmnama.( Although they conveniently omit that their Total SILENCE all this while - 5 years about their alleged Hukmanma is tantamount to ??? what ??. All along in the past 5 Years the Spokesman PRINTED PHOTOGRAPHS of Jathedars and Badal Officials READING the Spokesman...and the jathedars kept QUIET...on being asked in PUBLIC..why read a Banned paper ??

2. Todays Spokesman Editorila contains the Full Text of the Letter sent by AT to Darshan Singh summoning him to AT for an Explanation...the HARSH and RUDE language is self explanatory...the JUdge and Jury has already assumed the role of EXECUTIONER...When the "chicken" arrives..CHOP CHOP the guillotine falls. period.

3. The Call is for a PUBLIC HEARING on the steps of the AT where the PUBLIC can hear BOTH SIDES. A fair hearing can only take place if such happens...although even such public events can be hijacked by goonda ansar...mafia types. At one such hearing where it was BADAL who was "summoned"..it was the AT Jathedar who HID INSIDE a LOCKED ROOM with Hundreds of badal supporters baying for his blood outside. The WRITING is on the WALL...but many keep their eyes SHUT.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
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